Long ago, folks believed the heavens chatted with them in all sorts of ways. Believe it or not, it’s still happening! But to really get the cosmic signals, you gotta have a tight bond with the spiritual realm. The big guy upstairs has quite a few tricks up His sleeve to catch our attention, and a biggie is through numbers.
There are reasons why you see numbers repeating in unexpected ways. If you notice the same number within a week or two, God wants to speak to you and tell you something.
What Is The 1111 Meaning Bible?
As a number, 1 is considered a symbol of independence and self-determination. But in this case, angel number 1 repeats four times in a row, which means its importance is amplified.
In the Bible, angel number 11 was first mentioned when Jacob crossed the Ford of the Jabbok together with his two wives, his two female servants, and his 11 sons (Genesis 32:22). Of his sons, Joseph is Jacob’s 11th.
It’s also worth noting that this is the transitional revelation of Jesus Christ—that the Father is not as cruel as he was depicted in the Old Testament: “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead?” (Luke 11:11).
The angel number 1111 is actually two elevens that have been repeated twice. The biblical significance of this angel number, as well as the number 1212, is referred to as “spiritual awakening.” You are advised to discover your spiritual path and grow along it instead of taking pleasure in your material possessions.
And just like Luke 11:11, the angel number in the Bible means a transition. This means that you are about to embark on a significant change in your life, which will also lead to spiritual enlightenment.
Most describe the angel number 1111 as a wake-up call[1] from God that shouldn’t be taken for granted. The biblical meaning of 1111 can be considered God’s way of speaking to you.
God is sending you a message to save you through that number for your spiritual growth. And it’s a blessing to learn to recognize this strong message so you can make your relationship with God stronger and more stable. And in the process, you get to live a more meaningful life by listening to God’s guidance.
What Does The Number 1111 Mean?
Before understanding what the number 1111 means, it’s important to discover what the numbers 1 and 11 mean separately. The number 1 is usually considered a symbol of positive thoughts and optimism. It can be a big help whenever you’re going through a difficult time in your life. At the same time, the number is used to identify success, strong intuition, and self-leadership.
This number is one of the most powerful numbers you can receive from the universe. It is best known for its spiritual properties and is usually referred to as an angel number. This is because angels use the number 1 to send us a unique message from God.
Once you accept the number as a message, you come to the realization that you are the master of your own life. This helps you start looking at things in a more positive light, so you can change for the better.
On the other hand, the number 11 resonates with your soul mission and life’s purpose. Compared to the number 1, the number 11 is thought of as a master number that helps awaken your spirituality.
It is through this number that angels communicate with you and remind you that you are a spiritual being. It is a number used to remind you to listen to your inner voice so you can build your connection with God.
Why Are You Seeing The Number 1111?
The numbers 1 and 11 can appear in various instances throughout your life. You may notice the number 11 as a sequence in your phone via a date (November 11), time (11:11), or even a phone number (1111).
If you’ve noticed this number sequence multiple times in the past few days, your guardian angel could be sending you an important message. This is why it is best that you know the biblical meaning of 1111.
As written in the Bible, God will command His angels concerning us and send them as spirit guides to guard us in all our ways (Psalm 91:11).
And in order to speak to us, our angels use numbers. They do this by repeating numbers in a sequence, or what is known as “angel numerology.”
If you keep seeing 1111 and the number 999 several times a day or many times a week, it’s a sign that God is trying to communicate with you through His angels.
Once you recognize this number and what it means, you can apply it to your life. It isn’t a coincidence that you keep seeing this number. God has plans for you and wants you to know what those plans are.
What Is The Significance Of The Number 1111?
In a nutshell, the Bible describes the number 1111 as a wake-up call from God. It is also a message to get rid of old baggage and move forward with your life, especially if you are constantly thinking about the past. It is also advised to use your positive energy for good, so you can improve your life.
The number 1111 in numerology is connected to the angels of love, which means that you may experience a new love soon. While it may mean a romantic relationship, it could also mean rediscovering yourself and finding fulfillment in your spirituality. If you constantly see the number 1111, your guardian angel may be helping you learn a new life lesson so you can improve your life.
God wants you to see that there is more to this world than what your physical eyes can see. And your guardian angels want you to discover the spiritual planes that God created before you die.
You may also be seeing the angel number 1111 as a way to reassess your life and make necessary changes. Here are some of the messages behind this number:
1. A Wake-Up Call Not To Be So Critical Of Yourself
Try to assess how you view yourself spiritually. Assess your negative thoughts. Are you being overly critical of yourself? Does the opinion of other people affect your self-esteem negatively? Is your identity coming from God or other men (Galatians 1:10)?
