A Lifelong Bond: A Good Friend Is A Blessing From God Bible Verse

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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Friendship is a beautiful gift from God that brings blessings and grace to our lives. Good friendships[1] are essential for our emotional and spiritual well-being, providing love, support, and companionship. As we cherish and nurture our friendships, we reflect on the love and goodness of God for those around us.

The “a good friend is a blessing from God” Bible verse can bring peace and joy to our hearts. The Bible verses remind us of the importance of friendship in our lives and encourage us to cultivate relationships that honor God.

Prayer is another powerful tool that can help us strengthen our friendships by asking for God’s blessing and guidance. We can pray for trust to be built in our relationships and seek wisdom from Bible verses on how to be a good friend. Through prayer, we can show kindness and compassion towards others, bringing peace to our friendships.

Bible Verses About Friendship

The Bible contains many verses reminding us of friendship’s importance, such as Proverbs 17:17, which says, “A true friend shows love constantly, while a brother is born for adversity.” Having many companions is a blessing, but trusting those closest to us and who love us unconditionally is important.

In today’s fast-paced world, losing touch with friends or taking them for granted can be easy. However, this verse reminds us that true friends are always there for us, no matter what we’re going through. They offer support and encouragement during difficult times and celebrate with us during good times. A true friend loves unconditionally and remains loyal even when things get tough.

This Bible verse also reminds us that the wicked leads us astray, but a true friend will return us to the right path. A true friend’s influence goes beyond mere companionship—they play a vital role in our moral compass. They are willing to confront us when we are heading in the wrong direction, offering guidance, counsel, and support. They hold us accountable and encourage us to align our actions with our beliefs, helping us grow in integrity and wisdom.

Another popular Bible verse about friendship is Ecclesiastes 4:9–12, which states, “Two people are better than one because they get a good friend in return. If either falls, they can help each other up. When two people lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one person keep warm on their own? You may be overpowered alone, but two can defend themselves against enemies.”

Bible verses like these emphasize the benefits of having a good friend and working together in perfect harmony. A real friend sticks closer to you and can support you through life’s challenges by offering help when needed or simply being there as a source of comfort.

Colossians: The Power Of Love In Friendship

The book of Colossians teaches us about the power of love in good friendships. It emphasizes the importance of mutual affection and love as essential components of a healthy relationship.

In Colossians 3:12–14, Paul writes, “As the chosen people of God, holy and dearly loved, cloak yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive if you have a grievance against another. Forgive as the Lord forgives. And over all these virtues, put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”

This passage emphasizes that good friendships are built on the foundation of mutual affection, greater love, and the gift of compassion. True friends counsel each other during struggles and exhibit kindness through their actions. Humility allows them to be vulnerable with one another, while gentleness enables them to communicate effectively without causing harm or offense.

Greater Love: Overcoming A Multitude Of Sins

The power of love in friendship, a gift from God, can overcome many sins. Paul’s counsel reminds us that forgiveness is an essential aspect of any relationship built on love, and it comes from the heart.

Forgiveness is not always easy; it requires humility and vulnerability from both parties involved in the relationship. However, when we forgive our friends despite their shortcomings or mistakes, we create an environment where good friendships can flourish freely. According to the Bible verses, forgiveness is a gift we can give others and comes with a good reward.

Demonstrating God’s Varied Grace

In 1 Peter 4:10–11, Peter writes, “You should use the gifts you have received to serve others as faithful curators of God’s grace in its many forms. When you speak, you should do so as one who speaks the words of God. Anyone who serves should do so with the strength God gave them, so that he may be praised through Jesus Christ.”

This means that good friends exercise wisdom—that having friends is a blessing from God that we should cultivate with grace. This verse emphasizes the mutual sharpening and growth that occur in healthy friendships. Through meaningful interactions, we can inspire, challenge, and uplift one another, helping our friends become better individuals.

