How To Diligently Practice Praying The Promises Of God To Us

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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The Bible contains cherished assurances of provision and fulfillment from our Creator. It stands as the sole dependable resource for truth, with every promise made by God being faithfully upheld. As you go through these scriptural passages about His promises, affirm these promises in your prayer life.

The blessings and gifts that God promises to give to those who believe in Him include deliverance from sin and evil, financial provision, hope for lost and hurt family and friends, recovery from depression, restoring a marriage, good health, healing, being free from fear and anxiety, strength, and many more. How do we practice praying the promises of God?

Key Takeaways

  • God’s promises are unfailing and absolute, distinct from human promises which can often be broken. The Bible serves as the sole reliable source for these promises, covering spiritual blessings, physical provisions, and emotional healing.
  • Engaging in prayer based on God’s promises is an act of faith that allows believers to claim His assurances. Supported by scripture, such prayer ensures God’s attentive response, bolstering believers’ confidence and spiritual strength.
  • A four-step method is outlined for integrating God’s promises into prayer life: finding and praising God for His promises, meditating on them, personalizing them, and verbalizing them in faith daily. Patience and trust in God’s timing are essential for the fulfillment of these promises.

What Is A Promise?

Sometimes as humans, we use the word “promise” extremely loosely. We might have even made commitments to loved ones that we later broke, disappointing them. We have also been let down by people who may have made promises to us, only to discover later that they were broken[1]. God never breaks His promises when it comes to His people.

According to the dictionary, a promise is “a proclamation or guarantee that one will do something or that a specific thing will happen.” Just as God spoke the universe into existence with His voice’s might and might, so will His promises come to pass.

a person dancing on a sandy beach at sunset, barefoot and carefree, arms raised to the sky, with the waves crashing softly on the shore and sea

What Does It Mean To Pray The Promises Of God?

In Matthew 6:25–34, Jesus makes it abundantly plain that we should not worry about anything in life, including our bodies, food, drink, clothes, shelter, or anything else. His promises are designed to help us live our best lives.

We will enjoy this rest fully in paradise—a perpetual Sabbath free from tension, worry, and terror. We won’t be under any stress or pressure to perform, finish, compete, or fulfill any deadlines. Everything will be carried out with an eternal future in mind.

Why Should We Pray The Promises Of God?

Praying the promises of God is not just another item on our list of things to do during quiet time. Not at all! Because God’s Word describes the results of praying for His promises, we want to do so. According to 1 John 5:14–15, when we pray God’s promises, He hears us; if we know He hears us, we also know that we have fulfilled our desire.

Because every word of Scripture is inspired by God, praying the promises of God will give us great confidence in our ability to pray (2 Timothy 3:16). We can be confident that we are speaking words that He breathed out for our equipping when we learn how to pray the promises of God back to Him. That is strong!

How Can We Apply God’s Promises To Our Lives?

You understand how much more trustworthy Jesus Christ is as you grow in your faith and discover more about Him through praying God’s promises. You give more and more of yourself to our Heavenly Father when you witness prayers being answered and experience His hand at work. As the relationship progresses, qualities like security and confidence grow, and you experience more peace.

1. Keep a tender heart. The author of Hebrews Chapter 3 reminds us of the children of Israel after He delivered them from Egypt. He describes how their hearts were hard and rebellious, how they tried God, how they constantly drifted away from Him, and how they were unaware of His ways (Hebrews 3:7–11).

God’s vast promise to the Israelites—His special, preeminent people—was the Promised Land. But because of their hardened hearts, they lost His promise. God’s promises must come to pass in our lives. Therefore we must guard against rebellious attitudes and keep a submissive heart toward Him.

2. Refute skepticism. We cannot expect to experience the fulfillment of God’s promises if we are acting in unbelief. “Believers have access to God’s promises, not skeptics! Whom else did He swear that those who disobeyed would not enter His rest” (Hebrews 3:18–19).

Because of their lack of deeper understanding and faith, we can see that they could not enter. Believing in and following God are the keys to realizing His promises. Keep in mind that despite how many promises God has made, He only gives rewards to those faithful people.

3. Faith and the Bible go together. Faith is the ability to believe that you already have what you’re hoping for; it is the ability to pull God’s promises from the spirit realm into the physical realm. Hebrews 4:2 explains the people of Israel: “For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.” God makes His promises available to everyone.

a person is kneeling in a sunlit garden, their hands clasped in prayer, with their face upturned towards the heavens

How To Pray The Promises Of God?

We must look higher than our current circumstances to the One from whom we receive support. We must explore the Bible for promises that apply to our events, locate them in prayer, and trust God to make good on those promises in our lives. We must have the ability to pray for God’s promises. The Bible is replete with instances where God made promises to His people and kept them.

Even though Abraham and Sarah were past childbearing age, God promised to provide them with a son through their union. Abraham decided to trust God despite the apparent impossibility; as a result, his son Isaac was born when he was 100 years old.