When you keep seeing the number 1111, your guardian angel may be reminding you that you are no longer depending on God’s power to control your life. It is a reminder to turn your attention toward God and cast your anxiety on him (Peter 5:7).
The spiritual significance of this as a sign from God is that we may already be trying to impress our peers instead of putting God at the center of our lives. There is only one God, and we cannot serve two masters. Stop being so hard on yourself and how other people see you. Focus on Godly things instead.
2. Your Prayers Will Be Answered Soon.
God knows your heart’s desires. Before you call, he answers, and while you are still speaking, he already hears you (Isaiah 65:24). Seeing the number 1111 is a reminder that God has heard your prayer and will answer it in His time. Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours (Mark 11:24).
As long as your prayers are aligned with God’s will for your life, you don’t have to worry about them getting answered or when they will be answered (John 5:14–15). When you see the number 1111, it is a reminder that things are working according to God’s plan in your life. Learn to be patient.
3. Someone In Heaven Is Watching Over You.
Another reason why you keep seeing 1111 is that someone in heaven is keeping watch over you. Even though we are no longer able to communicate with our loved ones who are in heaven, God sends angels to guide us and send us messages (Psalm 91:11). God speaks to us through His angels.
It reminds us that our ultimate treasure is waiting for us in heaven, where moths and vermin cannot destroy it and thieves cannot break in and steal it (Matthew 6:19–21).
Seeing the number 1111 can be taken as a reminder to stay faithful and to trust in God’s power. He has sent His angels to guide and keep watch over you.
4. A Breakthrough Is On The Horizon.
If you’ve been putting aside a personal project or a business ambition, the number 1111 can be seen as a message that this is the time to start. Your angels are telling you that the world needs what you are offering or your talent and abilities.
Apart from the number 1111, the other numbers associated with this meaning include 333 and the number 444. Seeing these numbers over and over again can be your angels’ way of letting you know a positive transformation is about to happen in your life.
As long as you trust what God has planned for your life, everything will fall into place. You will get to discover your life’s purpose. Positive change happens when you pray for it, believe that it will happen, and take the necessary steps to make it happen.
It’s no coincidence that you keep seeing the number 1111 and can’t explain why. Your angel is nearby and is sending you a message. And this message comes from God Himself, who wants nothing more than to improve your life.
God wants you to awaken spiritually so you can strengthen your spiritual relationship with Him. Learn to trust Him wholly and remain faithful to what He has planned for you. After all, this is what God wants for your life.
This is so
Helpful! I keep seeing 1111 everyday and multiple times a day for the last 6 months and recently 444 almost every day for a month!! This is very insightful.
Amazing Jil
I have been seeing the numbers 11:11 almost at least once a day for a very long time. Clock in bedroom, clock on stove, tv, ballgames, deer feeder timer. Not looking for it. I even try to avoid seeing it. Hope it is a good sign. Did not go anywhere on Nov 11th. The doctor tried to schedule me on that date. It just shows up.
My daughter would delight every time she saw 11:11.
‘Make a wish momma!’
She would say…
She was 19 when she & I were lost in a snowstorm and I lost her.
It is 17 years today.
I’ve felt her every single time I see 11:11 and now I believe I know why.
Thank you ~
God love you. I can’t begin to imagine your loss and journey. I believe God and angels on assignment are letting you know your daughter is always with you. And how loved you are. You will be able to reach another family with your story and help them with your strength. And it is no coincidence your name means “resurrection”. Your very being is based on the gift of God’s own son and the ultimate love God has for us. The most important event ever. The very measurement of time is based on Jesus’ birth. And God knows exactly how it feels to lose a child. I honestly feel He’s letting you know how precious you are and you will be able to guide another mother through tragedy. I pray blessings and peace to you knowing your daughter is right there with you.