This reminds us that gossip separates close friends, and we should be careful of what we say. Peter highlights the importance of using our God-given abilities and gifts to serve others rather than engaging in harmful speech. By doing so, we become faithful stewards of God’s grace, recognizing that our words can uplift and encourage others or bring them down.

The Qualities Of A True Friend

Proverbs is a book in the Bible that contains wisdom for daily living. It teaches us how to live wisely, make good decisions, and build strong relationships. One of the recurring themes in Proverbs is the importance of having true friends. They have qualities that make them trustworthy, reliable, and valuable, so we must choose our friends wisely.

  1. Compassion: A true friend is kind and compassionate, forming a strong bond of good friendship. They offer help when needed and do not hesitate to show love and support.
  2. Trust: Trustworthiness is another quality of a good and true friendship. A true friend keeps your secrets safe and does not gossip or betray your trust. Proverbs 27:6 says, “Faithful are the wounds of an iron friend—profuse are the enemy’s kisses.” This verse reminds us that sometimes our friends need to tell us good news or things we don’t want to hear but need to hear because they care about us.
  3. Good Character: A true friend has good character and values integrity above all else. They have an iron will to do what’s right, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. Proverbs 22:24–25 says, “Do not be friends with a man given to anger, nor be a companion to a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and become just like him.” This verse warns against befriending people who have bad character traits that may rub off on you.

Being Wary Of Unreliable Friends

Proverbs also warn against having unreliable companions. A perverse person stirs the pot and may bring dishonor and misfortune into our lives. Such “friends” may seem fun or exciting initially, but they are not trustworthy or reliable. Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man of many companions may be harmed, but there is a friend who sticks by his side closer than a brother.”

This verse reminds us of the value of choosing friends carefully—that the wicked leads us down a path of ruination. Thus, having one true friend is better than many unreliable companions.

friends sitting together

John: Jesus’ Example of Selfless Friendship

John was one of Jesus’ closest friends and an example of selfless friendship. He showed humility by serving others and putting their needs before his own. John followed Jesus’ new commandment to love one another as Christ loved us, making sacrifices and showing compassionate hearts towards his neighbors. The good news is that John’s heart was as strong as iron, enabling him to endure difficult times with unwavering faith.

A Servant’s Heart

John was known for having a servant’s heart and being a real friend. In John 13:5, he is described as washing the feet of his close friends and disciples, including Peter, who initially refused but eventually allowed him to do so. This act of service demonstrated his humility and how much he valued his relationship with Jesus and good friends, serving them without expecting anything in return.

Furthermore, John was not just a follower of Jesus but also one of His close friends. As a friend who loves at all times, John stayed by Jesus’ side through thick and thin, even during His crucifixion (John 19:26–27).

Despite the dangers of being associated with Jesus during this time, John remained loyal until the end. This act of loyalty is a testament to the strong bond between good friends and shows just how much John cared for Jesus and his mission on Earth. It’s no wonder that John was among the first to believe when the good news of Jesus’ resurrection spread (John 20:8).

Compassionate Hearts

In addition to being a servant, John was also a good friend with a compassionate heart towards those around him. In John 11:35–36, he wept alongside Mary when her brother Lazarus died. This display of empathy shows that he cared about others and was willing to share in their pain. When there was good news to share, John was always one of the first to celebrate with his good friends.

Moreover, after Jesus’ death and resurrection, He entrusted Mary to John’s care, as they were good friends (John 19:26–27). This act demonstrates how highly he regarded John’s compassion and ability to care for those around him.

Following Christ’s Example

Finally, throughout all these acts of service and compassion, it is important to note that John was simply following Christ’s example. In fact, Jesus gave the new commandment to “love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). By following this commandment, John could emulate the selfless love that Jesus had for all people, including his good friends.

Thessalonians: Encouraging And Supporting Friends In Faith

Encouraging and supporting friends in their faith is a crucial aspect of Christian life. The book of Thessalonians highlights the importance of discipleship and how fellow believers can help each other grow in their faith.

