Abide Meaning: Bible Definition And Ways To Abide In Christ

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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Meno translates from Greek as “abide.” The term “abide” refers to the act of living, continuing, or remaining; thus, to dwell in Christ means to persist in Him. When an individual is saved, it is described as being “in Christ,” securely tied in an enduring relationship. Consequently, abiding in Christ represents the position of all true believers, not merely a distinct phase of Christian life. So, what is the true meaning of “abide” as found in the Scripture?

The command to “abide” has frequently been misinterpreted as a singular, ethereal, and intangible experience, but Jesus makes it clear that it entails a multiplicity of material realities. Being obedient to Christ is the key to union with him. Jesus said, “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7).

Where Was The Word “Abide” Mentioned In The Bible?

Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you too will abide in the Son and in the Father.

1 John 2:24

And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming.

1 John 2:28

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 91:1

And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

Only on a few occasions in the New Testament Bible does the term “abide” appear. However, the entire Bible, including the Old Testament, uses the word “abide” several times. The word “abide” is a verb; it means to wait for, to obey, and to remain.

The Bible repeatedly instructs us that we are to stay in Christ Jesus, follow him, and wait for him. The idea of abiding is present all throughout the Bible, even though the word “abide” is not always used.

For example, John 1:38–39 says, “Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, ‘What are you seeking?’ And they said to him, ‘Rabbi,’ ‘where are you staying?’ He said to them, ‘Come and you will see.’ So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.”

Sometimes, the word “abide” is the same word translated as “staying.” The disciples stayed with Christ, abiding in him, just as we also should.

What Does John 15:4 Mean?

Dwell in me, and I will look in you. No branch can produce fruit on its own; it needs to be part of the vine. If you leave me, neither can you produce fruit.

John 15:4

Jesus provides one of his most eloquent and compelling analogies regarding our relationship with him in John 15. In this verse, Jesus uses a vine and its branches as an analogy.

A branch cannot bear fruit if it is not attached to the vine. It will wither and perish if it separates. Jesus similarly informs His followers that they also possess the same reality. Jesus’ followers are the branches, and the vine is God. They will not bear fruit if they separate from Him, the wellspring of life.

woman on lake and abide meaning bible

What Is The Meaning Of “Abide” In The Bible?

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for “abide” is yashab. Abiding in Jesus Christ is essentially letting his Word enter our minds, shape our wills, and change our affections. In other words, how we use the Bible directly affects how we have received Christ.

As the word of Christ abides in us and the Spirit overflows within us, we will start to pray in a manner pleasing to God and come to understand the reality of our Lord’s often misapplied promise, “You will ask, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7).

The relationship described in John 15 is not the same as the law of the Old Testament. Keeping the law means perfectly maintaining the requirements of the Mosaic and Levitical laws. Since this is not conceivable, following the law results in condemnation, while following Christ results in salvation.

The cross of Christ has provided us with evidence of this love. Never should we let ourselves stray from daily reflection on the cross as the undeniable proof of that love or from reliance on the Holy Spirit, who pours that love forth in our hearts. Additionally, remaining in Christ’s love has a tangible result: simple obedience shown to him is the result of and proof of one’s love for him (John 15:10–14).

Prayer To Abide In Christ

Dear Lord,

I know that I am required to abide in You, and I long to live each day by resting and doing as You command. Lord, teach me to stay in You so that everything that is of mine will vanish as the Spirit of Christ[1] permeates my entire being.

Fill me with all of His fullness so that, as I abide in Him more and more, I can live, move, and grow. Give me the fortitude to bear fruit so that You alone will be my sufficient. Permit me to remain in Your love so that I may bear much fruit in response to the wealth of Your grace. I pray in the name of Jesus.


What Does It Mean “To Abide In Christ?”

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

John 15:4-7

The concept of abiding in Christ encompasses a profound and intimate relationship, similar to a deep and lasting friendship rather than a mere acquaintance. The Lord Jesus Christ explains to us the significance of receiving eternal life from him and the essential connection it has with his disciples. Jesus illustrates this through the analogy of branches that are firmly attached to a vine.

Without the vital abiding by Jesus Christ, life and fruitful production would be impossible. If we, the branches, remain unattached to the vine, which is Jesus, we will become those who outwardly follow Jesus and cannot bear fruit. Unlike connection, our abiding in the Lord Jesus in this analogy emphasizes absolute dependence on him as the vine for a branch cannot bear fruit without it.

This analogy parallels another important bond described in the Bible, where believers are compared to a body with Jesus Christ as the head (Colossians 1:18).

In John 15:9, Jesus speaks directly, commanding his followers to “Abide in My love.” The Apostle Paul echoes this exhortation by urging believers in Colossians 3:16 to let the word of Christ dwell in them richly, and similarly in Ephesians 5:18, where he encourages them to be filled with the Spirit. Paul emphasizes this theme once again in Colossians 3:16.

As true believers, we place our trust and reliance on the Lord Jesus Christ to sustain us, just as a branch depends on the vine for its life. God’s Word and his teachings, are living and active, serving as our guide for genuine and meaningful existence. Acknowledging our complete dependence on Jesus is essential if we are to live fruitful lives and bring glory to him. It is in this realization that we find true joy and fulfillment.

When we abide in Christ, we secure the promise of spending eternal life with him in the kingdom of God. It is important to recognize that it is through the work of the Holy Spirit within us that we can experience and manifest the fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Abiding in Christ means maintaining that personal and intimate relationship with him, allowing the Spirit to continually transform us into fruitful branches that bring glory to the Lord Jesus, who abides forever and brings salvation to all who believe.