This is beautiful and heart wrenching. May your soul eventually find some semblance of peace. 💜
When I was working I would see 1111 a lot. At first, I didn ‘t think much about it. Then after awhile, I was like this has to mean something, but I couldn’t not figure it out why. I was in a new relelationship with my boyfriend that I dated 16 years before. I had left my marriage from someone else to be with him. Even though, going back to the old boyfriend people would question because of what he put me through. Normal people probably wouldn’t go back, but I thought about us being older now and I believed in second chances. After we were together, was when I was seeing the 1111 alot. The place I worked at had 1111 on the building. I would make signs for price changing and the last 4 numbers on the bar code would be 1111. It didn’t matter if it was 11:11a.m. or 11:11p.m. or 1:11a.m. or 11:11p.m. Coming to find out I believe the 1111 was about me being pregnant for the first time in the new relationship which is now my husband. My son was born on Nov. 12. If Nov. 11 was on a Monday instead of a Sunday I definitly would of had him on 1111. Not relizing until later. We had his communion pic taken when he was 11 months. As years have gone by my son got a ball from a quarter maching with the 11 on it. My son is suppose to go to competitve soccer, but $800 was too much money for us to pay for a year for him to go to soccer, so I put him into summer soccer for two weeks. Then when school started i found a soccer team he could play in that was cheaper and his number in that time was 11. The 1111 came about alot right around the time before I knew I was pregnant. It was a constant things that just happened. Then my man at the time thought wouldn’t that be something if he was born on 1111. He was 19 hours late from 1111. I Still see 1111, but only occasionaly. I do believe it’s a sign. I am a person that worries a lot if we can be a live again on earth. I get scared thinking that once we are dead that is it forever. I love life, so I hope I have a chance to enjoy life over and over.
Thank you for reading ,
You need to cast all your worries to GOD. Worrying will never change the outcome of anything but GOD can. Trust and have faith in him. He will give you peace!
Hi Tiffany! Thank you for sharing your story. I’ve been seeing 11:11 quite a bit too. But I just wanted to encourage you and let you know that you don’t have to just hope that you’ll have life again after death. You’re an eternal being already. The Bible says God has placed eternity in our hearts, and you can connect with God, if you can slow down, take some time and remove distractions. I know we live in a distracted world. But God has breathed the breath of life in us, we are eternal. When man fell, we lost that connection to God through sin because the Bible says the wages of sin are death, so our mortal bodies began to decay and eventually die. But God sent His Son Jesus to come, restore that connection, save us, redeem us and place is back into right standing with God. He cleanses us from sin, and makes us a new creation, where we can spend together with Him. Because without Him, we’re dead in our sins and are subject to God’s wrath. But His gift is free, his love is free, his mercy is free. We just have to believe and receive.
If you live fir God and have Jesus in your heart you will definitely love forever in the most beautiful place imaginable.
Notice that you posted this on Jan. 11 (111)!
My heart resonates with the truth of God. Thank you for sharing these beautiful scriptures it strengthens my spiritual relationship with my ABBA… ALL IS IN HIS TIME AND HIS GENTLE LOVING GUIDING HANDS.
God bless you
Well, I saw Today I was purchasing something from a store which the amount of my purchase was 11.11 pop up on the cash register screen,, and I was like wow that number. And of course it’s on the receipt and now Tonight I picked up my phone it’s was 11:11pm. So, I don’t know anything what’s going on but, I’m not getting anywhere in life, never married, no job, no nothing accomplished in my life, I am 54, I just want my prayers to be answered and plus be married, etc. I can go on.
One place. Explained the 1111 as a new beginning as about to happen believe for it!
I feel God’s presence on a regular basis but I was going through a time of absolute silence. My daughter being pregnant with twins received news early on that they had TAPS. I was praying and asking for God’s presence, for HIS mighty healing, for a miracle, and for the faith I needed to believe it to happen. So for weeks and I mean several weeks I happened to look at the clock at 11:11. Sometimes AM and sometimes PM. That may not seem significant but it happened so frequently that I mentioned it to my husband. I felt there was something spiritual about it but I assumed that since I said something to someone it would stop, but it didn’t! It was still happening so often that I started taking screen shots and pictures. My daughter was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia at 26 weeks and the doctors did an emergency c section.
Twin A was born at 11:10 and Twin B was born at 11:12. When the times of their births dawned on me I couldn’t quite make out how they were born on either side of 11:11. Then God spoke…
“I was in the middle of it”.
Praise the Lord! U said that right.
I love this!! God is always in our midst,I’m glad he gave you that word! What a beautiful relationship!
Wow.God showed up in a mighty way.Look at God.I see numbers in triples A lot!!! While reading these post I looked up in at time on my phone and it was 11:11. God is speaking. Last week I saw 111,222,333,444,555 all within hours of each other. I see it all the time!!! My son is seeing it now.God told me that my son is prophetic.He sees the numbers OFTEN, he was at school today on his Chromebook taking a quiz and finished. The quiz was 11/11 and he just happened to look at the time and it was 11:11 … GOD is moving!!!! Not a coincidence
Saw numbers all throughout the week, 1:11, 11:11,2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 and now again 11:11 this morning and I feel a kind of warmth feeling and peace over me. I really hope that I get all my prayers answered and so on and draw closer to God
Now that I have seen the reason of why I sent this 11.11 it’s no longer scary ‘ I intend to travel soon & hope to see it often as guidance & reasurity of what I want to do to live life to full as possible ,as well as signs of my family that past on checks on me & others siblings in we feel, thanks for info of 11.11.sincerely Barbara.form of a butterfly
Wow This is allSo true.I have seen 1111 for thw past 9 years and all things listed on this 1111 means the same of all things listed on this here meaning of 1111.I pray that all God and his Angels got me thru this life.I need it and all that positivity that comes along with it.Pray for me.
