The Beauty Of Being The Bride Of Christ: How To Live Out Your Purpose

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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The “Bride of Christ” is a key concept that appears several times in the Bible, referring to Jesus’ followers and their collective relationship with God. By using this term, Scripture illuminates an incredibly meaningful symbol demonstrating God’s intimate connection with His people.

The image of a marriage relationship is an analogy for the relationship between God and His people. In the Old Testament, God is seen as the husband who takes Israel, His bride, to Himself (Isaiah 54:5). Jesus also uses this imagery to describe believers in Him as His bride (John 3:29).

Key Takeaways

  • The metaphor of the “Bride of Christ” emphasizes the intimate relationship between Jesus and His followers, highlighting God’s deep love and care for His people (Isaiah 54:5; John 3:29).
  • Believers are called to maintain a devoted relationship with Jesus, exemplified by preparation and faithfulness, as illustrated in the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1–13).
  • Christians are identified as the Bride of Christ, symbolizing a sacred union with Jesus characterized by unconditional love, devotion, and an eternal commitment (2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 19:7).

What Are The Characteristics Of The Bride Of Christ?

As mentioned in the New Testament, believers in Jesus Christ are referred to as the “Bride of Christ.” In Revelation 19:7, it is written that the marriage supper of the Lamb has come, and His bride has prepared herself.

This phrase exemplifies how devoted followers make up a spiritual family under God’s name. This chapter tells us about a future wedding ceremony and the time when Jesus will return and take His bride, who has been prepared for Him through their faith.

While some have misinterpreted the scripture, claiming the holy city is the bride of Christ, this is simply not true. Christ died for us—His people—not a city. We can observe this type of intimate relationship between Him and His followers in the scriptures throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

As Paul explained in Romans 7:4, there is an intensely personal link between believers and Jesus Christ; we are members of His body. By means of our faith and connection with Him, we form part of the church, which He leads as the head (Romans 6:3–5). This spiritual bond allows us to partake in His death and resurrection.

Secondly, this bride is a spiritual kingdom chosen by God (1 Peter 2:9). As members of this realm, we have been summoned from outside to stand out and live differently than our worldly peers. To honor God in all that we do, it’s time for us to avert any practices or habits that might disrespect Him; instead, let us demonstrate love and loyalty in each one of our relationships.

Ultimately, the bride of Christ is expected to sustain an unwavering relationship with her beloved. This can be seen in Matthew 25:1–13, where Jesus speaks about ten virgins awaiting the arrival of their bridegroom at night. By being dutiful and dedicated to each other, they were prepared for His coming—a perfect example of faithfulness and loyalty between the two lovers.

While five of them were wise and prepared with oil for their lamps, the other five were foolish and lacked oil. In this parable, Jesus is teaching us that we must be ready at all times to meet Him when He returns, always abiding in Him and trusting Him even when it seems like He has forgotten or abandoned us (Hebrews 13:5).

An illustration capturing the beauty of Christ's bride beside Him.

Who Is The Bride Of Christ?

The “Bride of Christ” is a term that refers to the people of God and can be found in both Old Testament scripture (Isaiah 54:5–6) as well as the New Testament, where Jesus takes on the role of groom and His followers become His bride (John 3:29). This timeless concept has been woven throughout biblical history, emphasizing God’s deep love for us and how the Lord God Almighty reigns.

The analogy of a faithful husband who loves and cherishes his wife is often used to express God’s love for His people, depicting how devotedly He cares for us and just how close He desires our relationship to be.

In Ephesians 5, we can compare Jesus as the groom and His followers as the bride: “Husbands should love their wives in the same way that Christ loved the Church; so much so that He gave Himself up on her behalf.” This paints an intensely beautiful picture of pure sacrificial devotion from both sides.

This deep connection between God and His people is further illustrated in Revelation 19:7–9, which describes a spectacular wedding feast in heaven when all of God’s children are united as one, with Jesus at its head. This heavenly union is described as the wedding supper of the Lamb, an eternal celebration that will never end.

The Bible also uses this image to emphasize how important it is for us to remain devoted to Him. The Church must strive to be faithful and obedient to become part of His bride (2 Corinthians 11:2). As the scripture says in Matthew 25:1–13, we must always be prepared in case the Lord returns so that we may join Him in the same eternal life and marriage feast.

A watercolor portrayal showing a tender moment between Jesus and his followers, symbolized through the Bride of Christ

Why Is Jesus Called The Bridegroom?