People Who Abode In Christ

There are many individuals who abode in Christ found throughout the Bible, bearing witness to the transformative power of abiding in him.

  • The Apostle John: John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, had a close relationship with Jesus. He referred to himself as the one who leaned on Jesus’ bosom (John 13:23) and is often recognized as a prime example of a disciple who abided in Christ’s love.
  • Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus: Mary is depicted as one who actively sought to be in the presence of Jesus, sitting at his feet and listening to his teaching (Luke 10:39). Her choice to prioritize her relationship with Jesus exemplifies abiding in Christ.
  • The early disciples and believers in the book of Acts: The early followers of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, demonstrated a steadfast commitment to abiding in Christ. They devoted themselves to prayer, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the teaching of the apostles (Acts 2:42), displaying a vibrant and abiding relationship with Christ.

These examples serve as illustrations of individuals who lived in close communion with Jesus actively seeking His presence, and completely depending on him. Their lives were transformed so they were able to bear fruit and bear witness to the power and blessings of abiding in Christ.

How Do We Abide?

Abiding in Christ is a beautiful and unique experience. You can have a close, personal relationship with him once you are rescued. The desire of Christians is for this. If you remain in him as a Christian, you are carrying out God’s will, which means producing both the fruit of a changed character and fruitfulness in evangelism.

Jesus tells us about cooperating with the Lord for his glory and the advancement of the kingdom of God when Jesus talks about abiding with him. Putting money into the things of God entails putting money into eternal things. One must depend on the Lord more and develop a deeper relationship with him to work for the Lord.

4 Ways To Abide In Christ

1. Repent And Consciously Decide To Follow Jesus Now

Accept his gift of salvation by believing that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins so that those who trust in him may have true life and be free from the current evil age. Ask God to change your inner being and life as you confess your faults and wrongdoings. How to have a relationship with your Heavenly Father on a daily basis is to turn away from sin and toward the great love of God in Jesus.

2. Follow Your Beliefs And Pray

Our Lord must always be in contact with us. Jesus tells us to pray and engage in prayer while he is on earth. How much more do we need to pray if Jesus felt the need to do so? God is concerned with you, and all that occurs, from the tiniest request to the greatest need; what a chance. Even though he is not listening often, he is constantly aware of your needs.

Prayer is both addressing God about your life goals and asking him to make you more like Jesus; as it says in Psalm 55:22, “throw your burden on the Lord,” and “He will support you.” Because of this, you would be wise to seek God’s blessing before reading Scripture.

3. Study The Bible

As stated in Psalm 119:9, “How can a young man or woman cleanse his or her way? By taking notice according to Your word.” Reading the Bible is one way of knowing God personally and contains the account of God’s atoning deeds in this world.

You will understand why your life matters and where it is headed as you start to understand your role in God’s narrative. You may sharpen your ear to hear God and develop your personal knowledge by reading the daily Bible verse.

4. Express Gratitude And Joy

We have a ton of reasons to be grateful to God since he says in James 1:17 that “every good and perfect gift is from above, flowing down from the Father.” For the ability to overcome evil, the ability to breathe, food, work, friends, the family of God, and many other things.

The leading cause for perpetual thanksgiving and gladness is that if you believe in Jesus, you will be raised on the final day to live forever in the New Heavens and Earth, where God will live with us.

Our strength is in God. We are unable to accomplish anything significant without him. It can be challenging to avoid sinning, but we can try our best with God’s assistance and grace. Have faith in him.

What Happens If We Abide?

So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

— 1 John 4:16

In the New Testament, it can be seen in John’s Gospel that God is indeed the very essence of love. Moreover, it emphasizes what it means when Christians abide in him. There is reciprocation in abiding, meaning what you get for abiding in God is God abiding in you as well.

  1. Transformation and Spiritual Growth: When a believer’s relationship has been established with Christ, the spirit begins to transform his or her life and character traits; they become a transformed character to actively seek a personal relationship with him and diligently pursue alignment with his commandments. Through this process of abiding, guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, they embark on a journey of spiritual maturity and grow in their knowledge of God’s Word (2 Corinthians 3:18; Colossians 2:6-7). Their lives are shaped to reflect the likeness of Christ as they actively engage in this transformative experience.
  2. Fruitfulness: Abiding in Christ results in bearing much fruit, both in the believer’s relationship with Christ and in their interactions with others. Just as a healthy branch produces fruit, believers who abide in Christ produce the fruit of the Spirit, displaying qualities such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (John 15:5; Galatians 5:22-23). This spiritual fruit not only glorifies God but also blesses those around them.
  3. Answered Prayers: Jesus tells his disciples that if they abide in him and his words abide in them, they can ask whatever they wish, and it will be done for them (John 15:7). This assurance stems from the life-giving connection with Christ and the alignment of desires with his will. Abiding in Christ leads to prayers that are in harmony with God’s purposes and brings about answered prayers.
  4. Assurance of Salvation: Those who abide in Christ have the assurance of eternal life. Jesus emphasizes that if his followers abide in him, they will bear much fruit, and their salvation will be secure (John 15:5, 16). This assurance stems from the permanent relationship with Christ and the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life.

Abiding involves maintaining a special relationship with Jesus where we are completely dependent on the life-giving connection it provides.

man on fields and abide meaning bible


A new relational perspective and legal status are what it means to be “in Christ.” We want to be with God more than we just wish to be made right with God. We are new creations that have been set free from sin and earthly desires to abide in Christ and glorify God. And by offering himself to us, he provides everything we need to seek this.

Living is not a sensation or even a conviction. It is a deed; it is what we carry out. We reduce Christianity much too often to a set of doctrines. However, Jesus’ invitation is a relationship that necessitates action. We must maintain contact with him.

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