Awesome Bible Verses About God Power In Our Lives

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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The misunderstanding of God’s power often stems from our conventional perceptions of it. God’s capacity to enact his desires in any conceivable scenario, through any method he prefers, in order to glorify himself, showcases his might.

God’s glory and will are at the center of his power. Every believer’s body and soul are physically filled with this extraterrestrial and divine energy or strength. He wants us to use it to collaborate with him in achieving his goals for the world. Not only does God possess this ability, but he also freely and abundantly grants it to us, as evidenced by these Bible verses about God’s power.

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Power?

The Hebrew word for power in the Old Testament is “geburah,” which signifies force and denotes triumph. The Greek term “dunamis,” originating from the word “dynamite,” finds its place in the New Testament, bringing to light a captivating perspective on the concept of “power.” This term not only translates to “power” but also carries an explosive force that can potentially create remarkable and miraculous effects.

What Does The Bible Say About God’s Power?

Paul is not pleading with God for a more theoretical understanding of Jesus’ resurrection or the potent methods by which he was brought back to life; instead, he expresses his passionate yearning to know Christ and the power of his resurrection in Philippians 3:8–11. He isn’t asking for more evidence to show that Jesus rose from the dead for non-believers, nor is he saying, “Lord, I need to know how you did it.”

Words From Peter

Peter is pleading with God for a close encounter with the same supernatural power that the Holy Spirit used to prevent the body of Jesus from rotting—the same magical power that gave life to a corpse and the same mighty power that overcame and reversed the entropy and decay to which the body of Jesus would otherwise be subject.

Experiencing The Power Of The Lord God Almighty

No matter their level of education, social standing, financial situation, or position in the church, every believer should regularly experience the power of God[1] and the Holy Spirit. God does not intend this to be an extraordinary, unusual, or rare phenomenon. You have access to this ability now, not only this week or next. God wants you to be able to draw from it and live in it at all times.

  • The Creator Of All Things: At the heart of the Bible’s teachings is the notion that in the beginning God created everything. In the book of Genesis, we find the majestic account of God speaking the universe into existence. With each uttered command, the cosmos burst forth, a testament to his power and glory. This power extends beyond the initial act of creation and continues to sustain the universe.
  • God’s Power Over Evil Is A Triumph Of Light: In the ongoing battle between good and evil, the Bible depicts the power of God as the ultimate victor. The defeat of darkness embodies his omnipotent authority, emphasizing the triumph of righteousness under his divine sovereignty.
  • The Future Revealed God’s Power And The Final Days: Biblical prophecies unveil the power of God as a force that will culminate in the final days. These predictions highlight the ultimate establishment of his divine kingdom, where his supremacy will be universally acknowledged.
  • Redemption And Forgiveness Are God’s Ultimate Powers: At the heart of Christianity is the concept of redemption and forgiveness. The power of God to cleanse and absolve human transgressions underscores his boundless compassion and authority to grant salvation, providing a path to eternal life.

Where Is God’s Power?

In a way, we have to reach the point where we are entirely dependent on God and have reached the end of ourselves. We now have a moment of desperate dependence as opposed to partial support. Without this frantic reliance, we walk on a banana peel, ready to fall when the next obstacle appears. We frequently seek strength elsewhere rather than from God’s grace. We can completely rely on the power of God.

His Ability To Prevent Harm And Allow His People To Achieve The Impossible

Recall Daniel? His frailty demonstrated the Lord God’s majesty in other places outside the lions’ den. When the moment came and the necessity arose, God raised him and showed his strength by bestowing on Daniel a talent that was not innate: the ability to interpret dreams (Daniel 2).

Growing Faith

We grow in our confidence in our everlasting God when we can witness his work in our lives. Furthermore, we need to see examples of his acts that are so obviously powerful that we can identify them as his. God desires our trust in him to significantly increase. To reaffirm our faith in his strength and character, he is ready to exhibit his great power.

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10 Amazing Bible Verses About God’s Power

This collection of 10 amazing Bible verses about God’s power offers a glimpse into the awe-inspiring force that underpins our faith. As we delve into these verses, may our hearts be uplifted by the assurance that the same divine power that spoke galaxies into existence is the same great power that walks with us through every twist and turn of our lives.

Hebrews 1:3

And he upholds everything with the power of his word because he is the exact representation of his essence and the source of his splendor. After making atonement for sins, he took a seat at the right hand of the Supreme Majesty.

Peter 1:3

God has provided everything we require to lead a holy life through the strength of his omnipotence. We have gotten everything by getting to know him, the one who drew us to himself through his magnificent glory and greatness.

Ephesians 3:20–21 

According to the power inside us, the real power belongs to God, and all things are possible for him. Therefore, through his divine nature, there will be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, until the end of time. Amen.

Romans 1:20

People have seen the earth and sky ever since the earth was formed. They can see God’s unseen attributes, such as his eternal power and divine character, in everything he creates. Therefore, they are not justified in not knowing the Lord God.

Revelation 5:13

And I heard the words, “To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever,” spoken by every living thing in heaven, on earth, under the earth, in the sea, and all that is in them.

John 3:16–17

Because God adored the world, he sent his one and only Son, Jesus Christ, granting eternal life to anyone who believed in him. The Lord God sent his Son into the world not to condemn it but to save it.

Luke 5:17

All who put their faith in God’s Son will have eternal life because God loved the world so much that he sent his one and only Son into it. God gave his Son into the world not to condemn it but rather to save all the nations through him.

Revelation 12:10

The accuser of our brethren, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been thrown down. I heard a loud voice from heaven proclaiming, “The salvation, power, and kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ, have come.”

Luke 5:17

He was giving a lesson one day when several Pharisees and professors of the law who had traveled from every hamlet in Galilee and Judea as well as from Jerusalem sat in the audience. The power of the Lord was also present, enabling him to perform healing.

2 Thessalonians 1:9–10

When the Lord returns to be glorified in his saints on that day and to be astonished among those who have believed because our testimony to you was believed, those who have done this will pay the price of eternal damnation under the immeasurable greatness of his power, far from the presence of the Lord forever and the glory of the mighty God.

A Prayer For God’s Power And Grace

Lord Jesus Christ,

We pray to you, the only Son of God, for your excellent gifts of kindness and grace as we go about our daily lives. All the earth should work to uphold your name and authority and should bask in your splendor and glorious might. When things get tough, keep us safe and let our spirit find joy in being your creation—you are our everlasting rock.

Save those who seek forgiveness and permit them to rely less on their intellect. God bless us and grant us a new life free from sin and the fear of the evil one and his deeds. May you show mercy toward us who believe in you. Let hope fill our hearts and grant our souls entrance to eternal life through Christ our Lord. In your name and immeasurable greatness, we pray for mercy and grace.

open bible on wood with leaves on fall and bible verses about god power


Job 26:14 says, “Behold, these are merely the periphery of his deeds, and how small a whisper we hear from God! But the thunder of his power, who can comprehend it?” God moves in mighty ways, and the Bible verses have persuasive words to exalt the greatness of his power.

An attentive Christian grows in gratitude, and a grateful Christian grows in observance even more because they have discovered how intimately the Lord God is involved in their lives. The only proper reaction when one finally realizes how directly involved the great God is in their life is appreciation. The power of God will manifest itself most clearly in your life.

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