How To Believe In Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide To Finding The Path Of Faith

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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Believing in Jesus is an incredibly important part of the Christian faith. Believing in Jesus means accepting Him as your Lord and Savior and learning to trust Him with all aspects of your life. It requires a heart that is open and willing to embrace His teachings and the commitment to follow the path of righteousness He has laid before us.

The first step to believing in Jesus is to have faith. Faith is the foundation of Christianity, as it is what allows us to believe that Jesus truly is who He says He is—God’s Son and our Savior. We must be willing to trust Him completely, even when circumstances don’t make sense. This requires a deep understanding of God and an open heart willing to accept the truth of who Jesus is.

What Does It Mean To Believe In Jesus?

To believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, one must accept Him as the Savior of mankind, recognize that Jesus died for our sins and rose again, have faith in His promises of salvation and eternal life, and follow His teachings in one’s life.

Fun fact: The fish symbol (or ichthys) we often see in public has also been used to signify Jesus’ identity and what it means to believe in him. The word “ichthys” is quite simply derived from the ancient Greek word for fish. But when broken down, the Greek word forms an acronym which translates to “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.”

To Believe In Jesus Means To Have Faith In Him

Trusting Jesus, God’s one and only Son, means entrusting our complete confidence in Him and submitting our own will to His authority. It involves believing that He has the power to fulfill His promises and obey His commands. Faith also requires a commitment to follow God in all aspects of life, even when it is difficult for us to comprehend why or how this should be done.

2 Corinthians 5:7 states that the Bible tells us to depend on our faith instead of relying on what we can see. Having faith in God’s teachings motivates obedience, even when it is challenging for us, as shown in Hebrews 11:6. The Scriptures reassure us in Hebrews 11:39 that although faith may not manifest immediate results, it will ultimately be rewarded.

Believing in Jesus involves forming a relationship with Him, which includes praying and reading His Word. We should fix our gaze on Him and His teachings rather than ourselves or worldly matters. Ultimately, trusting that God has supplied us with everything we need to express our faith in this world is at the heart of believing in Jesus.

To Believe In Jesus Means To Accept His Terms

Accepting Jesus’ terms means completely committing our lives and futures to Him, understanding that He is the only way to salvation[1]. We must accept His lordship over us, recognize that He is our Heavenly Father, and trust Him enough to obey His commands. As followers of Christ, we must be willing to make sacrifices in order to live according to His principles.

The Bible tells us that Jesus will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), so accepting His terms requires complete surrender and unconditional trust in Him. It also requires a willingness to “deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him” (Luke 9:23). This may mean giving up worldly pleasures for the sake of obedience or sacrificing our time and resources to serve Him.

To Believe In Jesus Means To Trust Him

Trusting Jesus means relying on Him completely, knowing that He is always working for our ultimate good. It involves having faith that His plans and purposes will be fulfilled in our lives, regardless of our circumstances (Jeremiah 29:11). We can trust Jesus to provide whatever we need in life, from physical comfort to spiritual nourishment.

Trusting God is a matter of the heart; it’s about believing that He has our best interests at heart, even when everything around us appears chaotic or uncertain. When we place our trust in Him, He provides us with peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). We must also remember to thank God for all the blessings He has given us, as this shows our trust in Him (Psalm 118:1).

To believe in Jesus ultimately means to trust Him with everything we have and are. It is an act of faith that can only be experienced when we surrender, believing that He will never leave or forsake us. We can rest assured knowing that He will always remain faithful, no matter what comes our way.

jesus loves you come love him written on cross

How Do We Know If We Truly Believe In Jesus?

For us to experience a meaningful, life-changing relationship with Jesus, there must be evidence of trust and obedience in our actions.

1. Acknowledge Your Beliefs

Before anyone else, you need to state that you believe in Jesus. This is done by committing your heart, soul, and mind to Him—declaring He is the one true God and believing His promises. Sometimes doubts arise or fear creeps in, but acknowledging your beliefs will keep you focused on the truth of Jesus and His plan for your life.

2. Obey The Word Of God

When we read the Bible, it is easy to become overwhelmed by all of the rules and regulations that seem daunting or unattainable. However, following these laws shows us that our faith in Jesus runs deeper than what appears on the surface. God’s Word is filled with promises, instructions, and guidance that we should remember as we strive to live a life of obedience.

3. Pray Regularly

Prayer is essential to communicating with God and developing a stronger relationship with Him. It allows us to focus our thoughts and energies on His promises, finding strength and direction in times of difficulty. Prayer encourages us to take action based on our faith and cultivates greater belief within ourselves. Through prayer, we can reach out to God and receive His blessings with open arms.

4. Live A Life Of Love

Jesus calls us to a life of love, compassion, and peace through the Holy Spirit. We are expected to treat others with respect and kindness—even those who may disagree with or oppose our faith. As we demonstrate our commitment to living out His teachings, it will become apparent that we truly believe in Jesus and strive to honor Him with every action.

5. Share Your Faith With Others

It can be intimidating to share our beliefs with friends and family, but it is an important part of our journey with Jesus. As we stand as witnesses of God for others, we allow them to experience the same joy and fulfillment that come from having faith in Him.

There are also many Christian denominations who share the same faith as ours. For instance, while the Amish are often recognized for their distinctive way of life, it is their unwavering belief in Jesus that underpins their spiritual convictions.

True faith in Jesus cannot be easily measured or quantified. Living out our beliefs and putting them into action every day requires conscious effort. As long as we remember to acknowledge our beliefs, obey God’s word, pray regularly, participate in the community, and live out our faith, we can rest assured knowing that we are faithfully walking with Jesus. In Him, there is nothing more certain than this.

black and white believers people standing in praise and worship


Believing in Jesus, while easier said than done, reflects a lot of who we are as Christians. It necessitates a profound surrendering of our understanding, an open heart ready to receive the truth of who Jesus is, and a commitment to obey God in all areas of life—even when it is challenging for us to understand or comprehend why or how it should be done.

When we follow through with our faith and commit to a life following Jesus, our mindsets will change, and we can achieve everlasting life in God.

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