Solomon prayed for wisdom when he was crowned king. When they called to God to grant them peace, He did, according to the Bible, giving Solomon a “breadth of insight as measureless as the sand on the seashore.”

God kept every promise he made to the Israelites through Moses. God promised David that He would safeguard his family. His home was spared from destruction as a result of the commitment.

The Lord informed the virgin Mary through the angel Gabriel that she would conceive and give birth to a son. Even though it went against the laws of nature, she trusted what the Lord had said, and it came to pass as predicted.

Jesus is the same today as he was yesterday, according to the Bible. If he previously made commitments and kept them, he will continue to do so now. He remains the same.

4 Steps To Praying The Promises Of God

God has made the promise, and we must trust Him. God’s promise can take some time to materialize; therefore, we must be patient when things don’t move along as quickly as we would want. The key, though, is patience. Regardless of the circumstance or difficulty, we must actively cling to God’s promises and declare them in trust. We cannot simply wait.

1. Find God’s promises in the Bible and praise Him for each one. “I get up at midnight to thank you for your just laws” (Psalm 119:62). You can trust God for His unwavering love, provision, protection, healing, and the peace He can give to us.

2. Think about God’s promises. So that you can be cautious about following all it says, keep this Book of the Law constantly in your thoughts and reflect on it day and night. You’ll then be successful and prosperous (Joshua 1:8). To meditate is to give some serious idea to anything for a while. Think about what a tremendous God you serve while you concentrate on the promise in which you put your faith.

3. Make God’s promises your own. The Lord, our God, is the owner of the secrets, but the things that have been disclosed are ours and our children’s eternal, so that we may uphold the entirety of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29).

Making God’s promises your own is as simple as doing that. Use the Bible to guide your prayer; for instance, if you believe God for healing: He was crushed for our transgressions; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds, we are healed.

4. Speak out in trust in God’s promises every day. Because we share the same Holy Spirit of faith, we believe and consequently speak as it is written: “I believed; therefore, I have spoken” (2 Corinthians 4:13). Our words function like seeds. What we eventually perceive as harvest is influenced by the words we use.

Also, practice patience. After doing His will, you must endure getting what God has promised you. He who is coming will arrive without delay in a short while. However, my virtuous person will survive by faith. And I don’t enjoy the person who retreats (Hebrews 10:36-39).

Why is patience necessary? Because fulfilling these promises can take some time. Some of them may only have a complete resolution in eternity. Whatever your current circumstance, remember that God is dependable and has vowed not to abandon you.

a person stands on a mountaintop at sunrise, arms outstretched towards the sky, bathed in golden light

Closing Thoughts 

God has promised that He will protect His children from temptation using His divine nature. Instead, He assures us that an exit will be made available. 1 Corinthians 10:13 has a record of this promise. Jude said: “Now to Him, who can preserve you from falling and to present you faultless before His glory with wonderful gladness” (Jude 1:24).

God’s truth has promised that those who trust in the Lord Jesus and receive remission of sins through baptism will be saved. God has promised eternal life to His people (John 10:27–28), His grace is sufficient for us, and He will meet all of our needs if we recognize God’s glory.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Prayer For Standing On The Promises Of God?

The prayer for standing on the promises of God typically involves expressing trust and faith in God’s Word, thanking Him for His unchanging promises, and declaring one’s intention to rely on these promises in all circumstances. It could be:

Heavenly Father,

I come before You with a heart full of trust in Your promises. Thank You for Your Word that is filled with assurances of Your faithfulness and love. I stand firm on the promises You have given us in scripture, believing that You are my strength, provider, and healer. Help me to cling to Your promises in times of doubt and to remember Your faithfulness in times of trial. I declare that Your promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus, and I trust that You will fulfill every word You have spoken over my life.

In Jesus’ name,


How Do You Declare God’s Promises Over Your Life?

You declare God’s promises over your life by identifying specific promises in the Bible that resonate with your situation, speaking them out loud in prayer, and affirming your belief in God’s faithfulness to fulfill these promises.

What Promise Does God Give Us When We Pray?

The promise God gives us when we pray is that He hears us. When we pray according to His will, which includes praying His promises, we have the assurance from 1 John 5:14–15 that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us, and if we know that He hears us, we know that we have what we asked of Him.

How Do You Fulfill Your Promises To God?

You fulfill your promises to God by striving to live a life that aligns with His commands and your commitments to Him. This involves remaining faithful, continually seeking His strength and guidance to follow through on your promises, and repenting and seeking forgiveness when you fall short.

1 thought on “How To Diligently Practice Praying The Promises Of God To Us”

  1. This is great and all true. God’s promises endure forever.Isaiah 41: 10 removes the heart of fear but unchors His promises with all time support . I am going out into East Zambia for for three 14 days crusades but from next week I have a door to door visitation program including Prison Ministry . I need your prayers.


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