How To Believe In God

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



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Often, we grapple with the idea of God as the creator of life, the universe, and everything within the earthly and heavenly domains. As our link to the comprehension and worship of our true divinity diminishes, doubts grow and spread across the contemporary world. The introduction of concepts like the Theory of Evolution by Darwin, Quantum Mechanics, and the Big Bang Theory challenges the presence of God and the truthfulness of His doctrines.

According to sociologists Ariela Keysar and Juhem Navarro-Rivera’s review of numerous global studies on atheism[1], there are 450 to 500 million positive atheists and agnostics worldwide (7% of the world’s population), with China alone accounting for 200 million of that demographic number.

To know how to believe in God means completely trusting that God exists without concrete evidence and that his Son is our Lord and Savior. It ushers in a holy relationship with God and clarifies our rightful identity in Christ.

What Hinders Your Belief In God

While belief in God can be a source of immense comfort and spiritual fulfillment, it is not uncommon for individuals to encounter obstacles along their journey of faith. These hurdles can vary from person to person, and acknowledging and understanding them is crucial for overcoming doubts and challenges.

  • Atheism

Atheism represents the absence or lack of belief in the existence of deities or gods. This philosophy is often considered a position that rejects the concept of a higher power based on a lack of empirical evidence or personal conviction. An atheist, in essence, is a person who does not believe in God’s existence or any divine beings. Some also don’t believe that heaven and hell exist.

An atheist can have his or her own beliefs, opinions, and perspectives from other atheists, as there is no definitive set of beliefs or doctrines in atheism that all atheists must follow. An atheist may reject the idea of higher powers because of the lack of scientific evidence, while other atheists may question theology because they find it incompatible with their answers and worldview.

The greatest enemy of faith is the absence of belief in a higher power or God as the Creator; this is most detestable to him. “There is no God,” a fool and unbeliever would say (Psalm 14:1). If there is a God, why do we experience pain, famines, wars, pandemics, and deadly diseases that wipe out a multitude of people on earth?

As a result, not a few people question the validity and existence of a personal God. These inquiries lead many people to become unbelievers and skeptics. For most, it is a matter of requiring scientific evidence and proof.

  • Anti-Creation Beliefs

Adherents to these wrong beliefs flock to the camps of Darwinism and the school of thought that life originated from chemical reactions in warm ponds billions of years ago. They look at the origins of the universe from an evolutionary point of view.

These notions easily cancel the idea and existence of God and his love for us: atheism, Darwinism, existentialism, pragmatism, and twisted, unbiblical theology abound in the human population and have no regard for the idea of higher powers. However, they are also debunked in the halls of modern science. These ideas and concepts reveal man’s need to bring security and order to the course of his life instead of trusting God.

  • Doubt

In Genesis 3, Satan introduced the concept in the Garden of Eden when he tempted Eve to partake of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge in the middle of the garden. God warned her that she would die if she touched the forbidden fruit. With her free will, Eve doubted the validity of God’s command. In the New Testament, Thomas was an apostle who doubted the resurrection of Christ until he saw and touched him in the flesh.

Faith means utmost confidence in God’s existence. John 20:29 says, “Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.'” However, if a person hesitates to believe in something, that usually requires concrete evidence and critical thinking.

In this vast universe, there are so many things that haven’t been discovered. This is why it is quite understandable if a person doesn’t become a believer right away, especially with our limited human understanding.

Even a believer is capable of doubting God sometimes. Like Augustine, we contemplate, “If there is no God, why is there so much good? If there is a God, why is there so much evil?” Today, this place is full of doubting Thomases and believers who are unsure that God exists, and this is something to worry about as more and more fall onto the path of hesitation. Skepticism is a tool of Satan to make us blind and lose our trust and reliance on God’s Word.

  • Our Sinful Nature

Sin blocks our holy relationship and fellowship with God. As the fallen creation of God, we all sin and “fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Idolatry, deceit, manipulation, love of money and possessions, and various other sins engulf us every day. Romans 5:12 states: “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man and death through sin, so death spread to all men because all sinned.”

The flesh holds humanity in bondage, and striving for a spirit-filled life is an ongoing challenge. As immorality has mutated into a heap of ugly forms, Satan continues to push his chief aim of luring people into his kingdom of darkness.

With hearts hardened by hesitation and unbelief, we continue to wrestle with sin, which deters us from pursuing true faith in God.

