Since the beginning of time, humans have been under attack from their foe. After being expelled from the heavenly domain, Satan began his assault on mankind. He tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, leading to their act of rebellion.
The sins of our first parents brought about the Fall of Mankind, which produced pain, disease, brokenness, and death. The truth today is that the Devil lurks in our homes, workplaces, and on street corners to lure us into his kingdom of darkness. In the spiritual battles of the unseen world, Christians are encouraged to put on the full armor of God, not only to protect themselves but also their loved ones.
Satan’s main weapon and strategy is deception. Left to ourselves, we are helpless to oppose the cunning attacks of Satan and his vile cohorts. But with God on our side, all the Lord’s people can defeat the enemy by imploring the armor of God prayer.
- 1 What Is The Armor Of God?
- 2 What Are The Armor Of God Prayers?
- 2.1 Prayer For The Belt Of Truth
- 2.2 Prayer For The Breastplate Of Righteousness
- 2.3 Prayer For Feet Fitted With The Readiness That Comes From The Gospel Of Peace
- 2.4 Prayer For The Shield Of Faith
- 2.5 Prayer For The Helmet Of Salvation
- 2.6 Prayer For The Sword Of The Spirit, The Word Of God
- 2.7 Prayer For A Habit Of Prayer
- 3 Bible Verses On How To Put The Armor Of God
- 4 Summary
What Is The Armor Of God?
The Enemy Is Real
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness.
— 2 Corinthians 11:14–15
In the Bible, Satan is called the Father of All Lies[1]. He is the master deceiver “who roams around looking for someone to devour.” The devil is so cunning that he can often lead us to believe that we are not in sin when we disobey and dishonor God.
Stephen King noted, “The devil’s voice is sweet to hear.” Satan whispers that it’s okay to “cheat on your taxes,” “indulge in adultery,” “get drunk and high,” or “terminate an unborn child.” Many say, “Everybody does it!”
Real Christians wrestle when confronted by the enemy. But God has provided us with the ways and tools to counter and shield us from ungodly attacks in our spiritual battles. Jesus prayed to the Father, “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it” (John 17:15–16).
God loves us and promises eternal life to those who follow him. In the meantime, the reality of our spiritual battle is now more profound as the days get darker. To counter the wiles of Satan and his cohorts, we can put on the full armor of God and its mighty power to protect ourselves from the intrusion of evil into our lives.
The prayer for the armor of God finds its roots in the Bible, specifically in Ephesians 6:10–18. It is a metaphorical representation of the armor that God provides to His followers. Just as a soldier equips themselves with physical armor for battle, the armor of God represents the spiritual armor believers must put on to withstand spiritual attacks and temptations and to stand firm against the evil one, the devil’s schemes.
Spiritual Warfare And Casting Out Evil Spirits
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
— Ephesians 6:12
Paul wrote that we are powerless and cannot rely on our own strength over evil. But when trials and temptations confront us, we should not run away from the devil. Instead, we have to shun fear, call upon our living God, wear the spiritual armor of God, and gather the courage to drive out evil spirits. The casting out of demons is a biblical way of warding off unholy spirits in our spiritual battles.
It is only in the name of Jesus Christ that we can drive the devil away. In Capernaum, Jesus commanded an impure spirit from a demon-possessed man: “Come out of him!” (Mark 1:25 [b]). We claim authority over Satan and all unholy spirits. Spiritual warfare means active confrontation and engagement with the enemy.
Components Of The Armor Of God
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
— Ephesians 6:11–12
Going to battle with the unseen enemy requires preparation, training, and equipment. A soldier spends years learning the art of warfare to prepare for war—how to use a rifle and engage in hand-to-hand combat.
A combatant is also equipped with the tools of war—a rifle, ammunition, clothing, gear, and a helmet. Patience, discipline, training, and logistics are the cornerstones that make a good soldier stand strong. The same principles of good soldiering are comparable to engaging in spiritual battles by wearing the spiritual armor of God. A warrior needs his physical armor just as much as he needs the armor of God.
The Armor of God prayer is a powerful tool that equips believers with the spiritual armor necessary to face these battles.
The Belt Of Truth (v. 14 [a])
A Roman soldier’s belt bears his personal mark and identity. As the source of truth, God’s Word is the armor of the warrior. In any encounter with the Devil, we assert and affirm the truth that God is supreme and that the Devil is a liar.
