Transformative Morning Prayer For Children To Nurture Their Spirit

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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Instructing our kids on how to recite the “Morning prayer for children” is essential. Prayers act as the gateway to hallowed communications with our Heavenly Father. Such foundational exchanges establish a pious bond between the developing mind of a child and the Creator.

Explaining to our children that we have a Father in heaven we can talk to is the beginning of faith. We often gaze in excitement when our young kids begin to utter words and sounds and show their gleeful smiles.

As young toddlers, they discover the joy of playing with and relating to family members. In later years, we will feel proud that they are getting good grades in school and enjoying life with friends and classmates. But we soon gasped in utter dismay. We find out that we forgot, neglected, or have not done enough to teach them about God and how to pray.

Key Takeaways

  • Morning prayers for children serve as a foundational practice in establishing a personal relationship with God, fostering faith, and nurturing a sense of spiritual connection from an early age.
  • Teaching children to express gratitude and thankfulness through morning prayers helps instill a sense of appreciation for blessings, fostering contentment and a positive outlook on life.
  • Incorporating morning prayer into a child’s routine not only cultivates discipline but also equips them with spiritual resources to face challenges, fostering resilience, and strengthening their faith in God’s presence and support.

Daily Morning Prayers For Children

As the morning breaks, it is the time when we begin to face both the joyful and hard realities of life. Teaching your kids to cultivate a daily prayer habit is a great way to connect with God, as the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and invites him into our lives for the rough days ahead.

Try teaching your Christian child to end their morning prayers with “amen.” The word “amen” means “yes to God’s strength and tender compassion.” They will enjoy learning and reciting these simple prayers that feature heartening rhythms and rhymes that are easy to memorize.

children praying with closed eyes and palms together

Morning Prayer For Children

For this new morning, with its light, for rest and shelter at night, for health and food, for love and friends.

For everything your goodness sends, we thank you, dearest Lord.


A Child’s Prayer In Early Morning

Good morning, Jesus,

Now, before I run to play, let me not forget to pray to Jesus, who kept me through the night and woke me with the morning light.

Help me, Lord God, to love you more than I ever loved before.

In my work and my play, be with me through the day.


“Things I Am Grateful For” Morning Prayers For Children

Teaching your kids how to thank the Lord Jesus is a great way to develop your child’s character regarding gratitude and contentment. Prayers of gratitude are a great foundational habit that will last a lifetime. These are some ideas for morning prayers your child can use as a guide.

Simple Morning Prayer For Kids About Gratitude

Father God,

I thank you for this new day. I thank you for showing me that you love me and for being with me today.

Father God, I thank you for everything you have done for me.

I thank you for my family and friends.

I thank you for loving me so much that you sent your son, Jesus, for me. God, I thank you.


A Prayer To Thank God

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for making the world so sweet.

Thank you for the food we eat.

Thank you for your glory and your tender pasture.

Thank you for the birds that sing.

Thank you, our heavenly Father, for everything.


Child’s Morning Prayers For Protection

Our children are often exposed to many hazards as they grow up. They face potential harm and danger at home, at school, and in the neighborhood. These threats may be physical, emotional, or spiritual. For our children’s protection, they need God’s shield.

They may fall to the ground, injure their arms in the kitchen, or get bullied in school. As our children grow into independent adults, prayer is one of the best tools we have to help them acquire the protection of Jesus Christ.

Besides short morning prayers for children, praying before sleeping is a good habit. Children’s bedtime prayers should also include requests to rest peacefully with God’s eye guarding them.

God Is In Control Prayer

Dear Lord,

I praise you for being fully in control of all things.

I pray you will protect me, dear God.

Keep me healthy and help me thrive.

I thank you for knowing every hair on my head.

You know exactly when they rise and fall.

Watch over me in every area of my life, and keep me safe. I pray.


Child’s Prayer For Protection

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, be ever this day at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide, in Jesus’ name.


Powerful Morning Prayers For Kids

We all deeply care for our children and desire for them to know Jesus and receive His blessings through short morning prayers.

Holding family breakfast prayers is one of the best gifts we can give our children to help them feel God’s peace. God uses the prayers of our children to do mighty things in their lives.

Short morning prayers for children are also a way to entrust everything into God’s hands. Praying to Jesus gives us good gifts and a new life.

Morning Prayer For Kids

God, Heavenly Father,

For this new morning with its light, for rest and shelter at night, for health and food, for love and friends.

I seek your tender care and your tender pasture.

I seek your grace today and make danger stray.

We thank you, dearest Lord.


A Child’s Prayer For Morning

Dear God,

Now, before I run to play, let me not forget to pray to Jesus who kept me through the night and woke me with the morning light.

Help me, Lord, to love you more than I ever loved before, in my work and in my play be with me through the day.

a child praying in bed during the early morning, with soft sunlight filtering through sheer curtains, casting warm hues across the room

Comforting Morning Prayers For Children

One of the best times to pray simple prayers is during the early hours of the day. Children are vulnerable to all sorts of challenges at home or in school. A morning prayer is a wonderful time to solicit God’s ear and connect with God, asking for his grace to give our children comfort for the day ahead.

Teach your dear children these prayers to seek comfort from God. With the Holy Spirit working within them, they will be given divine comfort that they cannot find in anything or anyone else.

A Prayer For Hope And Love

Dearest God,

I implore you, O Lord.

As the sun rises, may your hope rise in me.

As the birds sing, let your love flow out of me.

As the light floods into this new day, may your joy shine through me.

I come before you so that I may carry something of your trust, love, and joy today in my heart and the week ahead.

In Jesus’ name.


A Prayer For Joy

Dear Jesus,

Please help us jump into this new day with a song of joy in our hearts.