Been seeing 1111 for a few months now. And it’s not surprising: I took a wrong turn a few years ago and things kept going worse and worse. I was getting desperate. I also heard GOD speak in my spirit a few times. And I had a vision of Jesus recently Who told me “It won’t be long now”, because I’ve been thinking about the Rapture a lot lately. When I asked for confirmation for that vision the next day, I saw a car driving in front of me with 1 111 in the license plate. I immediately knew it was confirmation. I didn’t actually ‘need ‘ confirmation because during the vision I really FELT the presence of Jesus. I just KNEW it was Him. And I’ve been seeing 1111 regularly since then. First time I looked at the clock yesterday, was at 11:11 am. When I saw the last ‘1’ followed by ‘AM’, I read it as ‘I AM’… Thank you GOD, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit !
WHEEW!! GLORY TO GOD… He was in the middle of it!
God is sooo amazing. For a while now I have been seeing # sequences at least the last four months. 111 were frequent along with 222 . I knew God was speaking but I was not sure. I finally started to seek out the biblical meaning of#’s. Amazed by my findings. Then tonight God totally blew my mind. I google searched “1111” this was the first website that came up …95% of the time me reading this article astonished by how much I could connect to. I knew God was speaking.
I started to seek out scriptures about Angels talking to us and came across another article ” 12 Biblical Points About Talking with Angels” literally 1-2 mins later I received a text from my daughter with a TIK TOK video directly to my phone(she normally sends them through TIK TOK) When I opened the video it was a old school song ” I know I’ve Been Changed” in that part of the lyrics …
You know the ANGELS in Heaven done signed my name
“WOW – WOW – WOW ! ” I literally said this 3 times and called my daughter to tell her how God just used her to speak to me. Then I shared with my husband. Yet again another confirmation of how God is speaking and I’m listening.
I just want to encourage anyone else on a spiritual journey to grow closer to God. He hears us and he answers us as we continue to seek Him!
Wow I googled what 1111 means and I got all of these blessings. In 2005-2006 I was working for a sr. citizen company taking the elderly back and forth to Drs appts running errands with and for them it was the most rewarding work of my life. Unfortunately my husband got sick with lung cancer and I quit my job to be with him and take care of him. He only lived 3 months after Drs told us he had cancer. Befoire he got sick I too did elderly sitting. Again it was most rewarding. So I drovve the work van taking these people where they needed to go and I started seeing 1:11 on the radio clock or 444.It was like something would happen maybe a sound or something to make me look at the radio clock ir wherever I was when it happened. Now this was over 16-17 years ago. It lightened up for a while I was still seeing it just not as often. Now for the past year I see 1111 I want to say every day , sometimes several times a day and now when I see it I say thank you Father God for assuring me that you are always looking over me. That He is always with me and will never leave me nor forsake me. Cause that’s what I believe even though I know there is a whole lot more to it. Then I run across all these comments saying God is telling us to do something. My life has been a wreck for 5 years. After my husband died I moved back to my home state but never have been satisfied I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster sometimes. I met this man through my friend after a shirt time we started dating and living together. I have been miserable ever since I met this man yet somehow as badly as I want to I can’t seem to leave. I don’t believe in fact I know now this is not what God wants for me. I pray and ask him to show me the way to show me tell me what is his will for me. I have left him several times but I’ve always came back. I know I need to be with my daughter and grandchildren, my siblings my family. I am 1000 miles away from any family. Oh Dear God again I humbly ask you to help me out of this choking life that I’m in. Thank You for all your stories Thank You God for loving me for paying the ultimate sacrifice for me. I love you and I only want to live out your will for me. I know this is a long story and if I’ve offended anyone by it being a long story please forgive me. Dear God thank You and I humbly ask You to show me the way, YOUR WAY YOUR WILL BE DONE♥️♥️♥️ Thank you for all these comments here that I’m seeing stories like mine for the first time ever. I know God has something special for me. This man I live with is older and very controlling. He is not in good health and I see him slipping by the day. Is it right for me to leave him in his sickness. I have tried to tell Him how wonderful and important God is and how terribly important it is for him to know God but he won’t. Am I choosing him over God? GOD FORBID.