The Bible references Jesus as the bridegroom[1], a profound metaphor with great spiritual consequence. This image is found in both Old and New Testament scriptures, implying that He awaits His wedding day with glorious anticipation.

The first biblical reference to Jesus being called the bridegroom appears in Matthew 9:15, when Jesus says, “Can the wedding guests mourn while the bridegroom is with them?” In this verse, Jesus spoke of himself and how those who accepted him would rejoice even during distress. He implies that having faith in Him gives one strength and hope during difficult times.

Throughout Scripture, many references are made to Jesus as the bridegroom and the Church as His bride. In Ephesians 5:32, Paul says, “This is a great mystery, but I am talking about Christ and the church.” This clearly shows that Jesus views himself as married to the church and cares deeply for his spiritual family.

What Does It Mean That We Are The Bride Of Christ?

The Bible is clear that Christians are the bride of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 11:2, Paul states, “I promised you in marriage to one husband—Christ—so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.” Paul here describes the relationship between a Christian and Jesus as akin to a man and woman’s marital bond. The imagery of Jesus as the groom and His followers as His beloved bride can be seen throughout Scripture.

By believing in Jesus and entering into His family through faith, we are presented with an incomparable relationship that mirrors the unbreakable bond between a bride and groom. The covenant of Isaiah 54:5 not only grants us God’s unconditional love but also provides for our protection, security, and sustenance.

In return for this divine commitment to us, Jesus calls on us to pledge Him our full allegiance along with unwavering obedience (Romans 12:1). This eternal union is an awe-inspiring reminder of how far Christ will go to demonstrate his dedication to all who put their trust in Him.

As His beloved, we are distinguished from the world as a special possession of God (Ephesians 5:25–27). Keeping Christ foremost in our lives before anyone or anything else is an invaluable reminder to ensure He stays at the core of who we are. Similarly, wearing His seal of ownership as a wedding ring displays to others that He has chosen us.

We will one day bear witness to an actual marriage when He returns to earth to make all things new (Revelation 19:7). Until then, we remain in His loving embrace as His bride (Jeremiah 31:3), covered by the blood He shed for us on the cross. We are an integral and beloved part of God’s family; our union with our Father in Christ is one of unity, love, and devotion.

An oil painting capturing Christ surrounded by believers.

Why Is The Church The Bride Of Christ?

The church in this context represents all Christians who have accepted Jesus into their hearts and lives. This passage speaks directly about how Christ loves His bride, the Church, with an unending love that is unconditional and sacrificial. He died for the church and gave Himself up to make her holy, without any blemish or stain.

This passage serves as an uplifting metaphor for the devotion and love with which Christians should treat all of their fellow believers, just like how husbands are called to unconditionally adore their wives in the same manner Christ loves His Church. The commitment is expected to be unwavering, eternally devoted, and steadfastly committed.

This idea is further echoed in 1 Corinthians 13:4–7 (ESV), which reads, “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” Christians should strive to love one another as Christ loves His bride—the Church.

An illustratino capturing a scene where the Bride of Christ, adorned in a radiant white gown


Believers in Jesus Christ are referred to in Scripture as the “Bride of Christ,” highlighting our precious relationship with Him. Through faith and taking part in His death and resurrection, we become one with our Lord God—a powerful connection that is special beyond words.

As Christians, we are called to live differently than those who do not have faith in the Lord Jesus. We must demonstrate our love and obedience to God through the power of the Holy Spirit in all of our relationships. Furthermore, we must be prepared when He returns so that we can join Him forever at His glorious wedding celebration.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you become a bride of Christ?

To become a Bride of Christ, one must accept Jesus as their Savior, embracing His sacrificial love and committing to follow Him faithfully. This entails a deep, intimate relationship marked by love, devotion, and obedience to God’s Word, guided by the Holy Spirit.

How many wives did Jesus have?

According to traditional Christian belief, Jesus did not have any wives. The metaphor of Jesus as the bridegroom and His followers as the bride symbolizes the spiritual union and devotion between Christ and believers, rather than a literal marital relationship.

How does God prepare his bride?

God prepares His bride by cultivating a deep, intimate relationship with each believer through faith in Jesus Christ. This involves spiritual transformation, guided by the Holy Spirit, leading believers to reflect the image of Christ and live out their purpose as the Bride of Christ, ready for His return.

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