When Loyalty Falters: Dissecting Why Peter Denies Jesus Three Times

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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The moment where Peter denies Jesus three times is a key moment in the New Testament, recorded in all four Gospels. As Jesus was being questioned and tried by the high priest Caiaphas, Peter was outside with the other disciples. When asked if he knew Jesus, Peter denies him three times as the rooster crows.

After Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, this heartbreaking moment for Peter marked an important part of his journey towards becoming one of Christianity’s greatest saints[1] as leader of the early Church. Despite his initial denial, Jesus later welcomes Peter back with forgiveness. This story serves as a reminder that even in our darkest times, God’s mercy and forgiveness are always available.

Key Takeaways

  • Peter’s denial of Jesus highlights the human capacity for mistakes and vulnerability, emphasizing the importance of repentance and God’s forgiveness in the face of our failings.
  • Denying one’s faith or knowledge of Jesus, as Peter did, ultimately offers no salvation. Instead, Christians are called to stand firm in their beliefs, relying on God’s strength even in challenging circumstances.
  • Peter’s journey from denial to restoration underscores the essential role of repentance and reliance on God’s grace. Despite his grave mistake, Peter was forgiven and entrusted with leadership within the early Christian community, demonstrating God’s unwavering love and mercy.

How Many Times Did Peter Deny Jesus?

The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly.

— Luke 22:61–62

Peter denies Jesus three times before the rooster crows. The Bible tells us that Jesus predicted that Peter would deny Him before the cock crowed, and sure enough, it came true. At this time, Jesus was on trial for His life. He had been taken prisoner by Jewish leaders who wanted to put Him to death and ultimately sent Him off to be crucified on the cross.

During this time, many of Jesus’ disciples were trying to stand up for Him but ultimately failed in their mission. And so, when the opportunity arose for Peter to come forward and proclaim his loyalty to Christ during His arrest, he did not do so out loud; instead, he denied Him three times.

The first time this happened was when one of the high priest’s servants recognized Peter as a follower of Jesus and asked if he had been with Him. To which Peter replied, “I don’t know what you’re talking about” (Matthew 26:70). Then Peter denied knowing Jesus twice more when two other people accused him of being a disciple. Each time, he emphatically answered that he did not know the man (Matthew 26:71–72).

After the third denial, another servant girl noticed that Peter sat and acted differently from the others who were standing by and pointed out to those around him that he was indeed one of Jesus’ followers. Upon hearing this, Peter broke down and wept bitterly as he remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him.

Peter denies Jesus in a dimly lit alleyway

What Was The Reason Behind Peter’s Denial Of Jesus?

The Bible gives us some insight into the reasoning behind Peter’s denial of Jesus. In Mark 14:66–72, Saint Peter is questioned three times about his relationship with Jesus, and each time Peter denies Jesus. It seems clear that Peter was afraid of the consequences of admitting to being a follower of Jesus. This fear was likely amplified by the fact that, during this time period, discipleship could lead to severe punishment or even death.

Luke 22:31–34 says that when Jesus answered and predicted his betrayal before the Last Supper, He warned Peter by saying: “Satan has asked for you, so that he may sift you like wheat.” This warning further fuels the idea that Peter feared for his own well-being, as he was aware that his faith in Jesus could put him at risk.

It is evident that Peter had personal loyalty to Jesus and did not want to turn against Him. But when asked by the servant of the high priest if he knew the Lord, Peter denied Jesus three times out of fear, shame, and protectiveness toward his Lord.

The Gospels also indicate that Peter may have been overwhelmed with grief at the thought of being separated from Jesus. In fact, Matthew 26:51 tells us that one of the twelve disciples reached for their sword and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his ear, to prevent Jesus’ arrest. Later on, in John 18:10, it was revealed that it was Peter who drew his sword and that the ear Peter had cut belonged to the servant named Malchus.

Did Jesus Restore Peter?

Yes, Jesus did restore Simon Peter, and this restoration is perhaps best seen in the parallel between God’s redemption of Israel from Egypt and the redemption of Peter from his spiritual bondage. In Exodus 34:9, God says to Moses that He has “pardoned” the people of Israel for their sins, using a Hebrew word that denotes forgiveness. This is paralleled in Luke 22:31–32, when Jesus prays to God and asks Him to pardon Peter for denying him.

God restores His relationship with Israel by affirming His covenant with them; similarly, Jesus restores His relationship with Peter when He tells him three times to “feed my sheep” (John 21:15–17). The Greek word used here for “feed” can also be translated as “tend” or “care for,” and by using it, Jesus is entrusting Peter with the task of leading and protecting His flock.

