How To Know If God Is On Your Side Wherever You Go

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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There might come a time in our existence when we’ve either been unaware or have let it slip from our memory that the Lord stands with us. Losing sight of this fact can lead to feelings of frustration and discouragement. It’s crucial to remember that we are God’s children, blessed with the support and fortification of an Almighty God who is always in our corner. Remember, God is for you, not against you.

God stands on the side of the good and those who are loyal to Him by welcoming Christ into their lives. God stands on the side of honesty, for His word is true (John 17:17). But what does it mean that God is on our side[1]? What does this signify for our lives as believers?

What Does It Mean That God Is On Your Side?

You and I Are God’s Children

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

— John 1:12

Obviously, just because God is on our side doesn’t mean that he will support every decision we make. God isn’t some mindless force to which we submit for our own benefit.

Just because God is on our side does not mean that we are always guaranteed immediate success or that we are spared hard times or trouble. However, God does desire our best interests. Whenever we stray from the righteous way, the God who loves us does not leave us. Instead, He directs us back to the correct path.

When we try to comprehend God’s love for us, we should consider how we are concerned about our own children. We want what’s best for them. We’re rooting for them. When they wander off the trail, we long to get them back on track. Our hearts hurt when they struggle. Indeed, we would sacrifice everything for our children to succeed in life.

The Strength Of Our Enemies Dwindle

What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?

— Romans 8:31

The utterance of Romans 8:31 doesn’t imply that we have no opponents. People will occasionally be against us. More significantly, we are engaged in a spiritual conflict with wickedness, sin, and the forces of evil in this life.

Therefore, it is true that there are opposing forces against us. However, when we realize that the Lord is in our corner, the strength of our enemies falls short. We have nothing to be afraid of because the divine Creator of all things is on our side.

Does The Bible Say That God Is On Your Side?

God Is With Us

He’s not just in us; he’s also right there by our side. The Scripture promises in John 14:18 and 20, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. On that day, you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.”

The Word of God states that Jesus Christ is in everyone, that we are shielded by Jesus, and that we are protected by the Holy Spirit. So the Devil must pass through the Holy Trinity first in order to reach us. God is not just in us and with us; God is also working for us. As Romans 8:31 claims, “If God is for us, no one can beat us” (NCV).

When the guard dogs follow behind the shepherd, they guide the sheep to ensure they’re headed on the right path. According to the Holy Bible, these dogs in our lives represent God’s kindness and forgiveness. God’s kindness is when he provides us with something we don’t deserve. Praise God for his goodness, for he is forgiving and merciful.

The Lord Is Working On Everyone

Whatever challenges we encounter today, we will never fight them alone. God is here with us, in us, and for us. According to Philippians 2:13, “God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”

The Greek term for “working” is energos, from which we derived the English word “energy.” God is the source of energy in everyone’s life. We’re not relying solely on willpower. We’re not just walking by ourselves. God promises to supply our strength, no matter what we face.

We must have confidence in Him every single day. As Micah 7:10 reads, “Then my enemies will see that the Lord is on my side. They will be ashamed that they taunted me, saying, ‘So where is the Lord—that God of yours?’ With my own eyes, I will see their downfall; they will be trampled like mud in the streets.” Yes, the Lord also works against our own enemy.

man standing on rock staring at sunset on ocean and god is on your side

How To Tell If God Is On Your Side?

The belief in a benevolent and guiding force that influences our lives is deeply ingrained in Christianity. Many people find comfort in the idea that they are not alone in this vast universe and that there is a purpose behind their existence.

Undoubtedly, God is for us, and this reveals the fact that, as his faithful followers, we are loved wholly and completely. With God on our side, we can have the courage to face each day with confidence and grace.

Inner Peace And Clarity

One of the most significant indicators that God is present in your life is experiencing inner peace and clarity. When you are aligned with the divine, you may feel a sense of tranquility even amidst life’s challenges. Your mind becomes clearer, allowing you to make better decisions and see the bigger picture.

Synchronicities And Coincidences

Divine intervention often manifests through synchronicities and coincidences. These are meaningful events or encounters that seem like more than mere chance. When you notice a series of coincidences aligning in a positive direction, it may be a sign that God is supporting your path.

Feeling Guided And Protected

Individuals with divine support often feel guided and protected. They believe that there is an invisible hand leading them toward the right choices and safeguarding them from harm. This feeling of guidance instills a sense of trust and faith in the divine plan.

Overcoming Challenges With Grace

When you have God on your side, you will find the strength to face challenges with grace and resilience. Instead of becoming overwhelmed, you can navigate obstacles with a newfound sense of determination and optimism.

Empathy And Compassion Towards Others

A deeper connection with the divine often leads to increased empathy and compassion for others. You may feel a profound sense of interconnectedness, understand the struggles of others, and offer support and kindness wherever possible.

5 Scripture Verses To Remind You That God Is On Your Side

The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can a man do to me?

— Psalm 118:6

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

— Isaiah 41:10

And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

— Matthew 28:20

With God on our side, we will win; he will defeat our enemies.

— Psalm 108:13

The LORD is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.

— Psalm 118:7

Practical Steps On How To Use The Bible Verses About God Is On Your Side

1. Read through the Scripture verses regarding God being on our side in order to strengthen our faith in this field. (We can read them with our minds, but it is recommended to read them aloud, which makes them more powerful and effective.)

2. Print this collection of passages for future purposes, so we can be reassured that God is on our side.

3. Lastly, choose one or two scripture verses to remember or jot down on a flash card or sticky note and keep them somewhere visible as a constant reminder that the Lord is on our side. For instance, place these on the mirrors, tables, doors, above light switches, cabinet doors, and so on.

woman holding camera with arms open wide on sea and god is on your side


Recognizing the presence of divine support in our lives can be a deeply enriching and comforting experience. Whatever it is that we are going through today, remember this: God is on your side.

By cultivating a connection with God through prayer, virtues, and self-reflection, we open ourselves to a more profound understanding of our purpose and place in the universe. God has our backs, and He desires our best interests. We can rest confident in God, knowing that with him, we have nothing to fear. Praise God, for He is always willing to give us whatever we need.

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