Why Is Faith Important In Our Daily Lives?

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



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Consciously or unconsciously, faith plays a significant and widespread part in the complex weave of our daily existence, going beyond the limits of any one religious belief, Christianity included. The confidence we have in a chair to hold us up every time we take a seat illustrates this point well. It’s the reliance on the chair’s stability to maintain our position.

That’s faith: knowing with absolute certainty that which you hope for but have yet to see or experience for yourself. In Christian theology, the Bible describes faith as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). So, why is faith important in our daily lives? Why does it matter to God?

What Is The Difference Between Faith And Belief?

Though they are frequently used synonymously, belief and faith are two distinct ideas. Faith represents a robust conviction in a framework of ideas or worldviews, whereas belief takes form when one forges an opinion grounded in what has been read, heard, or witnessed.

A person’s opinions may alter as they mature and gain new knowledge. Faith means fully understanding God’s nature, embracing it, and trusting completely that He will provide for all needs.

You may believe in God, and even though there is only one God, do you consider God to be the God to whom you should pray? God allows us to trust in him by changing our hearts and revealing his greatness.

Where Does Faith Come From?

Since God is the only one who can give a person a new heart, faith itself must be a divine blessing[1]. It’s the special route God takes to save his people.

The Bible and the Gospel stand as the primary bastions through which we fortify the bedrock of our faith. As we delve deeper into the fathomless wellspring of truth, our self-confidence burgeons. Those who have found salvation are all endowed with the precious gift of unwavering faith.

Faith also encourages us to accomplish God’s will and helps us overcome doubt. Hearing the sermon at church with other believers is just as important as reading Scripture and praying on our own time when it comes to developing our faith.

Why Is Faith So Important?

The crux of our deliverance pivots upon our unwavering conviction in Jesus as the Messiah, the Divine Offspring. Should we entrust our faith to Jesus, he shall bestow upon us redemption and grant us eternal life.

The Almighty made the ultimate sacrifice, offering His solitary begotten to secure an everlasting fate for all who embrace Him, ensuring their exemption from demise and a perennial existence (John 3:16).

Faith enables us to accept the Trinity, the doctrine that God exists in one essence yet in three persons. In 1 John 5:7, we learn that “for there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one.” Faith has given Christians the understanding and acceptance of this.

Faith makes trusting in God’s purpose and direction possible. It gives us confidence that everything occurs for a reason and that God is in complete control. During tough times, this provides solace and calm.

Faith also helps us push over self-doubt and anxiety. We can endure hardship and prevail over it when we trust God wholeheartedly, with our very existence, and depend on His promises.

Why Is Faith Important To God?

Faith is important to God because it demonstrates trust, belief, and reliance on Him. It allows individuals to establish a personal connection with God, align their lives with His will, and seek His guidance and provision. Faith reflects a deep relationship and commitment to God, enabling spiritual growth, transformation, and the fulfillment of His purposes in our lives.

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7 Reasons Why Faith Is Important In Our Lives

It is impossible to overstate the role that faith plays in our lives. What is it about this elusive yet potent force that keeps reshaping and altering lives?

1. We Cannot Please God Without Faith

To what end is faith important? Basically, we can’t do right in God’s eyes without it. In contrast, Hebrews 11:6 reads, “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

Faith is required to believe in the existence of a God we cannot see and accept His claims about Himself. Faith pleases God.

Faith is necessary for molding our attitudes and actions. Having faith in God results in a positive attitude and a determination to obey and serve God.

2. Jesus Knows How Faithful We Are

Two persons, each with a distinct degree of faith, are contrasted in the book of Matthew. “Then Jesus answered and said to her, ‘O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.’ And her daughter was healed from that very hour” (Matthew 15:28).

“And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him and said to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31).

The woman was a Gentile, but she believed Jesus was her daughter’s last chance at life. The Jewish Rabbi initially said “no,” but the woman persisted until Jesus, moved by her faith, granted her request.

The one with little faith was Jesus’ own follower, Simon Peter, who responded when Jesus called to him as He was walking on the water, but as soon as the wind and waves caught his eye, he grew scared and started to sink.

Likewise, we may keep a strong faith even when things appear dismal if we keep our eyes on Jesus rather than our personal circumstances.

3. God Responds To Faith

The only thing that moves God is faith; need, doubt, and fear do not. Mark 2:5 indicates that once Jesus witnessed the faith of a paralytic, Jesus declared, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” The invalid man rose to his feet, rolled out his mat, and left. The faith of the man’s companions spurred Jesus to act, and He immediately restored the man’s mobility.

Christians regularly pray to God for help, asking Him to provide for their necessities, cure their bodies or relationships, or bestow wisdom upon them. But James 1:5–7 indicates that we won’t get what we ask for unless we ask with faith without questioning.

4. Our Faith Strengthens Us In Times Of Difficulty

There will always be challenges since we are sinners in a broken world. But it is our faith that keeps us going when things get tough. Through it, we feel at ease and hopeful.

To ward against the attacks of our adversary, the Bible advises, “above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one (Ephesians 6:16).”

James 2:3 states that “the testing of your faith produces patience,” so we shouldn’t be startled when our faith is tested. You endure adversity so that the genuineness of your faith, which is more valuable than gold, may be proved genuine through fiery trials and result in praise, honor, and glory for Jesus Christ at his revelation, which is the ultimate goal (1 Peter 1:7).

5. Faith Drives Our Actions

Through our actions and daily lives, we show the world our unwavering faith in God. To quote James 2:26: “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

Just imagine: Your life’s rudder is comprised of both faith and deeds. They’re complementary, so use both to advance. Follow-up activities demonstrate genuine faith; equally, those devoid of faith do nothing. Having trust in our actions is a requirement.

6. Faith Can Inspire Others

Having faith that cannot be shaken is contagious and may strengthen the faith of others around you. “We continually praise God for you because we have heard of your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and your love for all the saints,” as it says in Colossians 1:3–4. Being with other believers makes it easier to keep your faith in God. Stand solid in your convictions and set an example for others.

7. The Foundation Of Salvation Is Faith

When Jesus lived on earth, Jews believed they had to adhere to the letter and spirit of the Torah for God to accept them.

However, Jesus redefined righteousness when He came, saying, “A man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ; even if we have believed in Christ Jesus, we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law” (Galatians 2:16).

Our acts, or lack thereof, do not make us right with God; only faith in Jesus, God’s Son, does. This was a significant shift for the Israelites. They were accustomed to having to work for their salvation.

However, as Ephesians 2:8–9 states, “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

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Christian faith and dependence on God are lifelong. Growing in faith requires knowing and trusting God and behaving accordingly.

By reading and studying the Bible, we may gain a greater knowledge of who God is and what He has done for us. God’s word embedded in your heart and soul will strengthen your faith in hard times.

Christians grow spiritually through prayer and worship. We pray and worship to show our trust in God. Call on God, and he will draw close to you. Keep your hands and your hearts clean (James 4:8). Approaching God will allow us to strengthen our faith.

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