The expression Messiah comes from the Hebrew term mashiach, meaning “anointed one.” It was translated into Greek as messias, which is the source of the English “Messiah.” John employs the Greek term Christos to explain this concept, translating to “one who has been anointed,” to further clarify its meaning.
Genesis contains the first prophecy concerning the Messiah. The Messiah is said to be the one who will crush Satan’s head. The Jews knew that God would send His chosen deliverer to save Israel. He was supposed to save Israel by removing the Romans from power and giving Israel back its sovereignty. Many messiah figures have existed, but Jesus came to seek, redeem, and offer a path to eternal life with God in heaven.
Key Takeaways
- The term “Messiah,” rooted in “mashiach,” signifies the chosen deliverer, believed to be Jesus. Contrary to expectations, Jesus served as a spiritual deliverer, offering salvation through His death and resurrection.
- Prophecies in Genesis foretell the Messiah’s role, which Jesus fulfilled as a prophet, Melchizedek-order priest, and ruler. His life, death, and resurrection provide evidence of His messiahship, instilling confidence in Christians.
- Referring to Jesus as “Jesus Christ” acknowledges Him as the Anointed One who frees from sin. His resurrection is pivotal in establishing messianic status. Transformed lives of believers serve as a compelling testimony, anticipating Jesus’ return to rule in a new era of peace.
What Is The Meaning Of “Messiah”?
The Hebrew word for the one who is thought to be the Savior and has been selected to deliver salvation to humanity is called the Messiah. Many Christians believe that God sent the Messiah[1] to save us. Priests, prophets, and kings were anointed to represent God’s selection for His purposes; the word “Christ” filled all three functions.
The Messiah would be a prophet, preacher, or teacher like Moses. However, Jesus was hailed as greater than Moses because, unlike Moses, He freed the Israelites from their servitude to sin and death.
The Jews didn’t expect a warrior king like Jesus. Rome wasn’t destroyed by Him, at least not right away. While the Roman Empire fell apart a few hundred years after Jesus lived on earth, Christianity has endured for more than two thousand years.
Priests could only be Levites, but Jesus served as a priest following the Melchizedek order, which existed before the Jewish temple. He is a priest in the order of Melchizedek, who is known as the “King of Righteousness,” “King of Salem,” or “King of Peace.” His priesthood is superior to that of the Levitical priesthood in that He not only expiates sin permanently through His one-time sacrifice but also covers it temporarily through sacrifices.
The Messiah, called Christ, would also rule as a monarch. He stated He would sit on a splendid throne, so the Jews anticipated that He would immediately establish His kingdom and reign; however, He challenged their thinking. When He was born, the wise men sought the “King of the Jews.
His ascension from the dead and the miracles He worked prove that He was chosen throughout the New Testament. The Messiah was sent to save humankind, and this salvation was accomplished through His death and resurrection.
Peter identifies Jesus as the Messiah in Matthew’s Gospel: “Simon Peter said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” He is verified as the person God picked and sent to carry out His will. The idea that He gave up His life to save people from their sins is what Christians mean when they refer to Him as the Saviour and people’s idea of a personal Messiah.
Christians can be confident that Jesus is the Savior God promised and the way to salvation because of His death and resurrection. Christians are delivered from eternal damnation and offered the possibility of redemption due to Christ’s death on the cross. He made up for humankind’s sins through His death and resurrection, enabling them to have the right relationship with God.
Many Christians believe that Christ is the only path to salvation and that those who believe will experience it. According to the Gospel of John, God offered His one and only Son as a sacrifice so that humanity could be saved and redeemed.
Who Is The Messiah In The Old And New Testaments?
Even the so-called “messianic” testament prophecies in the Bible that contain all these ancient prophecies of a future golden age under an ideal king never use the word “messiah.” The Old Testament never refers to an eschatological messiah.
However, many contemporary academics think that Israelite messianism developed from ideas related to their national kingship. The “messianic” kingship concept was projected into the future as actual reality, and the careers of individual historical Israelite rulers proved to be more and more unsatisfactory.
After hearing what the prophets had to say about the suffering Savior, the disciples were “slow to believe.” Even though Jesus clarified what the Bible indicated about Himself, the disciples’ eyes were not aware of the Old Testament predictions regarding the Messiah—and that He was the anointed one—until after Jesus’ resurrection.
Perception played a role in the issue. However, when Jesus arrived, He came to save Israel from spiritual darkness by preaching the good news and urging sinners to repentance. The Jews had anticipated a military Messiah who would save them from Rome.
Mark claims his gospel is “the beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah,” while Matthew informs us that “Mary was the mother of Jesus who is called the Messiah.” Matthew begins by tracing the ancestry of Jesus the Messiah (Matthew 1:16).
Simon Peter declared, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus’ friend Martha said, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world” (John 11:27). The woman at the well recognized Him as the Messiah. He also declared in the Nazareth synagogue that He was “anointed by the Holy Spirit of the Lord” and that He had come into the world to accomplish God’s plans—fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy.