The Breastplate Of Righteousness (v.14 [b])
For a Roman soldier, the breastplate was a primary defense against harm. It protected all of his vital organs, including the heart, liver, and other important body parts. The breastplate of righteousness is a vital component of the armor of God, symbolizing the protection of our hearts and innermost beings.
Feet Fitted With Readiness That Comes From the Gospel of Peace (v.15)
The main message of the gospel is peace. Despite all adversities, the peace of God always prevails. Peace produces calm and mental tranquility, which keeps us from getting beaten up by the attacks of the devil.
The Shield Of Faith (v.16 [b])
A higher level of faith makes us more impregnable to the attacks of the enemy. Having doubts about God and His preeminent authority over evil makes us more vulnerable to Satan. We gather and grow our faith through prayer, Bible reading, and worship.
The Helmet Of Salvation (v.17 [a])
Jesus died on the cross for our sins. The assurance of salvation is our invincible defense against all the assaults the enemy throws at us. Declaring that victory has already been won makes evil spirits surrender and flee.
We put on the helmet of salvation, which covers our minds and thoughts, reminding us we are children of the day, forgiven, set free, and saved by the grace of Christ Jesus.
The Sword Of The Spirit (v.17 [b])
The sword of the Spirit, as part of the armor of God, is used for both offense and defense. The light of God always overcomes the darkness of evil. God’s Word expels the enemy or protects us from evil attacks. The Bible is an offensive weapon that identifies the wiles and schemes of the devil.
Prayer (v.18)
Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit for empowerment in our petitions and prayers. Pray for specific circumstances or other people used by the Devil to attack us. Pray for the full armor of God. It makes the enemy succumb to and depart from us.
What Are The Armor Of God Prayers?
As Christians, we can call upon God to help us repel the attacks of the enemy. As outlined in Ephesians 6:10–18, include these full armor of God prayers to put on the full armor of God:
Prayer For The Belt Of Truth
Lord Jesus Christ,
Let me dwell on the exactness of your Word as we put on the belt of truth, buckled in our waist, to protect us against the deception and lies of Satan and his cohorts.
Prayer For The Breastplate Of Righteousness
In Jesus’ mighty name,
We put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect our hearts and minds from pride and the trials we face. Teach me to become a holy and righteous person. May your firm and powerful truth rule in my heard, my mind, and through my words today.
Prayer For Feet Fitted With The Readiness That Comes From The Gospel Of Peace
We put on the gospel of peace on our feet, so we’re ready to take your message of love wherever you send it and stand on the firm foundation of our faith. We declare that war is not the ultimate solution or way for mankind.
Prayer For The Shield Of Faith
We take up the shield of faith, which will repel all the flaming arrows and threats thrown at us by the enemy. Teach us to stand firm and increase our faith through prayer and meditation on Your Word.
Prayer For The Helmet Of Salvation
We put on the helmet of salvation, which protects our minds from the insecurities of life and the depressive influence of Satan. Remind us that through your grace, we are saved and that we should not harbor any fear in this life.
Prayer For The Sword Of The Spirit, The Word Of God
We take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, which is the source of truth, a double-edged sword that you have granted us. Teach us to meditate on Your word so that we can gain a heart of wisdom and the power to tear down all the works and strongholds of the enemy.
Prayer For A Habit Of Prayer
Lord Jesus,
Teach me to pray on all occasions. Grant me the spirit and the habit to pray in whatever circumstance, whether in gloom or in good situations. Give me the habit of prayer, and please equip me with God’s armor always.
Bible Verses On How To Put The Armor Of God
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
— Ephesians 6:14–15
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
— Romans 8:26
Take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
— Ephesians 6:16
So, I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
— Galatians 5:16
Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
— Matthew 26:41
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
— James 4:7
The mind is a constant battleground between God and Satan. Trials and temptations will remain in our midst as long as we live in our mortal bodies. Satan, the Prince of this World, will continue to lure, trap, and lead us into his kingdom of darkness.
Freedom from spiritual conflicts is not a power encounter but a truth encounter. Satan is a deceiver, and he will work undercover at all costs. However, God’s living Word and the Holy Spirit give us wisdom on how to deal with difficult situations. The truth rules in the Scriptures.
In all these things, thank God, we stand firm and have the armor of God. As believers, heaven is our final destiny, where sin and obscurity no longer exist. God’s armor is just what we need to stand firm in a battle in the spiritual realms. May God bless us with a firm armor to win our spiritual battle against the devil.
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