Whenever we go through highs and lows, all of us find ourselves questioning, “Why me?” akin to a child looking up to their father. Several individuals perceive the challenges before us as overwhelming, unable to see any light at the end of the tunnel.
The saying, “God gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers,” may be heard throughout any crisis. Perhaps this quote, set on a solid-color or visually beautiful social media background, is intended to inspire us to carry on under the challenges of this difficult moment. Although the term may seem uplifting or even harmless, the notions it contains are anything but scriptural.
Does God Give His Toughest Battles To His Strongest Soldiers?
Why does God send His weakest soldiers into the toughest battles? Everybody experiences their most challenging battles. Nobody survives it without suffering from several wounds and other war-related injuries. Suffering is part of being human, which means that we all go through difficulty and uncertainty because of the nature of sin and its impact on the world.
Defining Battle
We can define a battle as the relentless effort to overcome or achieve something in order to obtain that which one desires since this definition best fits the situation. Ephesians 6:2 gives us the heads-up that, although we may say we might beat them with our human and sensual power, we do not fight wars against mere mortals.
Strongest Fighters
God makes us weak to show His strength, and He gives us struggles to show that we are only strong when we acknowledge our weakness and rely on Him for support. Our struggles demonstrate God’s strength. We are knocked down by struggles; perhaps God permits the storms to come into our lives so we will fall to our knees and worship Him.
We Are Not Stronger Than Our God
We dispense with our spiritual armor when we think we can win the battle with our willpower. We lose our own understanding of the fact that the Holy Spirit resides inside us, which is the only reason we can even engage in any struggle. Thinking we can handle a battle leaves out the need for God. We must depend on God to change us and draw us nearer to Him.
The Hardest Battles Produce The Toughest Soldiers
Even in the worst battles, God is working on good things for every believer. God recognizes His promises and the words He has spoken. Romans 8:28 states, “And we know that for those who love God and are called according to His plan for them, God causes all things to work together for good.”
The Privilege Of Being God’s Chosen Soldiers
We know from experience that suffering binds our souls without allowing us to see divinity. Still, each adversity makes you more human and makes you recognize your own strength by teaching you to respect what you have and to be more appreciative and grateful.
God Is Always With Us During Our Battles
The Bible promises that God will fight alongside us in every conflict and deliver us from all of our sufferings so that we can recover and win. God will comfort us, lead us, and shield us from any harm. He will also fortify our souls so we can comprehend the things He has set for us. Keep in mind that His love is eternal and that He will never abandon us.
We Are Stronger Than We Thought
God never abandons us to our own means and never subjects us to insurmountable challenges. Since He created us, our God is aware of who we are, so we should not worry because everything that happens to us has a purpose, no matter how unpleasant it may be.
Always Trust God
Even though we are unable to comprehend it, God has a concrete plan for our existence. When the problem is resolved, we will be heart-clear and aware of the unique and significant causes of our experiences. All of this will improve our ability to communicate with God.
How To Prepare For A Battle?
We do not need to worry because God has already warned us that we will face difficulties, and He has already won the war for the world. Furthermore, He would not give us a challenge we were not capable of overcoming.
God’s Armor
A warrior goes through a series of practices before engaging in combat, including donning armor to defend themselves from outside threats. Ordinary armor is insufficient for us as Christians and soldiers of Christ[1]. The armor of God is what we need.
Being rooted is essential for success when God sends His strongest soldiers into their most difficult wars. When we say “rooted,” we mean firmly established in His teachings and equipped with the entire armor of God to withstand the devil.
Should We Be The Strongest Soldiers?
Every believer faces unique challenges and battles. The difficulty of the battle does not imply an individual’s strength. Without the power of God, we could not endure trying times, struggles, or problems. Without Christ, we are nothing.
A Prayer For Strength
I come to you today with open hands and an open heart, ready to rely on your support as I face the challenges that the day will present. Please help me follow Nehemiah’s example and turn to you for direction, courage, sustenance, and safety.
Please remind me of my belovedness and the fact that I am your child and your representative of the world around me while I confront difficult decisions and challenging circumstances. Please assist me in living today in a way that honors your holy name, in Jesus’ name, your only son.
10 Encouraging Quotes About God Giving His Toughest Battles
You have not succumbed to any temptation that is not common to men. God is dependable and will not allow you to be tested beyond your capacity. However, in addition to the temptation, He will also offer a way out so that you can resist it.
— 1 Corinthians 10:13
God loved the world so much, He sent His one and only Son, granting eternal life to everyone who trusts Him. God sent His Son into the world not to condemn it but in order for it to be saved by Him.
— John 3:16-17
They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; country shall not raise up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any longer. He will judge between the nations and settle conflicts for many peoples.
— Isaiah 2:4
The city was encircled by an army of horse riders and chariots when the servant of the man of God rose early the following morning and left. “Oh, no, Lord! What are we going to do?” the steward asked. The prophet replied, “Don’t be terrified. Those with us are more than those with them.”
— 2 Kings 6:15–16
They departed for the Desert of Tekoa early in the morning. Jehoshaphat rose as they left and said, “Listen to me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem! You will be supported if you have confidence in the Lord, your God, and you will succeed if you have faith in His prophets.”
— 2 Chronicles 20:20
Therefore, in light of the numerous witnesses that surround us, let us cast off all impediments and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us finish the race that has been set out for us with perseverance.
— Hebrews 12:1–2
Do not be terrified of your enemy when you go into battle against them and see horses, chariots, and crowds that outnumber you because the Lord, your God, who brought you out of Egypt, is with you.
— Deuteronomy 20:1
Finally, brothers and sisters, reflect on what is true, what is honorable, what is just, what is pure, what is beautiful, what is of good repute, if there is any excellence, and if there is anything deserving of praise.
— Philippians 4:8
No one should ever claim that God is tempting them because He cannot be enticed by evil and never tempts anyone. But when a person is captivated and seduced by their own lust, they are all lured. Then, after desire has given birth to sin, sin is complete, and death is the offspring of sin.
— James 1:13–15
Therefore, be aware that the Lord, your God, is passing before you as a consuming fire today. In order for you to rapidly drive them out and destroy them, as the Lord has instructed you, He will destroy and subdue them before you.
— Deuteronomy 9:3
Even though the tough battles we confront may differ in appearance, they are all opportunities for change. According to the Bible, what appears to be dreadful and devastating can be used by God to accomplish good. This can be found in a daily Bible verse.
Although it might not occur as quickly as we would like, blessings will still come to strong soldiers. We can rest assured that God works within us not to cause us damage but to strengthen us and develop our deeper faith and character. That is how God operates—the good will prevail.