There Is Only One God: Truth About The One True Heavenly Being

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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There exists a singular deity, and this being is real. The universe can accommodate only one God; without this exclusivity, disorder would reign supreme throughout the world. The scenario of having numerous deities would inevitably lead to conflict among them, much like the tumult seen in Greek myths. From the outset, God has planted within every individual a longing to seek out the divine.

In the end, God always draws His people to Himself; His will will be done in all things. And if someone rejects God, they will know and choose their fate when God reveals Himself to them at the end of their lives. And God and that person must discuss it.

Does Only One God Exist?

The existence of the one real God[1] is essential since we live in a world where there are numerous competing truth claims and gods. All the false gods that have been imposed on humanity by evil spirits and deluded people can be separated from the one real God. Men’s creations of gods are entirely worthless, but the only genuine God is brimming with glory, grace, and truth.

What Does The Bible Say About Our Only Wise God?

According to the Bible, God is fair, loving, trustworthy, and holy. God demonstrates grace, mercy, and compassion. Although He also grants pardon, God judges sin. Any god who lacks any of these qualities—justice, love, truth, holiness, compassion, mercy, graciousness, and forgiveness—is not the one true God.

God Exists In Tri-Unity

The triune nature of one God means there are three divine persons with the same character and essence as the one God described in the Bible. Three in one are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This attribute of our Lord, thy God, distinguishes Him from all other monotheistic gods in this world.

Any idea of the Lord God that does not include the man Christ Jesus is flawed. Nobody who rejects the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son likewise has the Father, according to the Bible (1 John 2:23).

Although this is difficult to fathom, it is what the Bible tells us. It is the closest the finite intellect can approach to explaining the infinite mystery of the infinite God when studying the biblical declarations regarding God’s essence.

Do Christians Believe That There Is Only One God?

Since the beginning of Christianity, Christians have believed in only one God. However, we think God’s nature, or essence, is one. Jesus proclaimed and demonstrated the existence of divine nature in three divine persons. Jesus exhibited His unity with the Father during His entire mission, beginning with His baptism, and also revealed the Holy Spirit to us.

As a result, the apostle John can affirm that “God is love”—that is, that He creates because He is love, not because He needs something to love. Christianity differs from other monotheistic religions in this regard, which consider God to be a celestial monad.

man standing with clouds and there is only one god

What Does It Mean That There Is Only One God?

The claim made by Paul that “God is one” has several implications. It first implies that there is only one real God and no other gods. This conviction is vitally necessary. The NIV renders it as “there is only one God.”

Romans 11:36

There cannot be two Gods if, as Paul states in Romans 11:36, “All things are from Him and through Him and to Him. To Him be glory forever.” There can be only one if the entire essence of being God is that He is the ultimate cause of everything that is.

The ultimate source of all things cannot be two different beings. According to Paul’s understanding of God, only one would exist if one were the other’s ultimate source, or both would be equally ultimate, but neither would be the origin of all things. The Creator and Sustainer of all that exists independently of God, there is only one God.

Who Is The Only One God In The World?

There is just one God, who may have inferior goddesses, gods, or supernatural powers. Man is looking for God everywhere. God is the only thing that exists, but the actuality of divinity is holy and beyond comprehension.

The images of God that we conjure up in our minds are the result of our imagination; they are there. This realization serves as a warning that, in our quest to understand the unknowable God, our vision may conjure up scenarios that diverge from the reality of the one Creator.

7 Biblical Passages Which Explicitly Teach That There Is Only One God

Nehemiah 9:6 

You alone are the Lord; you created heaven, all the kingdoms, the heaven of heavens, and everything that resides therein, the earth and all its inhabitants, the seas, and all that resides therein. The angelic army of heaven worships you.

John 3:16–17

Because God loved the world so much, He sent His one and only Son, granting eternal life to everyone who trusts in Him. God sent His Son into the world not to condemn it but for it to be saved by Him.

Isaiah 43:10–11

The Lord announces, “You are my witnesses and my chosen servant, so that you may know and believe in me and realize that I am he. No god existed before me, and none will exist after me. There is no other savior besides me because I am the Lord.”

1 Corinthians 8:4–6

As a result, when it comes to eating food offered to idols, we are aware that there is only one true God and that models have no actual existence. Since there is only one God, the Father, from whom all things flow and for whom we exist, and only one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things flow and through whom we live, despite the possibility of so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as there are, in fact, many gods and many lords.

Jude 1:4

Some sinners who twist God’s grace into sensuality and reject our one and only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, have quietly infiltrated those who were long ago predestined for this judgment.

Isaiah 44:6,8 

So says the Lord, the King of Israel, and the Lord of hosts, his Redeemer: “I am the First and the Last, and there is no God besides Me.” Fear not, for I have warned you of this from the beginning and have revealed it. Even I have you as a witness. Do I have God with me? There is no God, and I am not aware of any.

Deuteronomy 4:35, 39

To you, it was shown so that you would acknowledge that the Lord is God; there is no other besides Him. So recognize today and take to heart that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; it is no different.

one word on wall and there is only one god


Each of us can choose who we want to worship. Joshua urged the Israelites to reject the Amorite gods and follow the one true God (Joshua 24:15). Today, people still worship some of the ancient false gods listed in the Old Testament, as well as more modern ones like Mami Wata and Cernunnos, as well as their self.

This is eternal life: that people know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent,” the Bible says of those who worship false gods (John 17:3). May we be like Ruth, who rejected Moabite idols in favor of the one true God (Ruth 1:16).

1 thought on “There Is Only One God: Truth About The One True Heavenly Being”

  1. Christians reject other gods, because the Bible reveals the one true God.

    👉There is one God; there is one truth. There is one Lord Jesus Christ who is the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Col 2:9).

    🧐Understanding the Bible will help one discern truth from error and right from wrong. Unfortunately many don’t read the All-time best seller, History’s most published, most prophetic book…nor do not know which god is real, so they (gods) are all legitimate possibilities when considering any god at all.

    Consequently, a failure to discern what is right will lead to a rejection of it. There is a One true God, yet many just do not know him.

    Discerning between whether something exists at all, is different than discerning whether something is right and true.

    In fact, the revealed wisdom of the mystery of God thru Jesus & knowing we are one with him is how the false gods can be identified as false.


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