Humble Yourself Under The Mighty Hand Of God: How To Practice Humility Like Jesus

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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In our modern, technologically advanced, and materialism-oriented world, we tend to develop egotistical and arrogant behaviors as we navigate through life. Our innate tendency to prioritize our own desires, combined with a certain laziness, leads us to expect the world to cater to our whims. This self-centeredness engulfs us in pride, making us believe we reign supreme over numerous individuals and situations. Such attitudes, however, ultimately lead to deep unhappiness within ourselves and can wreak havoc on our lives.

But, when you call upon the mighty hand of God, humble yourselves before Him, and emulate His servitude, you can gather a most valuable virtue. Being humble before the Father as well as other people attracts the grace and loving favor of God.

What Is The “Mighty Hand Of God”?

So that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever.—Joshua 4:24

The presence and power of God’s mighty hand are evident in every chapter of Scripture and every period of history. Whether it is by delivering us from slavery, guiding us through our trials and temptations, or providing hope and assurance of victory, the Lord’s mighty hand has ever been with us.

A reference to God’s mighty hand appears in Jacob’s dying prophecy about Joseph. His bow abode in strength and his hands were strengthened by the mighty God of Jacob (Genesis 49:24).” A person’s character can also be tough when they are placed in the mighty hands of God.

The account of Joshua and the Israelites as they entered Canaan, the Promised Land, reminded them of the remarkable power in the mighty hand of God who they were to always trust and fear. Through Joshua, the people were told to stand firm and faithful under the sheltering strength of God.

The story of the proud Pharaoh and the Israelites should be a reminder to us all of how powerful God’s mighty hand is. Pharaoh said in Exodus 5:2, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, and moreover, I will not let Israel go.”

As Pharaoh uttered those words of pride, his people soon began to feel the consequences of his pride. Just like Pharaoh, we should remember to humble ourselves before the Lord and be obedient to His voice.

This can help us avoid destruction, as Proverbs 16:18 tells us, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Even in the most difficult times, it is important to take time to remember that God is in control and that humility is key to finding grace and strength.

In the same way, may you be comforted to know that whatever challenges you face, God’s mighty hand is working out the details of your lives to exalt you in due time according to His perfect plan. You must humble yourselves before God.

The Lord also said to cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for You. With this promise you can find assurance and confidence, knowing that God is watching over you and will carry you through whatever you face. You ought to expect and pray to God that he may exalt you in due time.

What Does It Mean To Humble Yourself Under The Mighty Hand Of God?

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.—1 Peter 5:6–7

As a young Jewish woman living in the Persian diaspora, Esther finds favor with the king and becomes queen. She risks her life to save the Jews from destruction when the court official Haman convinces the king to allow the slaughter of all the Jews in the empire.

The story of Esther emphasizes God’s power and the virtue of humility, teaching us that the blessings of God should be used to help others. The narrative also teaches that the right thing to do is to use one’s influence for the welfare and benefit of other people. Being humble under the mighty hand of God means:

  • To love and exalt God above all
  • To love and help your neighbor
  • To cast all your care to God
  • To show respect and empathy to others
  • To practice submission and accountability

Why Did Peter Urge Younger Christians To Practice Humility?

In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”—1 Peter 5:5

The Corinthian church at the time was plagued by sin, pride, and disorder[1]. In his teachings, Peter, one of the apostles of Jesus, urged younger Christians to practice humility in all their dealings. Humility is an essential virtue that every Christian should possess, as it reflects the character of Christ.

According to Peter, humility involves submitting to elders, parents, and authorities, which is a crucial aspect of the Christian faith. As Christians, we are called to submit to those in authority, as it is an act of obedience to God.

It is also about recognizing our limitations and weaknesses and acknowledging that we need God’s help in all areas of our existence. We can only do this by surrendering our will to God’s mighty hand and trusting in His plan for our lives. At the proper time, humility can grant us the grace and mercy of God, which is essential for our spiritual growth and maturity.

woman person kneeling praying by the cross

What Is The Difference Between God’s Dealings With The Proud Versus The Humble?

God Opposes The Proud

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.—James 4:6

As a Christian, it is often emphasized that God resists the arrogant. This statement is rooted in the belief that pride is a sinful state of being that can hinder one’s relationship with God. According to the Bible, pride is the root of many sins that can lead to spiritual blindness and rebellion against God’s will.

The concept of pride can be difficult to understand, as it is often associated with positive characteristics such as confidence and self-esteem. However, in a spiritual context, pride refers to an inflated sense of self-importance that places one’s own desires and needs above God’s will.

This type of pride can lead to a range of sinful behaviors, such as arrogance, self-righteousness, and a lack of compassion for others. God resists pride because it is a hindrance to seeking God, as it can create a barrier between us and Him.

God Lifts Up The Humble

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.—James 4:10

In many religions and beliefs, there is a common theme that God lifts up the humble. This means that those who have a humble heart and are not driven by envy, strife, or thinking less of others will be rewarded by God. This is a powerful message that can help individuals lead a virtuous life and find success in their endeavors.

