The Crucifixion Of Jesus: Exploring Its Monumental Impact On Christianity

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



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One of the most critical moments in Christian theology is the crucifixion of Jesus. It alludes to Jesus Christ’s execution in Jerusalem in the first century A.D. by the Roman government. The Bible claims that Jesus was detained, tried, and executed by crucifixion for blasphemy and sedition during His time.

He was stripped of His clothes, beaten, and made to carry His cross to a hill outside the city, where He was crucified and left to perish. Christian belief is based on Christ’s crucifixion. Every year, on Good Friday, it is remembered as a reminder of the ultimate price Jesus paid to secure humanity’s redemption.

What Was The Crucifixion Of Jesus?

The New Testament books known as the Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—record the crucifixion of Jesus. The direct synthesis of the salvific message of Jesus is found in this biblical tale.

In Matthew, Jesus foretold that He would die and be restored to life on the third day. From that point on, Jesus started clarifying to His disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and experience many things at the hands of the rulers, the chief priests, and the law teachers.

Jesus was aware that the sins of men would necessitate the sacrifice of His life. As Jesus’ ministry and miracles peaked, many Jews began to accept Him as the Messiah and the Son of God. The Jewish authorities were afraid of Jesus because of His expanding following.

Roman soldiers took Jesus into custody with Judas Iscariot’s assistance, and He was tried for claiming to be the Jewish king. Roman law stipulated that insurrection against the ruler would result in execution by crucifixion.

Pontius Pilate, the governor of Rome, was hesitant to execute Jesus. Even though he could discover nothing wrong with Jesus, he wished to execute Him to appease the populace. Before he scourged Jesus to death and handed Him over to be beaten and whipped, he washed his hands in front of the mob to signify that he was not accepting responsibility for the bloodshed of Jesus.

Jesus was forced to carry His cross up the hill to where he would be crucified while wearing a crown of thorns on His head. Calvary, which means “a site of the skull,” is the name of the cross where Jesus was crucified.

Why Was Jesus Crucified?

Most Christians know how one of Jesus’ closest associates, Judas, established His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane in exchange for a bag of silver coins. Jesus was mocked, brutalized, and tormented before being made to carry His crucifixion to Golgotha, also known as Calvary. He was nailed and hanged to die a torturous and humiliating death like an ordinary criminal.

First, because that was how the Roman government usually conducted public executions of non-Romans, Jesus was crucified—nailed to a cross to die. It was not unexpected that Jesus would be put to death in this manner because He was a non-Roman who caused great civic turmoil in Jerusalem and whose leaders specifically requested that the Roman authorities execute Him.

Politics and popular demand influenced the Roman government’s decision to crucify Jesus or execute Him differently. Following Jesus’ arrest, the religious authorities took Him before Governor Pilate, who interrogated Him.

According to Luke’s Gospel, Pilate gathered the crowd and the religious authorities and declared, “You brought me this man as one who was inciting the people to rebellion. I have examined him in your presence and have found no basis for your charges against him. Neither has Herod, for he sent him back to us; as you can see, he has done nothing to deserve death. Therefore, I will punish him and then release him” (Luke 23:14–16).

But the populace demanded that Jesus be put to death, so Pilate gave in. He gave the crucifixion the go-ahead for several reasons. Matthew reports that an outcry was building over Pilate’s ambivalence, so he did what they wanted. Mark 15:15 says he “wished to satisfy the crowd watching him.”

Whether it was due to political pressure or crowd control, Pilate followed the crowd’s demands. Matthew informs us that Pilate took water, washed his hands in front of the public, and declared, “I am innocent of this man’s blood. It is your duty” (Matthew 27:24).

The short answer is that God, who is good, planned to save people who were otherwise lost through Jesus. His life, death, and reincarnation are all part of that plan on many different levels, and the fact that Jesus had to die for Him to be resurrected is indeed everything.

How Does The Life Of Jesus On The Cross Offer Significance To Our Lives?

It implies that our sins are forgiven when we choose Jesus, trust Him, and live by His example. When He adds, “Just as Moses hoisted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in Him,” Jesus Himself explains this tremendous gift to the people in John 3:14–15.