Show me your love and lovely things, full of energy and trust, holding tightly to your hand.

I am excited to share another day with you.

Jesus, hear this prayer.


Reasons To Teach Your Children To Pray In The Morning

There are many reasons why we have to teach our children the compelling authority of prayer. Teaching them to pray first as the first chore of the day is a powerful habit that would benefit them for a lifetime.

Teach your children the value of prayer and show them when, where, and how to pray. Proverbs 22:6 reads: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We should also teach them that praying for their family, friends, and others is good. Intercessory prayer reflects the love of God and other people.

As Christian parents or guardians, it is our responsibility to teach and guide all our dear children under God’s care so they will grow up to become individuals with a strong prayer life who always seek God’s wisdom through God’s Word as they lead their lives.

Relying On Jesus

Prayer is the safest place for our children to find courage. They can always turn to Jesus for help, strength, and wisdom. When a dark cloud brings fear into their hearts, teach them to pray heartfelt prayers and ask God’s hand for protection, for he is our refuge and strength.

As prayer becomes a powerful and comforting tool for our children, it assures them that they are not alone and that God is in control. Jesus is our good shepherd, leading us into safety and good pasture.

Moreover, Jesus Christ is our divine master and the source of comfort and joy for all our dear children. He is for our good. He imparts God’s wisdom to help us navigate a perilous life. When everything else fails to comfort us, the best way to find it is through him.

Jesus Christ protects us from all forms of physical harm. When we call on his holy name, he shields us from the assaults of the enemy. God heals us from all our miseries and pains. As the Great Healer, he cures our ailments and diseases. Let us teach our children to pray to God when they are sick.

Imitating Jesus

Jesus set an example as a man of prayer. He prayed everywhere: on the mountains, in the garden of Gethsemane, and on the cross at Calvary. One day, a disciple asked Him, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). This is a valuable lesson for us to pass on to our children as well.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we have also forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Matthew 6:9–13[1]

The Lord’s Prayer is for everyone, regardless of age, color, race, or gender. Teaching our children to memorize and understand the verses of the Lord’s Prayer is an everlasting treasure that can impact them for the rest of their lives.

The Lord’s Prayer and the number 12 also affirm the sovereignty and authority of God as our Creator and Provider of all things. He gives us everything we need.

He alone keeps us safe, even in bed tonight. Jesus shields us from the hazards of everyday life as well as the attacks of the enemy. God tells us to pray anytime, anywhere.

The Benefits Of Prayer To Our Children

By teaching children to pray in the morning, we equip them with a powerful spiritual tool that can positively shape their character, strengthen their faith, and provide them with a sense of purpose and connection to God.

  1. Establishing a Connection with God: Morning prayers help children develop a personal relationship with God from an early age. By starting the day with prayer, children learn to turn to God, seek his guidance, and establish a sense of spiritual connection.
  2. Cultivating Gratitude: Morning prayers teach children to express gratitude for the blessings in their lives. It encourages them to appreciate the gift of a new day, health, family, and other aspects they may often take for granted.
  3. Setting a Positive Tone: Beginning the day with prayer sets a positive and uplifting tone for children. It helps them approach the day with a sense of peace and hope and a willingness to face any challenges that may come their way.
  4. Seeking Guidance and Wisdom: Morning prayers provide children with an opportunity to seek guidance, wisdom, and strength from God’s Word or God himself. It allows them to ask for help in making good choices, facing difficulties, and finding solutions to their problems.
  5. Fostering Discipline and Routine: Incorporating morning prayer into a child’s daily routine helps cultivate discipline and consistency. It instills the habit of setting aside dedicated time for prayer, nurturing a sense of responsibility and commitment.
  6. Building Resilience: Morning prayers equip children with spiritual resources to face the challenges and uncertainties of the day. It reminds them that they are not alone and that God’s presence and support are with them throughout their journey.
  7. Encouraging Reflection and Self-Examination: Morning prayers prompt children to reflect on their actions, attitudes, and intentions. It encourages self-examination, repentance for any wrongdoings, and a commitment to strive for personal growth and positive change.
  8. Strengthening Faith: Regular morning prayers deepen a child’s faith and trust in God. It helps them develop a strong foundation of belief, foster spiritual growth, and nurture their understanding of God’s love and presence in their lives.
a child kneeling in bed during an early morning prayer, the room is bathed in soft morning light


Prayer is a precious gift we equip our children with as they develop into adults. Prayer is their direct line to God, which nurtures faith and establishes a holy covenant with our mighty Savior.

God is most relevant in our children’s lives. Teaching them how to pray will cultivate in them the precious habits and character that exude godliness, love, gratitude, and contentment.

Prayers written in their hearts give safety in today’s world, now and in the future. Teaching our children how to pray is one of the greatest gifts that we can impart to them, which they will treasure for the rest of their lives now and beyond!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Simple Prayer For Children?

A simple prayer for children might be:

“Dear God,

Thank you for your love and everything you give us. Please keep us safe, help us to be kind to others, and to always try our best.


What Is The Best Simple Morning Prayer?

The best simple morning prayer could be:

“Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this beautiful morning and the fresh start it brings. Please guide my actions today, help me to be a light to others, and to always appreciate the blessings in my life.


What Is The Morning Offering Prayer For Kids?

The morning offering prayer for kids might be:

“Good morning, Lord!

Today, I offer you all my thoughts, words, actions, and all that I do. Please help me to remember to be kind and to love others as you love me. Thank you for this new day.


What Is The Opening Prayer For Children’s Day?

The opening prayer for Children’s Day could be:

“Dear God,

On this Children’s Day, we ask for your blessings on all children around the world. Help them to grow in love, joy, and wisdom. Protect them, guide them, and let them know they are deeply valued and loved by You.


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