Why Did God Send Jesus To Us? The Great Purpose Of The Messiah

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



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Naturally, one may wonder why God felt compelled to send His one and only Son, Jesus, especially as we begin to grasp the magnitude of our sins against Him. Our intrigue grows when we realize that Jesus lived the flawless life we were supposed to lead, endured suffering to make amends for all sins, and conquered death by rising from the grave, thus overcoming sin, Satan, and mortality itself.

God purposely sent Jesus to die on the cross for sinners, but was that really necessary? Why couldn’t God simply forgive sin? Why did God send Jesus? And what are His exact reasons for a God like Jesus to suffer and die?

Key Takeaways

  • Jesus, as the only begotten Son of God, existed in heaven before being sent to Earth. God sent Jesus to die on the cross out of love to restore humanity’s divine image and redeem them from sin.
  • Jesus lived to teach about God’s Kingdom, offer eternal life, and demonstrate true happiness through obedience to God’s will.
  • Jesus came to seek and save the lost, provide a path from death to life, and spread the message of God’s Kingdom. His sacrificial death atoned for human sins, offering the opportunity for eternal life.

Where Was Jesus Before God Sent Him To Earth?

Prior to His birth in Bethlehem[1], Jesus existed in heaven as a spirit. He was the first and only direct creation that the invisible God made himself. Thus, it is just appropriate to refer to him as God’s only begotten Son. He regularly spoke as one of God’s representatives in heaven. That is why Jesus is known as the Word.

Furthermore, Jesus participated in God’s creation of everything else and served as God’s assistant (John 1:2, 3, 14). Before humans existed, Jesus spent ages in heaven with God, according to John 17:5 and Micah 5:2.

Jesus delivering a sermon on a mountaintop with people in golden sunlight

What Could Have Possibly Motivated God To Send Jesus?

Why did God send Jesus? What could possibly motivate God to send Him? The answer to both questions is God’s love for us. So, in a certain sense, our identification as those who bear God’s image is a foundational part of his affection for us. God is trying to bring back the brightness of his glory radiating through and within us by bringing his one and only Son to die on the cross for our transgressions.

How Did God Send Jesus To Earth?

Through the use of the Holy Spirit, God sent Jesus’ life from heaven to Mary’s womb. As a consequence, Jesus was conceived without the involvement of a human father. Some shepherds in the area heard the news of his birth from angels as they watched over their flocks who lived outside at night (Luke 2:8–12).

In light of this, Jesus was probably born in early October, while the temperature was still moderate, rather than in the dead of winter. Jesus lived in Nazareth with Mary and her spouse, Joseph, who brought him there sometime later. Joseph loved and provided for Jesus like his own son. (Matthew 1:18–23).

Why Did God Send Jesus To Live As A Man?

Jesus lived in the world to reveal the truth to mankind. Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God, a heavenly kingdom that will restore peace throughout the entire world. He gave people the promise of eternal life (John 4:14; 18:36, 37). 

Moreover, Jesus imparted many lessons on how to achieve true happiness (Matthew 5:3; 6:19–21). He demonstrated what he preached. For instance, he demonstrated how to carry out God’s will despite hardships. He did not take revenge when treated unfairly, as seen in 1 Peter 2:21–24.

Jesus on an ancient city setting, featuring narrow cobblestone streets lined with market stalls

Reasons Why God Sent Jesus

1. To Find And Rescue The Lost

Jesus came to this world in order “to seek and to save the lost.” He is making His way toward Jerusalem in order to accomplish this goal given to Him by God. Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came so we “may live life and experience it more fully.”

And then in John 12:27, when He was speaking with God the Heavenly Father about His death, He added, “For this purpose, I came.” His intention is not to punish, but to bring redemption and salvation to those who will accept Him.

2. To Live Through Him

God the Father brought His Son Jesus Christ from heaven down to earth, where He bore the punishment for our transgressions and rose from the grave to grant us the passage from death to life proclaimed in John 5:24, from everlasting damnation in hell to everlasting salvation. Jesus enables this life to be open to us all if we will “come to God in humility and have confidence in our good Lord” (Acts 20:21).

3. To Spread The News Of God’s Kingdom

Jesus used the words, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” when showing us how to pray (Matthew 6:9–13). Moreover, the first scriptural message attributed to John the Baptist stated, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2). Along these lines, Jesus delivered His first sermon in front of an audience (Matthew 4:17).

4. To Give And Serve Rather Than To Be Served

He cleansed their feet and offered His life for mankind. The God of Gods, the King of Kings, descended to serve the world. How much more must we be willing, obedient, and humble servants of the Heavenly Father and of our fellow human beings if our God and Savior Jesus Christ gave up His place in heaven to give and serve us through His life and crucifixion for our salvation?

What Did Jesus Accomplish By Dying?

To atone for our sins, God sent Jesus. Humans are all sinners, which means that we are flawed and sinful. That is how we become ill and die. Adam, however, was the first man, and he was perfect. Due to his lack of sin, he would not have experienced sickness or death. But when he defied God, he ruined his perfection. Because of Adam, we received sin and its penalty, death (Romans 5:12; 6:23).

Christ died on the cross in payment for our faults, reflecting God’s glory. As the Bible teaches in Peter 3:18, “Jesus’ death provides an opportunity for people to taste eternal life in heaven and be rewarded by God.”

Jesus walking through a labyrinthine marketplace of an ancient city at sunset


Christ arrived on earth to carry out the Father’s commandments and utter the Father’s messages. As Jesus remarked in John 8:28, “I do nothing of myself.” Jesus, our Savior, is fully dedicated to surrendering His personal desires to follow the will of the Father in heaven.

We thank God that He created human beings and brought Christ into the world. We will be forever thankful to our Savior, who was able to reflect and gaze to heaven at the end of His earthly life and say, “I have brought you glory on earth by fulfilling the work you sent me to perform” (John 17:4). His goal was a perfect success!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Did God Send Jesus Into The World?

God sent Jesus into the world to fulfill His love for humanity, restoring the divine image within and redeeming them from sin.

What Was God’s Purpose For Jesus?

God’s purpose for Jesus was to teach about the Kingdom of God, promise eternal life, and exemplify true happiness through obedience to God’s will.

Why Did God Send Jesus As A Baby?

God sent Jesus as a baby through the Holy Spirit to initiate His earthly mission, spreading the message of salvation and serving as an example of humility and obedience.

What Was The Purpose Why Jesus Came?

The purpose of why Jesus came was to seek and save the lost, provide a path from death to life, and spread the message of God’s Kingdom. His sacrificial death atoned for human sins, offering the opportunity for eternal life.

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