How To Believe In God

Embarking on a journey of faith and discovering a belief in God is a deeply personal and transformative experience. While the process may differ for each individual, you must trust your intuition and embark on this journey with sincerity and an open heart, knowing that it is a path of self-discovery and spiritual fulfillment.

Willingness And Conviction

For those who are seeking guidance on how to have faith in God, the path begins with an open heart and a willingness to explore the wonders of the universe. The first step starts with acknowledging that you have decided to open your mind to believing that an Almighty God created all life and things out of nothing. It’s just something you have to believe in.

Your willingness is your motivation to trust something you haven’t seen. Hebrews 11:1–2 reads: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.”

For many individuals, their belief rests only in the realm of the five senses, which means they need hard evidence before they can even start thinking about whether or not something truly exists or did happen.

People say, “To see is to believe.” But true faith means complete trust that God exists and obedience to God’s Word. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” Our willingness shows that we don’t need to see anything to prove and explain that God exists.

Abraham, the father of many nations, showed paramount faith in following and knowing God. God had a mission for him—to establish the Jewish nation from which our Messiah, Jesus, would arrive. Billions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims would later honor him.

Abraham departed his homeland and left his family and possessions in an unknown territory. Without any questioning, he trusted God. Furthermore, Abraham almost killed his beloved son Isaac when God tested his loyalty.

Like a spiritual bank account, God has given us an initial deposit of faith as a gift. The Apostle Paul proclaimed that God had allotted to each one of us (Romans 12:3). By harnessing and sharing our beliefs with other people who are also interested, we increase our trust in God and enjoy a fulfilled life. To truly believe in God, as he has revealed himself, we must believe in Christ as our Lord and Savior.


Belief in God also starts with having a prayerful life. Prayer is talking to God about our adoration, requests, petitions, and confessions. A prayer-filled life gives grace and banishes fear.

A 2014 study by the Pew Research Center reveals that more than half (55%) of Americans say they pray daily, while 21% say they pray weekly or monthly, and 23% say they seldom or never pray. This is good news and bad news! Prayer, as summarized in the Lord’s Prayer, is the answer to unlocking our mundane plight on earth.

It breeds humility, which clarifies that we are lesser beings and magnifies God as the source of our strength and blessings. Intermittent prayers are baby steps toward repentance and the cultivation of faith. A healthy prayer life demonstrates a person’s dedication to God and unveils the promise of salvation.

Furthermore, it helps strengthen our belief when we pray with other Christians who are on the same path. It is also through them that we find God. You’d be glad to know that the church is a great place to hear other believers’ stories about how they started their journey with God and made friends.

Study Religious Texts

If you are on a journey of discovering your faith and exploring your belief in God, take advantage of your freedom by studying texts from different religions, as this can be a valuable step to increasing your knowledge. Religious texts, like the Bible for Christians, for example, contain the teachings, narratives, and wisdom that form the foundation of their respective traditions.

By studying these texts, you can gain a deeper understanding of the beliefs, values, and practices associated with religion and develop your perspective or point of view. This may also help in giving you insight into questions you might have that haven’t been answered yet.

Engage In Community Worship

Engaging in corporate worship is beneficial for several reasons. It provides a sense of belonging and connection with individuals who share the same beliefs and values. By being with other believers, you are offered opportunities for encouragement, learning, and growth through corporate prayers, hymns, teachings, and rituals. And it will help you stay on course in your journey.

However, it is important to remember that you should balance your engagement in the community with your spiritual practices, as each journey is unique to each one. Ultimately, the decision to involve yourself in the community is personal, as it can also enrich your spiritual experience.

Obey God’s Word

The Bible is the source of truth. Hebrews 4:12 reads, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” God tells us that to believe in him means living according to his word.

Today, over 100 million copies of the Bible are sold or given annually across the globe. However, the Bible remains a mystery to most people. Yet many archeological findings and biblical prophecies have verified and corroborated its authenticity.

God’s Word provides holistic principles and answers on how to lead happy, triumphant lives by loving God and our neighbors. The words in the Bible answer the uncertainty and perils of the world; its prophecies reveal the future. The Bible, in general, has the answer to every problem we face. And most importantly, we find God and his promise of everlasting life.

Faith must be experienced through the actual practice of God’s teachings and commands. Luke 21:33 declares, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Abiding means following the instructions of God, which often run contrary to the world’s principles.

