What God Has Joined Together: Understanding The Divine Union Between Man And Woman

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



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Genesis 2:24, which states that “a man leaves his father and mother and is married to his wife, and they become one flesh,” describes God’s purpose for creation. Jesus also referred to this plan in Matthew 19:26: “So, let nothing be divided that the Lord God hath joined together.”

The Bible contains an important principle. Man has no right to alter or disassemble something that God has created. In the sense that it is part of God’s general plan for a man to be married to a wife, there can be no question that God purposefully brought man and woman together.

What Is The Origin Of “What God Has Joined Together”?

The phrase “what God has joined together” is taken from Matthew 19:6 in the Bible. It implies that people shouldn’t dissolve their unions since God created marriage. When God made Adam go into a deep sleep and took away one of his ribs, His very first connection with a human being was a marriage presided over by Himself.

He created a woman from this and gave her to her husband, who remarked, “This is now flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone; she will be known as a woman because she was taken from a man. For this reason, when a man marries, he separates from his parents and becomes one flesh with her (Genesis 2:23–24).”

The marriage bond should be the strongest of all unions. However, recent sociological advancements like divorce have given rise to a revisionist view that claims marriage is for happiness rather than to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Marriage should serve as an example to the world of the union of husband and wife, such as the connection between Christ and His bride, the Church (Ephesians 5:25–27).

According to the perspective of divorce, a marriage should be abandoned if it no longer contributes to mutual satisfaction[1]. This has been a disaster for humanity, a disgrace to God, and has cost much, particularly to the children under God’s care.

What Does “What God Has Joined Together, Let No One Separate” Mean?

Jesus’ teaching, “What God has joined together, let no one separate,” applies to both marriage and divorce. This comes from Mark 10:1–12, where the Pharisees once questioned the Lord about the permissibility of divorcing one’s wife.

He responds, “Have you not read that the Creator initially made both males and females and said that because of this, a man will renounce his parents and be wedded to his wife, and the two will merge into one flesh? They are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate (Matthew 19:4–6; cf. Genesis 1:27; 2:24).”

His reasoning lies in the belief that a wedded couple is a union that “God has joined together” because humans do not create marriage—this union was created by God and is a component of how God intended the human race to continue living. Jesus demonstrated that divorce was not part of His design when he said, “Let no man separate.”

After a couple is united in holy matrimony, God has joined them, and their relationship is intended to last a lifetime. Notwithstanding the couple’s religious beliefs, this idea still holds true. Whether or not two atheists are aware of it, God connected them when they were married. No one can sever their relationship if God has already done so.

It is implied by Jesus’ warning against severing what God has joined together that a married relationship may fall apart and that the one flesh may be split apart by divorce. Even Christians disagree on the topic of when divorce is acceptable.

Many would permit divorce in cases of unrepentant adultery on one spouse’s part or abandonment of a spouse who believes by an unbeliever who does not wish to remain married to someone who believes in God. This is a devastating occurrence because the marriage link has been severed due to infidelity or abandonment—a termination of a connection that God has joined together.

Examining The Major Aspects Of Mark 10:9

  1. “Therefore what God has joined together.” God joined the first couple when Eve was offered to Adam, and he accepted her as his wife. Writing a marriage contract is customarily followed by a ceremony, and the consummation—the ultimate sign of conjugal oneness—completes the relationship.
  2. “Let no one separate.” Who can forge an unbreakable tie if not God? The lack of concern for this law is one of the faults for which humanity will be condemned. We frequently do not know how to act when we sin, especially when we are young.

If more married people took their commitments to God and their spouses seriously, more marriages would succeed because God can build a good marriage, especially when two devout Christians are involved. Christian marriage does not have happiness as its primary purpose, but it frequently results from being truly faithful to God, the truth, and one another.

wearing wedding ring finger

What Has God Joined Together?

Scripture contains an important principle. Man has no right to alter or disassemble something that God has created. When the Jews questioned Christ about marriage and divorce, He applied this premise and said, “Therefore they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, do not let man divide what God has joined together (Matthew 19:6).”

According to Matthew 19:5, there is no question that God’s original plan was to marry man and woman together. This is because God generally intends for men to have wives. As stated in Romans 7:2, “Because a married woman is bound by law to her husband while he lives, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law of marriage,” it is also true that when a man and woman legally marry, God joins them together.

He continued by saying divorce was never part of God’s original design. Only when a husband or wife cheats and refuses to confess should it result in divorce. If a spouse is physically violent, divorce is also acceptable. An abusive marriage should never be maintained.

The Marriage Covenant

Biblically speaking, a covenant between God and His people is significant. It establishes the framework for how God engages with people. A covenant marriage is a legal agreement made between the Lord and your spouse.

Marriage is a lifetime commitment, merging two people who will always be one flesh. Marriage has indelible ties that only get stronger with time. Loving and cherishing someone through good and bad times becomes more profound.

The proverb “What God has joined together, let no man separate” suggests that a couple’s commitment to one another is based on God’s decision regarding which of them He takes home, not external factors like circumstances.

It implies that people shouldn’t dissolve their unions since God created marriage. A covenant marriage has the advantage that, if done effectively and with Christ at its core, it will leave a model for a union that will endure for future generations. Through making prayer, the Scriptures, and love the cornerstones of their existence, the husband and wife both make sacrifices to advance their union.

Marriage is a covenant, not a legal agreement. It is meant to be a long-term commitment that we uphold until death separates us. Under a covenant, we humbly serve each other as Christ does the church, putting the needs of the partnership ahead of our own. Therefore, you must not commit adultery or even become a divorced woman or husband.

Love is patient. It doesn’t boast, it doesn’t envy, and it isn’t arrogant. It does not defame others, is not conceited or quickly enraged, and does not keep a record of wrongdoings. Love rejoices in the truth rather than taking pleasure in wickedness. It consistently shows protection, constancy, and endurance. Love is unfailing. But prophecies will end, tongues will be stilled, and knowledge will vanish from places where it is present (1 Corinthians 13:4–8).

Covenantal Obstacles

We are most at risk in a covenant marriage because we must believe by faith that our partner is equally dedicated to loving us, even though we cannot stop loving them if they are not. Even if we receive nothing in return, we owe it to them to selflessly address their needs.

In a covenant marriage, both parties firmly vow to love one another even when that other person is unlovable and unloving toward us. In other words, a covenant perspective on marriage is founded on the selfless vow to love and serve your spouse despite any benefit you may receive.

wedding rings on a leaf marriage


When a man and woman exchange vows, they enter into a covenant relationship that requires complete faithfulness. Husband and wife are expected to adore, love, and be honest with one another. God has set this standard for marriage so that they may enjoy the lovely promise of marriage if they adhere to it.

A Christian union is a covenant maintained by more than just the couple. Because God is at the center of a Christian marriage’s commitment between two people, God promises to support us in keeping the union strong even when we feel like giving up.

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