How To Start Growing In Wisdom: A Christian Perspect

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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Do you ever feel like you’re perpetually searching for all the answers? For followers of Christianity, there’s a greater journey: exploring wisdom that originates from Jesus. However, truly absorbing His teachings can prove to be quite challenging for many of us.

That’s where the journey toward wisdom comes in. Although it might not be simple, the benefits are immeasurable. So, why is growing in wisdom so important to our lives, and how can we measure our growth in wisdom?

How To Start Growing In Wisdom 

In seeking to grow in wisdom, there are a few simple ways to help you on your journey. You can start by understanding the truth that true wisdom is above all things.

“Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice?”

— Proverbs 8:1

1. Study God’s Word

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we, through patience and the comfort of the scriptures, might have hope.

— Romans 15:4

If we want to grow, be wise, and conform to the image and likeness of the Lord God, growing in God’s wisdom is important. The word of God is full of wisdom for everyone to cherish, cling to, and ponder. Anyone who finds God will find wisdom.

Seek wisdom by studying the word of God. You will be able to create a deep sense of love in your heart because of the truth of God. A wise person spends time with the Lord, striving to love Him more.

Reading and understanding the Bible can be easy for some Christians. But for those who don’t know, reading the gospels of Mark, Matthew, John, or Luke can bring you one step closer to God.

Remember that when you read the Bible, it’s not about speed. It’s about growing wisdom and insight through the knowledge of God.

2. Gain Wisdom In Communities

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

— Colossians 3:16

One of the most fascinating aspects of Jesus’ life is how he grew in wisdom and knowledge. Luke’s Gospel tells us that the Lord did this not by himself but by joining groups of people who talked about God.

Challenging Communities

Being part of communities that challenge us is integral to one’s growth in wisdom. Devotion to God requires the endurance of every challenge. And wanting God’s blessing brings gifts of peace and wisdom far above anything else.

Jesus reminds us that challenges foster growth in wisdom. The Lord learned more as He talked to groups of people who studied the Bible.

These ideas emphasize the importance of joining challenging communities. To grow in wisdom, everyone needs challenging people in this world.

Humble Communities

“Fools only enjoy expressing their opinions, but wise men listen and ask[1].” Jesus’ growth happened as He stayed behind and became a part of a community. Everyone needs to be a part of communities that are open to questions and have people who are willing to listen.

Learning Communities

Great discussions matter if you want to grow in Jesus-rooted wisdom. Everyone needs to be a part of a community where there’s an exchange of knowledge between two parties. Whether it is a child with his teacher or a pastor, the Bible emphasizes that there must be an exchange.

Growth in wisdom does not happen overnight. It is the compounded result of joining challenging, humble, and learning communities.

Lady Reading and Growing in Wisdom

3. Gain Wisdom In Trials

And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom, and the favor of God was upon him.

— Luke 2:40

Living in this world, people tend to avoid any form of suffering. But it is important to remember that one must undergo trials to grow in wisdom.

Everyone can relate to the idea that there is no gain without a hint of pain. You need to test yourself with challenges before you grow wise.

At some point in our long lives here on earth, we have blamed God a couple of times for the challenges we face every day. But sometimes, the Lord teaches us lessons by letting us go through uphill battles. These uphill battles allow us to learn so that we won’t make the same mistakes again.

What differentiates the hard stuff we face is the way we perceive it. God animates obstacles to come our way for us to grow from them and not question the existence of God and ours. We need not ask, “When will this problem pass?” because the moment trials stop existing, the opportunity to grow also disappears.

To grow wise, you must solve the obstacles in life. You should see it as an effective way to build understanding.

4. Gain Wisdom In Obedience

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.

— Proverbs 1:7

The Scriptures emphasize the loyalty of Jesus to the Holy Creator. Joseph and Mary showed this when they found Jesus inside the temple and asked Him, “Why have you done this to us? You had your father and me worried sick,” and Jesus answered, “Why did you look for me? Didn’t you know I should be in the house of my Father?”

It illustrates how Jesus’ obedience is to His heavenly Father. This act shows that wisdom isn’t an accumulation of ideas and knowledge. It’s an application of learning. Individuals are wise because they apply everything the Scriptures say.

A wise person doesn’t know the truth of the Holy God but applies it no matter the circumstances. Wisdom doesn’t manifest itself in obedience but grows in it.

5. Spend Time In Prayer

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him.

— James 1:5

As Christians, prayer will encourage us to be more humble before our Lord. It also allows us to spend more time with Him and grow wise through God’s perfect wisdom.

To grow in wisdom, you need to have a deep sense of understanding and trust in the glory of God. Any prayer can achieve this, as we become vulnerable to our Father in heaven.

As we pray, we seek refuge in Him and ask Him to have control over our lives. When you give everything to Him, you receive an irreplaceable form of wisdom from Him.

6. Have Reverence For The Lord Jesus Christ 

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

— Proverbs 9:10

Growing in God’s wisdom requires your understanding and acknowledgment. The truth is that God is all-knowing and does not sin. With it, we need to have faith and humble ourselves before the Father.

When we appreciate the Lord for what He has done, we listen to His words. We must surrender all our ways to Him without feeling afraid. We owe Him everything, from the air we breathe to the food we eat, including our family and friends.

7. Read Christ-Centered Books 

To walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God

— Colossians 1:10

Reading literature centered on Christ can’t give you all the answers to growing in wisdom. But it will assist you in learning about the things of the Lord’s life, His work, and His suffering. It allows you to strengthen your faith in Him.

To grow in spiritual wisdom, you need to be careful, as some books about Christ are not good or true. Learn how to distinguish those that teach knowledge and understanding of God.

There are plenty of Christian books that will help you understand the life of Jesus. These will strengthen your faith, improve your walk with Him, and develop wisdom.

Light Shining on Book and Grow in Wisdom


Being wise is more than knowing a lot of things or being smart; it means forging a close and personal bond with God. It also means knowing that God knows everything and that He shows us who He is in different ways.

Leading a life of wisdom means obeying the will of the Father and reflecting God’s love in all that we do. May we all strive to develop this kind of insight in our lives to respect God and carry out His plans for us.

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