Church Altar And How To Believe In God

What Happens When You Believe

Belief in God can have profound effects on individuals and their lives. They may have unique experiences based on their faith, personal journey, and relationship with the divine. It’s important to note that the effects of believing in God are subjective and deeply personal.

A Changed Life

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, and the new is here!

— 2 Corinthians 5:17

When we decide to establish a healthy relationship with God by believing in his name, our lives change—we become a new person, and we become part of the new creation. This is to prove that when we are called to believe in him, we experience renewal and transformation as a person. God wanted us to search for him because he’s been waiting for us.

In our new Christian life, we can see God everywhere and be more grateful for all the good things he has given us. After all, it is only through God’s revelation of truth that we see our purpose. He is the light in this world of darkness. Through him, our lives make sense, and we become an example to others.

Furthermore, Jesus promises that if the weary and burdened come to him, he will give them rest (Matthew 11:28). So if your life right now is chaotic and you think that God doesn’t exist, it will surprise you that when you begin believing in him, you will find peace and rest even in the messy parts of your life, whether it’s school, your job, or personal relationships. It will be the beginning of your emotional and spiritual freedom from worldly expectations.

Many people claim that most aspects of their lives were significantly changed when they started having faith in God. What once was a desperate search for life’s meaning was answered through God’s mercy. They felt free from the shackles of always trying to fill the emptiness within them with their careers, friends, and more.

A New Identity In Christ

Our Christian identity will slowly approach and mirror Christ’s perfect image. A relationship with God promises a solid identity that reflects His person to anyone believing in his name and living his word.

Our correct identity in Christ is profoundly rooted in believing in Jesus himself. Believing that his incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension did happen is a critical element of our salvation, as is his promise of eternity in his kingdom.

The Lord taught that a child of God experiences a new birth. John 3:3 reads: “Jesus replied, very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” The encounter between the Lord and Nicodemus illustrates the clear idea that a man must undergo a life-transforming change to be a child of God.

As faithful children of God, we need to accept the essential truths of the Gospel: that Christ died for the sins of mankind, was buried, and was raised on the third day. God sent him to earth to revert us to a holy fellowship with God and achieve eternal life.

The more we believe in God through his Word and its message, the more we will gain the right to become children of God. John 1:12 reads: “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” This is what it means to be a Christian belonging to a family where God is the Father.

Tips To Strengthen Faith

If you have come to believe, it is vital to strengthen your relationship with him as a Christian. Merely believing in his existence is not what God is calling us for. He needs to have an honest, intimate relationship with us where we speak to him about our gratitude, anxieties, worries, and thoughts about things that matter to us.

  1. Pray and meditate: Engage in regular prayer and meditation to deepen your connection with God. Set aside dedicated time for reflection, conversation, and listening to his word. Praying and meditating on scripture is an opportunity to express gratitude, seek guidance, and find inner peace by telling him things that are of concern to us.
  2. Study and reflect: Continue studying religious texts, such as the Bible, and reflect on their teachings. Explore deeper meanings, historical context, and practical applications of the scriptures. Consider joining study groups or attending classes that focus on understanding and discussing religious teachings.
  3. Fellowship: Engage in religious communities and seek fellowship with other believers in a church or elsewhere. Attend services, join small groups, or participate in activities that allow you to interact and relate with others who share the same beliefs and values. Creating a connection with a supportive community that you can call family can provide encouragement, accountability, and opportunities for spiritual growth. In Christianity, this is essential.
  4. Serve: Live out your faith through acts of service and compassion. Look for opportunities to help and serve others, support charitable causes, and demonstrate love and kindness. By putting your beliefs into action through service, you not only strengthen your faith but also positively impact those around you. This is to live in light of who Christ is.
  5. Seek guidance: Consider seeking guidance from trusted spiritual mentors in your church, religious leaders, or wise individuals who can offer insights and support on your spiritual journey. Talking to them can provide valuable guidance and help navigate any challenges or answer any questions you may encounter about religion or practice.
Stained Glass Of An Angel And How To Believe In God


Our pursuit of believing in and trusting God is a lifelong process. As exemplified in the Parable of the Mustard Seed, our faith starts small and grows in measure. But we continue to live in the flesh. We are still in our earthly bodies, and our belief in God is still subject to the assaults of the enemy.

Christ died on the cross at Calvary for our sins. But because of our unswerving faith in the redeeming blood of Christ, we no longer dwell in the flesh. Our overriding conviction in God, not our sinful and selfish selves, now directs our lives. As we grow in him, we become nearer to the likeness of God.

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