Devotion Beyond Words: The Power Of Commitment To God

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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When we receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we are called to commit our whole life to God. Many have received Him as their savior but not as their Lord, who requires a wholehearted commitment to God’s will and purpose. We cannot commit to God with half-hearted devotion. God’s Word said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deuteronomy 6:5). This is God’s great and first commandment.

God is committed to those who love and obey His commands (Deuteronomy 7:9). He has blessed us with every good and perfect gift in this life. He gave us time, energy, talents, abilities, wealth and possession, and our families as precious life blessings. So what withholds a man from entrusting his life to the Lord?

What Does The Bible Say About Commitment?

The Bible shows us the value and rewards of commitment. Commitment to God[1] includes seeking His will in our personal plans and ways of life. He desires that we involve Him in our decisions and plans not only with major things but even with the most ordinary things. It is God’s assurance that He will do His part as long as we first do ours.

Commitment to God requires our surrender and submission. Since we have received the Lord by faith, we are no longer slaves of sin (Romans 6:17), but now servants of Christ. So as long as we remain as such, we will be committed to being obedient to Him and His teachings. Additionally, to submit to God is to deny ourselves, offer our life, and be partakers of the cross of Christ. This is what commitment is all about—being a disciple of Christ.

Bible Verses On Staying Committed To God

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”—Proverbs 16:3

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act.”—Proverbs 37:5

“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”—Joshua 24:15

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”—Matthew 6:24

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”—Matthew 16:25–26

“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after Me cannot be my disciple.”—Luke 14:26–27

What Does Total Commitment To God Mean?

To stay totally committed to God means to give yourself completely to God’s will and purpose, setting aside your own desires and choices to serve, please, and honor God. It encompasses a life that is surrendered and submitted to Him. Total commitment is the cost of discipleship.

Why Does God Want Us To Be Committed To Him?


God desires a personal relationship with His children. In the Old Testament, Abraham had a close and intimate relationship with the Father. He used to follow God’s orders all the time with no doubt or question in his mind, and he remained faithful. In the New Testament, Paul also had a personal relationship with the Lord. He carried out God’s work when the Lord became his guiding light.


God is holy, and He calls His children to be holy as well. Committing to God involves striving for moral purity and living according to His commandments. A godly life is a life committed to God’s will and statutes. However, we cannot do this by our human will alone. We can only achieve holiness and stay fully committed to the Lord by receiving the Holy Spirit who will work within us.


God created humans with a purpose, and being committed to Him involves discovering and fulfilling that purpose. Through committing to God, people may find meaning and direction in life. God wants us to find our purpose in life by staying committed to Him.

man standing beside and pushing huge rock formation

How Do We Commit To God?

Committing our life to God starts the moment we believe and accept the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts. After confessing and renouncing our sins, we will receive God’s grace and forgiveness. God will give us a new spirit and makes us live a new life in Christ. The spirit will empower us to trust, obey, and love God.

In our renewed life, we must practice regular prayer and meditation on God’s Word. This involves taking time to reflect on one’s relationship with God, express gratitude, seek guidance, and listen to His voice. We also need to attend worship services, participate in community outreach and charitable work, and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).

As Christians, we are expected to reflect a life that aligns with God’s righteousness, moral purity, and will in all aspects of life. However, even if we strive to be godly and good people, we will still experience persecution from the world.

2 Timothy 3:12 says, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” But this should not discourage us from fighting the good fight for He will not forsake us.

How To Have A Full Commitment To The Lord?

Commit To Loving God Above All Else

Total commitment to God involves loving Him above all else, including oneself, possessions, family, and worldly pleasures. This requires a heart that is fully focused on God and His ways. Your intimate relationship with God dictates the level of your affection for God. The more you spend time knowing Him through prayer and God’s word helps us commit yourself to Him. This is a chief commitment and complete devotion to God.

Commit to Living A Life Of Obedience

Total commitment to God involves living a life of obedience to His commands and teachings. This requires a willingness to repent of sin and turn away from behaviors that are contrary to God’s will. We must seek forgiveness and restoration when we fall short, and strive for righteousness, moral uprightness, and personal integrity through Christ.

If we truly love God, then we must keep His commandments (John 14:15). To live a life like Jesus Christ means we must also devote our lives to obeying our Father.

Commit To Serving God With One’s Talents And Resources

This commitment must also involve using one’s talents and resources to pursue serving God and others. This requires a heart that is willing to be generous and sacrificial for the sake of the church and God’s kingdom.

Seeking God’s Will In All Things

Total commitment to God involves seeking His will in all areas of life, including decisions about work, relationships, and other important matters. This requires a willingness to trust God’s plan and follow His guidance, even when it may be difficult or uncomfortable. God is our sole authority; His will and purposes be done.

One of the ways to stay fully committed to the Lord is to trust Him with all your heart and not rely on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). To have a truly intimate relationship with Him means you must disregard your old ways and individual behavior and listen to God for He is our unerring compass.

Trusting In God’s Faithfulness

To totally commit ourselves to God, we must also trust in His faithfulness and provision, even in times of trial or uncertainty. This requires a heart that is anchored in God’s promises and confident in His care. As long as we love Him and remain faithful to Him, all things will work together for good (Romans 8:28).

3 Reasons To Be More Committed To God

Some drivers make people more committed to God. As we experience God personally in our walk of faith, there are things to see and realize why we should be more committed to Him.

1. Spiritual Fulfillment

Many people find that their commitment to the Lord and their faith bring a sense of spiritual fulfillment and purpose to their lives. Through prayer, worship, and Bible study, they can deepen their relationship with God and find meaning in their existence.

2. Favor And Blessings

When we obey God and live a pleasing life unto Him, it brings us into a new dimension of God’s favor and blessings. Our commitment to God unlocks divine promotion in our life and family. With this, may God bless the work of our hands.

3. Help And Comfort

In tough times, we have seen and felt the comfort of God over our battles. He fights for these battles as we commit everything under His care. Even in times of persecution, we can stand firm knowing that He is always by our side.

Benefits Of Committing To God

When we commit our life to God, we can experience forgiveness and redemption from our sins. This commitment delivers us from the curses of sin such as diseases, death, calamity, misfortune, scarcity, broken relationships, and financial problems.

Committing our life to God gives us a new life. It gives us freedom from the curse and punishment of sin. God has blessed us with a new life in Christ. John 10:10 says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.”

Committing to God gives us strength and guidance when we face trials and challenges in life. We can experience the inner peace that transcends beyond understanding. We know that God is in control and nothing is beyond His power. We believe in God’s love for us and that He will never leave and forsake us because He will always be there to help us (Isaiah 41:10).

God has a plan and purpose for our lives, and committing to Him can help us see that plan and discover that purpose. Living a purposeful life gives us a great sense of fulfillment and joy that the world cannot give. We can know that our true identity is in Christ. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

woman sitting on rock on the mountains with hands held high


Committing to God is the best decision a man could ever make in his life. True living comes from trusting His whole life to His creator. Our commitment to God involves loving Him above all, obeying His commandments, serving Him and others, seeking His will and purposes, and trusting God’s faithfulness.

Our God is committed to blessing us abundantly with strength, wisdom, comfort, and all that we need in this life and eternal life as long as we remain faithful and committed to Him. May you choose to commit your life to God today.

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