10 Important Ways On How To Explain God And Jesus To A Child

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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Guided by a heavenly call, we embark on a spiritual mission to raise our children surrounded by the teachings of Christianity. More profoundly, as believers and guardians, we deeply desire for our offspring to be enveloped in the infinite warmth of God’s unconditional love, channeled through our Savior, Jesus Christ.

However, you cannot use the same language while explaining Jesus to a youngster as you would an adult. Explaining Jesus to a youngster should start with the big ideas and continue to teach them as they grow older.

What Does The Bible Say About Teaching Your Kids About God and Jesus?

The Scripture contains many instructions from God about teaching your children about him and Jesus. Here are some Bible verses:

  • Proverbs 22:6 NLT: “Teach your children the right path. When they are older, they will not leave it.”
  • 3 John 1:4 NLT: “I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children are following the truth.”
  • Matthew 19:14 ESV: “…but Jesus said, ‘Let the little ones come to me. Do not stop them, for to them belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
  • 2 Timothy 3:1415 NLT: “Remain faithful to the things you have been taught. Believe they are true because you can trust those who taught you. From your earliest days, you’ve been nurtured in the sacred teachings of the Holy Scriptures, and through this wisdom, you’ve found the path to salvation by placing your trust in Christ Jesus.”
  • Deuteronomy 4:9 NIV: “Exercise caution to ensure that the sights your eyes have beheld remain etched in your memory and do not fade from your heart for the entirety of your life. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”

How To Explain God And Jesus To A Child

Introducing youngsters to the notions of God and God’s son, Jesus, can be a sensitive undertaking, often necessitating a gentle and developmentally suitable approach. Describing these intricate ideas in a manner that connects with their youthful understanding can present both difficulties and gratifications.

parents sitting on couch with child reading a book

10 Important Ways To Explain God And Jesus To A Child

You might feel more at ease as a Christian parent while explaining Jesus to your kid if you follow these guidelines. The key is to adapt. Your child’s heart will eventually be captured by these facts. The Holy Spirit did this, not you.

1. Show Your Kids Your Genuine Faith

Many children learn through stories and by setting an example. Provide specific examples of how you’ve encountered Jesus’ love in your life, irrespective of the depth of your personal relationship with him. Share instances where Jesus has assisted you during moments of difficulty or need. Offer your assurance that God has pardoned your sins since Jesus died in your place.

2. Apologize To Them

The significance of this is often overlooked. Heed the words of wise moms who say, “Mommies make mistakes, too. Will you forgive me?” Although it may seem counterintuitive, witnessing parents’ contrite pleas for forgiveness[1] will leave your child with a profound impression of your integrity and devotion.

3. Have Your Children Read From A Good Bible On A Regular Basis

As a Christian mom or dad, you may choose from a wide variety of high-quality Bibles written just for kids. Keep a Bible and a Bible storybook suitable for your child’s age on hand. You may also share your favorite Bible stories. Here are some Bible storybooks you can try:

  • Children of God Storybook Bible by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
  • Hands-On Bible NLT (ages 8 and up)
  • The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones

The Bible is the ultimate authority since it is God’s word. In the midst of gloom, it shines a beacon of hope. Make them see his message.

4. Explain Jesus To Your Kiddo Through Hands-on Experience

Little children learn best through direct experience. Many of us prefer to learn through active participation, such as touching or doing, rather than passively absorbing information through listening.

Telling a tale, reading a story, or just chatting with your youngster about Jesus’ love is perfectly OK! But an object lesson may be a fun way to help them remember Jesus’ identity and his sacrifice for the world in a way that is both memorable and enjoyable.

5. Swap Out Some “Secular” Media With Christian-focused Literature, Media, And Playthings

The less our children hear about Jesus, the less they will think about him. We may turn their attention to Jesus through media that shows him in a positive light. Many “Christian” children’s books on the market aren’t very good, but there are others that definitely stand out and are aligned with the teachings of the Bible.

6. Spend Time With God

Get some alone time with Jesus while the little ones are in school. Request what you need aloud in prayer. In their listening, you may talk to Jesus. Teach your kids to trust God through your actions, rejoicing in your blessings and hardships. You and your kid pray to God for strength and ask him to make you and your child feel safe. Recite the Lord’s prayer as a group and in unison.

7. Explain To Them The General Idea Of God

Describe God, the universe’s origin, and the difference between good and evil in broad terms. Explain to the kid how God created the world and how evil persuaded humans to disobey God. Since disobeying God, there has been tension between the forces of good and evil. You’ve laid the groundwork; now introduce them to Jesus, the one God sent to earth to save us from our sins and bad decisions.

8. Bring Your Child To Sunday School And Church Services

The people of God are not a disjointed group of individuals but rather a cohesive group. Jesus founded this community—this “church”—for his followers to gather together and for the world’s greater good.

Consider sending your child to Sunday school. They provide a great opportunity for both children and adults to connect with others while also learning about Jesus. But don’t treat a religious service like a legal obligation. Remember that it’s a divine blessing that helps us develop deeper relationships with the Lord and one another.

9. Tell Your Kids, “I Love You So Much” And “God Loves You Too” Often

At their age, kids only need to know two important things: that God created everything and that God loves them. Embrace your little ones and ask if they know God loves them very much. The combined impact of this tiny statement and a warm embrace is tremendous.

10. Adapt Your Teaching Methods To Your Child’s Personality

Each and every kid has unique spiritual requirements that the gospel may help meet. There is no assurance that our offspring will choose to follow Jesus. However, you might find it beneficial to consider their unique personalities and the ways in which each child might benefit from a relationship with Jesus.

Things You Can Do To Help Your Child Develop A Relationship With Jesus

Having a personal connection with Jesus means knowing him intimately rather than just learning facts about him. For us to know his love, to rest in the certainty of his care, and to find fulfillment in the completion of his work for us on the cross. Jesus is a real, breathing human being who seeks an intimate relationship with us.

You may start teaching your children about God at any age. Sing hymns of praise and offer prayers over your growing baby bump if you are expecting. You may point out to your baby each of the fingers and toes God gave them while you are feeding them. A scavenger search for all the yellow objects God made in your yard will be a hit with your toddlers.

Involving your preschooler in leading the blessing at mealtimes is a great way to encourage their development of independence. Bibles contain sight words for primary school students. The unwavering love of Jesus Christ is essential for teenagers, and preteens need to know they were made by a God who loves them.

In addition, the salvation prayer for children can also teach them about Jesus’ love and sacrifice in simple terms, helping them to understand and embrace the essence of Christian faith in a language that is both accessible and comforting to them.

young mother with toddler reading a book


Fostering children’s comprehension and nurturing a profound bond with God and Jesus stands as a pivotal facet in their spiritual and emotional maturation. Through the implementation of ten key strategies for elucidating the essence of God and Jesus to a child, parents, caregivers, and educators can skillfully navigate the terrain of these intricate ideas, rendering them approachable, relatable, and attuned to the unique needs and sensibilities of young hearts and minds.

The choice of whether your children embrace Christianity or not ultimately lies beyond your control. Despite your best efforts, your children may opt for a different path. Equip them with proper knowledge, offer fervent prayers on their behalf, and entrust the outcome to God.

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