According to John 20:30–31, Jesus proclaimed and performed numerous messianic prophecies in front of His disciples, but they were not recorded. John remarked, “But these are written,” so that “you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.”
How Did Jesus Show He’d Be The Messiah?
Jesus was always referred to as the Anointed, the Christ, or the Messiah during His time on earth. He kept His Messiahship hidden from the general public. He refrains from using the term, instead referring to Himself as the “son of man.”
It appears strange until we consider what was happening in the culture when He instructed people to keep His identity a secret once they had discovered who He was. Given how the name was often used in His day, He was “uncomfortable” proclaiming Himself the Messiah.
However, although He told individuals to keep their messianic identity a secret for a while, Jesus did reveal His messiahship on several occasions. The people recognized Him when He fed thousands of people, but He withdrew from them when He realized they would declare Him king by force.
Jews believed that Christ would liberate them from the burden of occupation and restore the fortunes of the Jewish people as a nation. This can be observed in Peter’s vehement denial of Jesus’ prophecies of His suffering and death. John the Baptist was uncertain about Jesus’ credentials as the promised Messiah and sought assurance.
Jesus challenged the Jews with parables about the kingdom within and reassured them about the kingdom to come. The people greeted Him as the son of David while He was riding on a donkey rather than a warrior’s horse. The disciples realized this and declared Jesus the Messiah after His resurrection.
The obvious indications that Jesus is playing the part of the Anointed One are found in the Messianic predictions. He would be a member of the Hebrew tribe of Judah, as was Jesus. He was to be a virgin born in Bethlehem, and He was.
The coming Messiah would work miracles, and Jesus did. The Messiah would appear on a donkey and be rejected by His people; He would suffer with and for sinners. Isaiah 53, where the Messiah is referred to as the Suffering Servant, is one of the messianic verses that is referenced.
What Does It Mean To Us That Jesus Is The Messiah?
When Christians refer to the Savior as “Jesus Christ,” they are saying “Jesus the Messiah” or “Jesus the Anointed One.” Jesus the Messiah, who frees people from the dominion and penalty of sin, is welcomed by His followers. He arrived to deliver sinners. His resurrection is the single most significant event that establishes His status as the Messiah.
In several of the prophecies, the Messiah was foretold to have a reign that would never come to an end. The kingdoms of Israel’s other anointed kings came to an end after they had passed away.
Only by conquering death itself might someone have an empire that would never end. Jesus demonstrated that He was the long-awaited Messiah by conquering death on the cross. The narratives of Jesus in the Bible are recorded so that you may have life in His name by believing that He is the Messiah and the Son of God. The coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords, according to Christians, is Jesus Christ.
The evidence of transformed lives as “Christ Jesus” draws His own near to the Father through His sacrifice, transforms them, and provides them with everything they need to live a godly life is one of the most compelling arguments for believing that Jesus is the Messiah.
Jesus is still the Messianic King, the one God has chosen and anointed to free us from sin and the devil’s power. He offers you pardon for your sins as the Messiah. Even in a daily Bible verse, it is mentioned that we are guaranteed eternal life and a seat in God’s kingdom.
Jesus would finally rule over all of creation as the ascended king, ushering in a new era of global peace and fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament. After His resurrection and ascension, according to His supporters, Jesus Christ was seated as king at God’s right hand in heaven, where they anticipated His eventual return to judge all humanity.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Is Jesus Called The Messiah?
Jesus is called the Messiah in Christianity because believers see him as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, particularly those in Isaiah. The title “Messiah” signifies an anointed and divinely chosen figure expected to bring salvation and establish God’s kingdom.
Christians assert that Jesus, through his life, teachings, death, and resurrection, fulfills these prophetic expectations, serving as the promised savior who reconciles humanity with God and offers eternal salvation. This designation highlights his central role in Christian theology, embodying the messianic hope.
Do Christians Think Jesus Is The Messiah?
Yes, Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah. According to Christian theology, Jesus is regarded as the fulfillment of messianic prophecies in the Old Testament, particularly in texts like Isaiah. The title “Messiah” signifies an anointed and divinely chosen figure expected to bring salvation and establish God’s kingdom.
Christians assert that Jesus, through his life, teachings, death, and resurrection, embodies the promised savior who reconciles humanity with God and offers eternal salvation. The belief in Jesus as the Messiah is a central tenet of Christian faith and underscores his unique role in fulfilling the messianic expectations outlined in the Scriptures.
How Many Messiahs Are There In The Bible?
The concept of the Messiah in the Bible is often associated with the promised deliverer and anointed one. While there is not a specific numerical count of messiahs in the Bible, the term is typically applied in a singular and specific sense, particularly in the context of prophecies that Christians believe were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
In the Old Testament, various figures, such as David, were anointed and considered precursors to the ultimate Messianic figure. However, within Christian belief, Jesus is recognized as the central and ultimate Messiah, fulfilling the messianic prophecies and serving as the embodiment of the promised savior.