Envy and strife are not godly qualities. They can cause individuals to focus on the wrong things and engage in behaviors that are harmful to themselves and those around them. They will not able to see the good in others or themselves. This can lead to a negative mindset that can be difficult to break free from.

On the other hand, when you humble yourselves and have the desire to help others, you make the world a better place. This mindset allows individuals to focus on what is truly important to God and to live a life that is virtuous and fulfilling.

Why Does God Want Us To Respond With Humility To All People And Every Adversity We Face?

For Spiritual Growth

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.—2 Peter 3:18

Humility is a virtue that is often overlooked in today’s society. However, it is an essential trait that brings spiritual growth to an individual. When we face adversity or challenges in life, it is our humility that helps us navigate through these difficult times. Humility allows us to acknowledge our limitations and seek help when needed. The hand of God allows us to learn from our mistakes and grow as individuals.

On the other hand, pride can hinder our spiritual growth. When we are too proud to admit our mistakes, we may miss out on valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. Pride can also lead to a lack of patience and peace, as we strive to control everything around us. In contrast, humility helps us to cultivate patience and peace, as we learn to relinquish control and trust in God. Furthermore, humility allows us to receive more grace.

When you humble yourselves before the Lord, you recognize that you are not perfect and that you need the grace to overcome your shortcomings. This grace comes from a higher power, and it is freely given to those who seek it. Humility opens the door for you to receive this grace, as you acknowledge your need for it.

Gather Resilience And Perseverance

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.—2 Corinthians 4:8–9

When you humble yourselves before God, it can bring immense strength and resilience to you. Hardship is an inevitable part of life, and it is during these challenging times that humility becomes even more critical.

It is easy to become overwhelmed by the difficulties you face and feel defeated, but humility helps you keep things in perspective. Acknowledging that you are not perfect and that you do not have all the answers is the first step towards building resilience and perseverance.

Humility also allows us to develop empathy toward others. When we are humble, we can relate to the struggles of others and be able to offer them support and encouragement. This empathy creates a sense of community and helps us build connections with others, which can be valuable during tough times. When we see others facing adversity, we can draw strength from their resilience and use it to fuel our own perseverance.

Perseverance is the key to overcoming hardship, and humility is an essential component of perseverance. When you humble yourselves before God, you are open to learning from and growing from your experiences. You recognize that you do not have all the answers and that there is always room for improvement. This willingness to learn and adapt allows you to persevere through difficult times and come out stronger with God’s mighty hand.

How Do You Humble Yourself Under The Mighty Hand Of God?

Imitate The Character Of Christ

To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.—1 Peter 2:21

One of the main ways that Christ demonstrated humility was through servanthood. He did not come to earth to be served, but rather to serve others. He washed the feet of his disciples, healed the sick, and fed the hungry. This kind of selfless service is a hallmark of true humility, as it shows a willingness to put the needs of others before our own.

Humility is a virtue that is often overlooked in today’s fast-paced and competitive world. It is the act of recognizing our own limitations and weaknesses, while also showing respect and consideration for others. As Christians, you are called to humble yourselves before God and imitate Christ in all areas of your lives and in church.

A Repentant Heart

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.—2 Chronicles 7:14

The Israelites were known for their stubbornness, idolatry, and pride. They have often rejected God, despite His goodness and grace to them. As a result, they suffered extreme anguish and hardship for seeking the devil and forsaking God.

Repentance is a crucial step in the process of healing and forgiveness. It requires us to take responsibility for our actions and seek forgiveness from those we have wronged. When we are humble, we are more willing to do this. At the proper time, we can put aside our pride and ego and recognize that we are not perfect. This allows us to approach the process of repentance with an open mind and a willingness to change.

Humility also allows us to see God’s mighty hand and the humanity in others. When we are humble, we are less likely to judge others for their mistakes and shortcomings. Instead, we are able to extend grace and forgiveness to them, just as we would hope to receive it ourselves. This creates an environment of healing and compassion, where people are able to come together and support one another in their journey toward repentance and forgiveness.

Love God And Other People

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.—Matthew 22:37–40

The Great Commandment impels us to love God above all and then our neighbor as ourselves. This means that we have to reorganize our faulty set of priorities in life. In our early existence, we are often driven foremost by our own self-interests.

This means we are more concerned about our work, honor, and other needs. As a result, we neglect to pursue God and spend time with Him. We also forget to help others in need. Pride rules our lives, which earns the ire of the Lord.

When we honor and love God above all, God is pleased. When we humble ourselves and help others, we display the glory of Christ. Peter clarifies that we must humble ourselves before God. Humility is a byproduct when we surrender to the mighty hand of God and nurture true love in our hearts.

girl woman kneeling during worship


In God’s mighty hand, we must be meek and trust His power and grace. We must believe that He is in control and that He knows what is best for us. Once we have this foundation of trust, we can begin to obey Him.

As we obey God, we will also gather God’s grace and begin to love others more. We will start to see them as people who are loved by God and deserving of our love and respect. Finally, God’s powerful hand will help us become meeker and imitate the servanthood of Christ. When we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, He will exalt us in due time. 

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