The chapter outlines how God loved the world so dearly that He sacrificed His one and only Son so that everyone would be saved and enjoy eternal life. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is already condemned because they have not placed their faith in the name of the only Son of God (John 3:18).

The road to heaven leads to Jesus. He gave His life as a ransom for us. This means that for our lives, our belief in and commitment to following Jesus ensure that the passing of our physical bodies is not the end. We get to live with the Father in the spiritual world forever.

It might be unpleasant and challenging to understand why Jesus was crucified. But we have faith that His death was a part of God’s strategy, a component of the larger picture of God’s creation. God’s own Son—the “Word becoming flesh” (John 1:14)—willingly decided to suffer and die for us. His resurrection followed.

wooden cross on grey rocks under cloudy skies and crucifixion of jesus

Powerful Facts About The Crucifixion Of Jesus

Crucifixion was one of the most shameful ways of dying and one of the most dreaded means of execution in the ancient world[1]. The word “crucifixion” originates from the Latin crucifix or crucifixus, meaning “attached to a cross.”

Before Jesus’ Death, There Was Flogging

Every crucifixion was preceded by flogging or scourging. The goal of the people guarding Jesus was to push Him to the brink of death. Iron balls were attached to the end of each leather thong of the whip by a few inches. Sharp sheep bones were occasionally tied at the ends. The leather thongs would slash into the skin, while the iron balls would leave behind severe bruises.

The sheep bones would speed up the skin-cutting procedure. These would start to cut through the skin after a few lashings. The amount of blood lost was significant, and the pain probably shocked Jesus.

Christ Bore His Cross

Jesus carried His cross from the place of flogging inside the city to the area of crucifixion outside the city walls after receiving the beating. Because the crucifixion process was horrific and upsetting to bystanders, the location was always outside the city. The cross’s upright portion was fixedly affixed to the spot where the victim was crucified.

On The Cross, Jesus Said The Most Crucial Phrases Of Theological Significance

In the afternoon, Jesus cried, “Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani,” which translates to “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). A little while later, Jesus breathed His last painful breath. All of God’s history is focused on that moment. The entire course of God’s existence has been one of self-control and humility. He took enough time away from Himself to let the rest of creation grow and prosper.

God preserved all of humanity’s limited experiences, including joy, sadness, laughter, and despair. He spoke these words in His dying moments because He had been abandoned for us. He likewise said it without requesting an answer to communicate His sadness.

Jesus Hung Almost Six Hours On The Cross

According to Mark, after crucifying Christ, they divided up His clothes by casting lots to determine which each person should receive. And when they crucified Jesus, it was the third hour (Mark 15:24–25). This means that the crucifixion of Christ began at nine in the morning.

However, Matthew claims that “from the sixth hour there was darkness over the region until the ninth hour,” referencing the Jewish calendar (Matthew 27:45). In other words, the earth shook, and it was pitch black from noon to three in the afternoon. Jesus spent these hours hanging on the cross.

The spear that killed Jesus, as mentioned in biblical accounts, is a symbol of profound significance in Christian history, sparking countless discussions and scholarly research about its true identity and whereabouts.

Mary, Clopas’ wife, Mary, Jesus’ mother, Mary Magdalene, and His mother’s sister stood near the cross. His body is removed from the cross and laid in a tomb, where it stays for three days before being resurrected to fulfill the promise that He would rise from the dead.

The Holy City Was Under Attack During Jesus’ Crucifixion

The Siege of Jerusalem was a historic moment. According to historical records, the Roman Empire had been in control of Jerusalem and other regions of Judea for many years, and hostilities between the Jewish people and the Roman government were intense.

The Second Temple, the holiest Jewish site, was destroyed by the Roman troops during the cruel and disastrous siege, which left the city in ruins. Tens of thousands of Jews perished during the lengthy siege, which lasted several months.

bread and chalice on white textile and crucifixion of jesus


A pivotal moment in human history, Christ’s death is still remembered and commemorated by billions today. Despite how inhumane it was, Christians view the crucifixion as a potent symbol of selfless love, redemption, and salvation.

The circumstances surrounding the crucifixion are intricate and multifaceted; they involve political, social, and religious elements that researchers and theologians are still researching today. However, it is undeniable that Jesus died; His death significantly influenced human history and spirituality, influencing the development of Christianity and motivating countless acts of kindness and compassion.

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