In the same way that God used Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt, He used Peter to lead others out of their spiritual bonds. Throughout his life, Peter has been an example of how a person can be forgiven and restored even after making grave mistakes.

He went on to become one of the most prominent figures in Christianity and fulfilled his role as an apostle by preaching throughout Asia Minor and serving as an inspiration to those who were struggling with sin (Acts 2–5).

Peter's trembling hands reach out in denial as Jesus, illuminated by a single flickering lantern, gazes at him

What Can We Learn From Peter’s Denial Of Jesus?

Peter’s denial of Jesus is one of the most significant moments in all of Scripture. It serves as an important reminder that no matter how deep our faith or knowledge may be, we are humans and vulnerable to making mistakes.

1. We May Fall, But We Can Rise Again

One of the key lessons we can glean from Peter’s denial of Jesus is that although we may stumble and fall, God is always willing to allow us to turn away from sin and rise again. In Luke 22:61–62, after being asked three times if he knew Jesus, Peter denied his Lord, weeping bitterly afterward. After Jesus was arrested and Peter realized what he had done, he wept even more (John 13:38).

Despite his mistake, God provided Peter with a second chance to follow Him faithfully by leaving the courtyard and returning to the other disciples (Luke 22:54–62). This demonstrates that God is always willing to forgive us for our sins and provide us with opportunities for redemption.

2. Denial Is Not The Answer

Another lesson to learn from Peter’s denial of Jesus is that denying our faith in or knowledge of Him will not save us. We are called upon as Christians to stand up for our beliefs, no matter how difficult it may seem. Despite being warned multiple times about his impending denial, Peter was adamant that he would never deny Jesus (Luke 22:33–34).

However, when the moment came, Peter, unfortunately, denied Jesus three times. This reminds us that we should not be so quick to dismiss our faith in times of difficulty or temptation. We must remain steadfast and trust in God, no matter the cost.

3. Repentance Is Essential

Peter’s experience teaches us the significance of repentance. Peter may have denied Jesus three times, but he expressed sorrow and regret and returned to Him. As a result, he was restored as one of Jesus’ important disciples (John 21:15–17). This reveals that God forgives us when we turn to Him for forgiveness, even after committing sins.

4. We Must Rely On God’s Strength

Peter’s experience teaches us that relying on God’s strength is crucial to maintaining our faith. Jesus had warned Peter about his future denial before His arrest (Luke 22:34).

Although Peter intended to remain loyal, he ultimately gave in to fear when faced with pressure (John 18:15–18). This serves as a lesson that, although we may attempt to be righteous on our own, we can only truly stand firm by relying on the strength of Christ.

5. God Is Always With Us

Peter’s experience reinforces the fact that God is always present in our lives. Even when we find ourselves facing extraordinary difficulties, we can take comfort in knowing that God is there for us. Peter denied Jesus, yet he was still allowed to be a part of the Last Supper before Jesus’ arrest (Luke 22:7–13). This exemplifies that God’s love is unconditional and does not waver, even when we make mistakes or turn away from Him.

Peter sits in the moonlit courtyard of the high priest's residence


The story of Peter denying Jesus holds great significance in Christian teachings and beliefs. It serves as a reminder that although we may make mistakes, we can be forgiven through repentance and reliance on God’s power rather than our own.

Moreover, it is a testament to the power of God’s grace and mercy that even in our darkest moments, His love remains steadfast. No matter what we are facing or have done, we can take comfort in knowing that God’s mercy is always available to us if we turn towards Him with repentance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Denial In Matthew 26?

The denial in Matthew 26 is Peter’s threefold denial of Jesus while he was in the courtyard of the high priest’s home. Despite being accused of being a follower of Jesus three times, Peter vehemently denies any association with him, even going as far as swearing oaths and cursing himself if he is lying.

Did Saint Peter Fight For Jesus?

Saint Peter attempted to fight for Jesus when he drew his sword and striked the high priest’s servant, cutting off his ear. However, Jesus instructed him to put away his sword, indicating that the crucifixion needed to occur as part of God’s plan.

What Can We Learn From Peter?

We can learn 5 lessons from Peter:

  • We May Fall, But We Can Rise Again
  • Denial Is Not The Answer
  • Repentance Is Essential
  • We Must Rely On God’s Strength
  • God Is Always With Us

What Did Peter Do After Jesus Died?

After Jesus’ died, Peter assumed a leadership role within the early Christian community. He authored two biblical books, 1 Peter and 2 Peter, preaching throughout Asia Minor and serving as an inspiration to those struggling with sin (Acts 2–5). Tradition holds that he traveled to Rome, where he was eventually martyred and crucified.

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