What Does Seal Of God Means? What Does It Actually Look Like?

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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The God’s Seal represents a theme within the Scripture that has been deliberated over for numerous years. It denotes celestial endorsement and safeguarding for individuals who have accepted the grace of God. In the New Testament, this notion is frequently linked with the act of baptism, regarded as an external expression of belief.

The Seal of God is a confirmation of His covenant with His people. It is believed that those whom God seals are under His protection and will not be harmed by any worldly force.

What Is The Seal Of God?

The concept of God’s seal appears in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The Greek word for “seal” is “sphragizo,” which means to mark or imprint with a signet or to distinguish by some special mark. God’s Seal represents divine approval and protection from the Lord God Jehovah, bestowed on those who accept His grace.

Thus, the Seal of God is an essential symbol in Christianity[1]. It has been referred to throughout the Bible, beginning with the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:15. Throughout history, it has been used as a mark of protection or ownership within different cultures. Within Christianity, it is believed that the Seal of God is a spiritual sign that marks believers who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and are committed to following Him.

This sign is also believed to be a mark of redemption and eternal security for those who have chosen to follow God’s will. You can find scripture references to the Seal of God throughout both the Old and New Testaments. Passages such as Revelation 7:2–4 describe how God sends angels to mark those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior with a seal on the forehead.

Ephesians 1:13 says, “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit.” This verse writes that believers are marked by the Holy Spirit of God and not by any other symbol or sign.

This seal is believed to be a seal of redemption and an assurance of eternal life in heaven for those who have chosen to follow Jesus Christ’s teachings. It also has significant meaning regarding end-time prophecy.

According to Revelation 13:16–17, during the great tribulation period, a false prophet will cause all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave alike, to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead with which they can buy and sell goods.

Those who refuse to accept this mark will not be able to buy or sell and will ultimately face execution. This mark is believed to be a counterfeit of the Seal of God, and those who accept it will have chosen the devil instead of Jesus Christ.

What Does The Seal Of God Look Like?

While the Bible does not describe what this seal looks like, there are some clues from Scripture about its function and meaning. In Ephesians 1:13–14, Paul speaks of the Holy Spirit dwelling in believers: “..after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.”

This signifies that the Seal of God is a spiritual symbol signifying God’s ownership and protection over God’s people. The biblical evidence suggests that the Seal is an inward spiritual marking on the heart and soul of believers, not something visible to the human eye.

Ephesians 4:30 speaks of being sealed “unto the day of redemption.” In other words, this seal is eternal. It lasts forever and cannot be removed or broken by anyone or anything. Believers are kept safe from harm as long as they remain faithful to Jesus Christ and His teachings.

What Is The Power Of The Seal Of God?

The Seal of God was first mentioned in Genesis 17:10–14, when God told Abraham that he would be blessed with an eternal seal on his descendants. This covenant, known as the Abrahamic Covenant, promised that those who followed God’s commands would receive His favor and blessing. It also symbolized that those who had faith in Him would be sealed for eternity by His grace and mercy.

In Revelation 7:2–4, John sees a vision of 144,000 servants of God who have been sealed with the Seal of God. This is seen as a sign that those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ will be protected from the forces of evil and the effects of sin. The seal also symbolizes that we have been bought with a price and that our names are written in heaven, assuring us of God’s love and protection.

The power of the Seal of God is seen throughout Scripture, including Ezekiel 9:4, which states, “Go through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.” This verse indicates that those who truly repent and turn towards God will be marked with His Seal, signifying that they have been accepted into his family.

angels in painting and seal of god

What Is The Purpose Of The Seal Of God?

The Seal of God is an emblem, culminating in its presence in the Book of Revelation. The term refers to a mark or sign that identifies a person as belonging to God and having His protection. It can also be interpreted as an assurance of salvation for those who are marked with it.

In the Old Testament, Ezekiel 9 mentions “marking” individuals with a sign on their forehead as part of God’s judgment on Judah. This marking was made by an angel sent from God to identify those who worshipped Him and were innocent of any wrongdoing against Him. This marking was likely symbolic, but its meaning was clear: only those with the mark would remain safe when judgment fell upon the people of Judah.