Discipleship: A Key Ingredient For Growth

One of the central themes in Thessalonians is discipleship. Christians must have fellow believers who can guide us on our spiritual journey. Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 2:8, “We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s good news but our own lives, too.” This verse emphasizes the importance of sharing our lives with others as we walk together toward Christ.

In addition to sharing our lives, we must be willing to teach and learn from one another. Good friends are there to encourage one another and build each other up, as Paul reminds us in 1 Thessalonians 5:11. We should actively seek opportunities to mentor our good friends while also being open to receiving guidance ourselves.

Treating Each Other With Love And Respect

As daughters and sons of God, we are called to treat each other with love and respect. In 1 Thessalonians 4:9–10, Paul writes, “But concerning brotherly love, you have no need that I should write to you since you yourselves are taught by God to love one another.” This verse reminds us that God has already given us the tools to love our good friends well.

Supporting Our Friends Through Challenges

Supporting our friends through challenges is essential to encouraging them in their faith journey. Life can be difficult sometimes, but having a friend who will stand by your side makes all the difference. In 1 Thessalonians 3:7–8, Paul writes about how he was encouraged by the faith of his friends during a time of trial. He says, “Now we really live since you are standing firm in the Lord.”

Encouragement: A Powerful Tool

Encouragement is a powerful tool to help our friends stay motivated and focused on their spiritual journey. In 1 Thessalonians 5:14, Paul writes, “Brothers and sisters, caution those idle and disruptive. Encourage the disheartened. Help the weak and be patient with everyone.” This verse reminds us that we should actively seek opportunities to encourage our friends.

Samuel: The Story Of David And Jonathan’s Loyal Friendship

And it came to pass that the soul of Jonathan was knit with David’s, and Jonathan loved him as if he were his own soul.

— 1 Samuel 18:1

Jonathan and David’s friendship is a testament to the power of loyalty and love as depicted in the Bible verses. The bond between these two men was strong, enduring many obstacles and hardships. Their story reminds us of the importance of true friendship—companions that know and understand us inside and out.

Jonathan made a covenant with David, as recorded in the Bible, symbolized by exchanging iron swords, to show his commitment to their friendship. This act was significant because it demonstrated greater love, as mentioned in biblical verses, showing that Jonathan was willing to lay down his own life for David. It also showcased that he trusted David implicitly and believed in him as a leader and future king.

In the Bible, Psalm 18 contains verses that express David’s deep sorrow over the death of his friend Jonathan, a man he considered to be like iron. David referred to Jonathan as his brother and friend, highlighting their strong bond. This psalm is a heartfelt tribute to their friendship and showcases Jonathan’s profound impact on David’s life. It highlights the character of a man willing to sacrifice his desires for the sake of others.

Jesus’ Relationship With His Disciples

Jesus himself demonstrated the power of friendship through his relationship with his disciples. He chose his friends carefully—twelve men became his closest companions during his earthly ministry. These men were not only his followers but also his friends, whom he loved deeply.

Jesus’ relationship with his disciples teaches us about the importance of friendship and how it can bring us closer to God. Through our friendships, we can experience the love and grace of God in tangible ways. A good friend supports us in our faith journeys by praying for one another and sharing words of encouragement.

fingers interlocked making a promise


The Bible is full of examples of the power and importance of friendship. From David and Jonathan’s unbreakable bond to Jesus’ selfless love, we see how true friendship can be a source of strength, comfort, and joy.

As we navigate the ups and downs of life, we must remember that having good friends is truly a blessing from God. We should strive to be the kind of friend we want for ourselves—loyal, supportive, and encouraging.

Whether facing difficult times or celebrating life’s joys, having friends by our side can make all the difference. So let us cherish those special relationships that bring light into our lives and thank God for the gift of friendship.

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