I pray that the Lord Our GOD will give you a way of escape out of this situation as he did for me 7 years ago. My situation is very similar to your situation in that I let him move in and I knew it was wrong, but I was lonely and vulnerable. It started out good than progressed to being a terrible relationship and I ultimately realized that the guy was a narcissist and very controlling. I can tell you that it is not God’s will for you to be in this “unequally yoked” relationship. Also, when you try to tell a person about God that you’re sinning with, they cannot or will not receive it from you as they are too familiar with you and your ways. In other words, don’t cast your pearls before swine or they will trample all over them. Your pearls are precious and should be shared with people who value you. By this man being sick, this may be the best time for you to leave so that in his alone time, he may experience the love of God. When a person is sick and or bedridden, the only thing that he or she can do is think. It can be about their past, the pain they cause others, or even perhaps God. By you staying, he has no time to reflect about anything but causing you more misery. You are not his savior — only Jesus that is if he opens up his heart and allow Him to come in.
You need to be restored and healed by the Father who is allowing this so that you can come back to Him and rest. Isaish 30:15 says, “For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest shall ye be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength; but you would not”.
We are supposed to please God and not man. When you please man, you make them your idol instead of God leading to the fear of man. The fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe (Proverbs 29:25)”. In the Name of Christ Jesus, please run from this relationship and into the arms of our Heavenly Father where there is safety, healing, restoration, and blessing AND don’t look back.
I pray that God will quiet you with His love and rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The Lord your God is in your midst, A Warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with joy; He will be quiet in His love [making no mention of your past sins], He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.
Jesus has already paid the price for our sins and redemptions. It is time to rise up and shake off the chains that are holding your captive, oh Lesia. You are a daughter of a King who wants only the best for his princess.
I pray your deliverance from this relationship is swift without shame or guilt. Be free, my sister in the Name of Christ Jesus, Amen.
Amen! & Amen!
A while ago I saw 11:11 on the clock and when I was on YouTube I refreshed my page and saw a video 11:11 long 😭 this was today and back to back, not even an hour apart.
So my life has been far from easy. I have had many occurrences with this number. I was 11 when I was baptized and felt the purity of the holy spirit. I also remember a time in grade school one of my teachers had asked me what my favorite number was I told her 1111 she asked me why? I couldn’t give her a explanation. Well later in life I had a daughter who had clear cell carcinoma of the kidney she was diagnosed at the age of 1 and we found it at stage 1 that is when I surrendered to God. (She is in survivorship and doing well.) Glory to God 🙌. Well I was still a bit distraught and didn’t understand why. But my relationship with her mom was quickly falling apart. In my depressive state some friends tried to preoccupie my mind and showed me a numerology chart. I never knew what it was so I gave it a shot and my numbers came out to be 1-1-11 as stunned as I was I knew from that moment my spiritual journey was only beggining.
I get very mixed feelings while reading both article and comments. I was on the “false” spiritual path (New Age) and I also believed in angel numbers etc. And I myself keep seeing them incl. other numbers but I no longer believe that they hold a significant meaning but we gave them meaning because of false teachings. People mix things up with God and New Age.
We are living in very dark times where deceptive spirits are all around us even speaking through family and friends who have gone away from God. This is Satan’s work. God is deeply connected to faith. And faith means not needing any outward confirmation but trusting Him. This is mentioned so often in the bible where people seek confirmation or proof from Jesus that he really is the Messiah, or apostle Thomas who only believed that it was really Jesus after being able to see his wounds and put his hand on it.
Wise counsel. I agree. Be careful folks.
I see the 11:11 too – very often for quite a while now. It’s curious and sometimes rattles me. Pick up my phone after being busy not knowing the time. There it is. Walk into the kitchen, there it is. Get ready for bed at night, there it is. See it at work, etc, etc.
I subsequently went through every book in the bible that has 11 chapters and 11 verses to see if God was speaking to me through scripture. Also focused on the 11th book in both Old and New Testaments and 11th verse in each chapter of these books. All very interesting, but would not say a mystery was unveiled.
In any event, my conclusion and suggestion are not to get caught up with angels, divine messages etc re 1111. I can’t explain why this keeps happening in my case and obviously I’m sensitized to it now. Decided to stay in prayer daily. Stay in the Word daily. Request God’s Holy Spirit to work on my spirit daily. As & when I see the 1111 coming up, I ask God to guide me, and reveal His Truth. I will be (and am) wary about numerology; that’s dangerous.
Just stay in the Word. Stay in Prayer. Maintain devotions. God will do His work.
Hi! I want ONLY God’s Bible meanings also. Thanks you. I’d really like to know the meaning of 222 and 333