In Romans 4:11–12, Paul speaks of “the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised” as being sealed by the Spirit. He explains that this sealing is a sign of righteousness and acceptance by God. This passage further emphasizes the idea that faith in Jesus Christ makes one worthy of bearing the seal.

The Book of Revelation often speaks about the Seal of God and its importance in determining who will be saved from judgment and enter the Kingdom at Christ’s return. Revelation 7:2–3 states, “I saw another angel coming up from the east with the seal of the living God.”

And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to harm the earth and sea, saying, “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or trees until we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.” Here we see that those who bear this mark will be protected from judgment and allowed entrance into Heaven.

What Does The Seal Of God Provide?

The Seal of God refers to a mark or symbol used by God to identify His children or those He has chosen. It can be found in Deuteronomy 6:8, Ezekiel 9:4, Revelation 7:2–3, and Revelation 14:1, among other scriptures.

The Seal of God protects believers from spiritual harm as well as physical danger. In Ezekiel 9:4, we read that the Lord commanded an angel with a “marker” (the seal) to go around Jerusalem and put it on the foreheads of all who demonstrate mourning and repentance over their sins. This verse clearly shows us how God provides a physical mark of protection for His people.

The Seal of God also symbolizes spiritual growth and maturity, as it is a sign that the person has been chosen by God to receive His grace and mercy. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus says, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” This verse is an assurance from our Lord that He will be with us through thick and thin and will never leave our side, something which the Seal of God reminds us about daily.

In addition to providing protection, the Seal of God also serves as a reminder for believers to live holy lives in accordance with God’s Word. In Ephesians 4:30, Paul writes, “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” This verse reminds us that once we have been marked with the Seal of God, it is our responsibility to live a life pleasing to Him and to demonstrate this through our actions.

What Is The Seal Of God On The Forehead?

The Seal of God on the forehead is a mark mentioned in various Biblical passages, most notably in Revelation 7:2–3 and Revelation 9:4. It marks those who are loyal to God and have been sealed for protection from spiritual harm. In Christianity, it is commonly seen as a sign of faith that one has accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

The seal itself is not described in Scripture other than being placed on the forehead. However, there are many interpretations of what the seal may represent. One popular interpretation is that it symbolizes a person’s dedication to living out their Christian faith in every aspect of life. Another view suggests that it may be a physical representation of the indwelling, promised Holy Spirit present within a believer.

The Seal of God is a powerful symbol representing faith and protection from spiritual harm. Those with the seal will be marked as children of God, free from all bondage in this life, and able to live an abundant life on earth and in eternity. The mark also serves as a reminder that we are secure under the guidance of God’s love and grace.

Revelation 5:9–10 states, “And they sang a new song, saying, ‘Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.'”

The verse has often been interpreted as meaning those with the Seal of God on their forehead are part of an exclusive group of people who have been marked out by God for special protection and purpose.

Is Receiving The Seal Of God Impossible?

Receiving the Seal of God is not impossible. In fact, it is something that Christians can and should strive for. The Seal of God is a mark or symbol of God’s Covenant with those who believe in Him. It shows that you have put your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and are committed to living a life devoted to Him. When you stand firm in your faith, you will be sealed by the Holy Spirit and become part of God’s family.

The Bible gives us several examples of people receiving the Seal of God, including Moses, Aaron, and Joshua (Genesis 17:2–14). These men were faithful servants who followed God’s commandments and showed their allegiance to Him through their obedience. They demonstrated their loyalty with deeds rather than words by doing what He asked them to do without question or hesitation.

In order to receive the Seal of God, we must first accept Jesus as our Savior and submit ourselves to Him. We must put aside any pride or selfishness and surrender our lives completely to Him (Romans 10:9). We must then strive daily to follow His commands, strengthen our faith, and deepen our relationship with Him.

stamping on a hand and seal of god


The Seal of God is a powerful symbol. It is a mark or sign that shows ownership and protection by God as well as an assurance of salvation for those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. The seal also reminds believers that they are secure under the guidance and love of God’s grace.

We are called to strive daily to receive the Seal of God by accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior, submitting completely to Him, and living lives devoted to His commands. When we serve God, no matter what the cost, we will be marked with His eternal seal of redemption.

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