Living A Life For God: Embracing Divine Purpose And Love

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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Everyone dreams of a cozy home, a reliable car, and plenty of cash for holiday adventures. We chase these desires to fill our hearts with joy and satisfaction.

However, do those represent what God intends for us, or perhaps the Bible indicates an entirely different priority list? Of course, God wants us to enjoy an existence full of love, joy, and prosperity, but these aren’t things that the majority of the world values when living life for God.

God wants us to have spiritual rather than materialistic possessions. Christ promises that our loving God will constantly provide for and supply all of our physiological needs, so we shouldn’t worry about them (Matthew 6:25–33).

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize spiritual growth over material possessions, aligning with God’s promise to provide for needs.
  • Follow principles of love, peace, compassion, and righteousness, reflecting a life lived for God.
  • Strive for spiritual growth and emulate God’s character through faith, constancy, and love, guided by the teachings of Christ.

What Does The Bible Say About Living A Life For God?

Our righteous Father has provided us with specific guidelines for how we’re supposed to live our lives for Him in His scriptures. These involve the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves (John 13:34–35), the challenge to pursue Him and find peace even at the expense of denying our personal wants (Matthew 16:24), the encouragement to help the vulnerable (James 1:27), and also the caution to avoid engaging in sinful acts (1 Thessalonians 5:6–8).

Christ described a life lived for the Lord. Christ tells us, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:29–31). Knowing that God’s love is unconditional, we must spread the love we receive from Him to others.

What Does It Mean When We Say We Are Living Our Life For God?

When we claim that we are leading a life for God, we mean that our lives are lived in a way that honors God. We seek God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and power. As a result of our adherence to Him (John 15:4, 8), we love others in His fashion. By doing that, we honor His word and also benefit from the connection to the reason that we were first made.

People who glorify God should read His teachings and implement these teachings in their everyday lives because living for God entails sacrificing ourselves and prioritizing the things He wants for us. And the Holy Spirit can guide us along this path.

A digital illustration capturing a moment of prayer and reflection by the ocean at sunset, with rays of light breaking through the clouds as individual pray to God

How To Live A Life For God?

God wants us to live by the purity and holiness He has showered upon us through our belief in Christ. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, believers are transformed and changed “into the image of the Father in true righteousness and holiness,” according to Ephesians 4:24.

The Lord commands us to do it. Be a child of the true God and strive to be like our heavenly Father to have eternal life with Him (Ephesians 5:1). Also, according to 1 Timothy 6:11–12, “Follow the path of faith, righteousness, constancy, godliness, love, and compassion. Engage in spiritual warfare. Grasp the eternal salvation to which we were destined.” To make it simpler, pursue God, who embodies all of those qualities and more.

An oil painting showcasing a group of worshippers singing hymns in a church, bathed in heavenly light.

3 Things To Live The Life God Intended

1. Plan

Our plan must be to serve God. This affects our actions now and in the following years. This must include our mission and purpose, which frequently incorporate a particular setting, circumstance, or group of individuals.

We may develop and comprehend our own goals and purposes by surrounding ourselves with others who do have similar visions to us. We should begin now because our plan may take some time to establish.

2. Tools And Resources

This might entail going to a seminar, finishing a book, enrolling in classes, or doing some online activities. If Christ is the center of our lives, then we need tools, guidance, and motivation on how to communicate our belief, how to learn and impart God’s word, as well as how to inspire someone else to flourish in their faith. With the assistance of other resources, we can walk with God and serve Him for the rest of our lives.

3. Mentor

Anyone who is a little further along in their spiritual journey with the Lord than us can be our mentor. Perhaps you’ll come across your mentor in your community church or via a ministry.

Having a mentor is important because God desires everyone to be able to learn from others. This individual helps their group and encourages others personally. A mentor can provide us with:

  • Routine meetings, whether in person or online using a platform like Facebook or Skype.
  • Encouragement and education in following Christ as we work toward our vision.
  • Consistent prayers.
A watercolor painting depicting a serene countryside scene, where people are dancing in a field under the golden sunlight, praising God for the beauty

3 Top Bible Verses About Living Our Life For God

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, acceptable, and perfect.

Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Hebrews 13:5

Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

An illustration of a joyful family gathered around a dinner table, giving thanks to God for their blessings


Our Christian life must be centered on Christ[1], who should be in charge of all our everyday activities. This is how our attention switches from ourselves and our own desires to our God and His amazing purpose for our lives. If we want our lives to run smoothly, we must give God authority.

Christ is prepared to give us everything we need and even more. Keep in mind that God created us for a reason. He wishes for us to develop by encouraging others to get to know Him better. Jesus Christ desires our lives to be extraordinary in order to display to the world just how extraordinary He truly is.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of life to God?

The meaning of life to God is a profound journey of love, purpose, and spiritual alignment. It involves seeking connection with divine will, expressing love and compassion towards creation, and striving for justice and righteousness. Ultimately, it’s part of a greater cosmic plan beyond human comprehension.

What is a life with God?

A life with God is marked by purpose, guidance, and spiritual fulfillment through a personal relationship with the divine. It brings comfort, strength, and resilience, shaping values and actions with hope and peace amidst challenges. Ultimately, it’s a transformative journey of love and significance, enriching both the individual and their world.

How to live for God everyday?

Living for God every day involves aligning thoughts and actions with divine values through prayer, meditation, and studying sacred texts. Practicing love, compassion, and service, while maintaining humility and gratitude, fosters spiritual growth and reflects God’s light and love in daily life.

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