Why does God allow terrible things to happen in the first place? Why do innocent individuals suffer, and why is injustice so deeply rooted in society? Is there any hope for improvement? If you’re facing difficult times right now, this message should offer you some hope.
God will make things better. Jesus loves you and is true to what He says. If God meant for good what you meant for evil, never doubt that He will see you through. On the other side of the pitch-blackness, you will emerge. He transforms what was meant for evil into something positive.
What Does “What You Meant For Evil, God Meant For Good” Mean?
Our hearts and thoughts may occasionally feel like they are being imprisoned by the most trying times we go through. Even though we struggle, be confident that God is with you and that in His presence, He is guiding you if you are in darkness. His intended plans for your life are surely lovely, even if you can’t see how the whole tale will pan out.
Designed To Hurt
In Joseph’s story, his connection with his brothers appears rocky from the start of it. Joseph was the only son of their father’s favorite wife, Rachel, and was thus obviously preferred over Joseph’s brothers.
When Joseph revealed to them his dreams that he would rule over his brothers and his entire family one day, this animosity increased. The thought of their older brothers bowing down to this tiny sibling was too much for them to bear.
Joseph was no longer regarded as a brother but rather as a formidable foe. His brothers devised a plan to throw him in a pit and inform their father that what happened was that a wild beast had killed and consumed him (Genesis 37:18–24).
Designed For Good
Joseph is in great hardship, yet he is steadfast in his belief that God has not forgotten him, despite the appearance that everyone else has. There is no evidence that Joseph used his talent to interpret dreams during this time, save for one important day in captivity.
When that time arrived, Joseph led the preparations and was prepared when God started to work wonders through him. “You intended evil towards me, but God planned it for good,” Joseph told to his brothers (Genesis 50:20).
Why Does God Allow Evil To Ever Happen In The First Place?
Evil is the result of human volition and behavior[1], and the lack of fear of God. Some people commit sexual immorality and harmful acts among many others against themselves and other people, resulting in pain and death. Yet, attention should be paid to preaching Jesus Christ as the solution to evil and its effects.
What Is Wrong With Evil?
Our issue when God meant evil is that it harms many lives—both the guilty and the innocent and those who harm others frequently go unpunished. This is the depressing and unavoidable truth of life. So, it is proper to argue that a good and powerful God could stop evil if desired.
What Is The Source of Evil?
Christianity holds that disobedience to God and His rules is the root cause of evil in all manifestations. Before the world was created, Satan rebelled, which is the first incident of disobedience in the Bible. The consequences of this disobedience increased as the number of Adam and Eve’s offspring grew, and ungodly behavior continues to this day.
God Intended Bad To Happen
A creature devoid of free will is not created in God’s likeness. Yet the issue with free will is that it provides man with power and a choice between obeying and living in perfect harmony or disobeying and destroying his relationship with God, other people, and the rest of creation, bringing evil and its repercussions upon humankind.
Can God Bring Good From Something Evil?
Pain can also foster our ability to empathize with others. It’s difficult to comprehend and speak of another person’s struggles before you’ve stood in their shoes. We can support and pray for those who have gone through similar hardships by standing by their side and asking God to preserve them.
How Might God Turn What Was Intended For Evil Into Good?
We will continue to dwell in this current, evil, and hate-filled place until the second coming of Christ. How does God make our challenging circumstances good? Refining many lives and many nations to follow what Jesus Christ did is one method.
While we navigate difficult circumstances, we become closer to God. We look for Him in everything and find out more about Him through His Word. Our character is shaped by suffering to become the person he wants us to be.
Signs God Is About To Turn What Was Meant For Evil Into Good
Although God’s purposes are ideal, the land in which we live is not. It is corrupted and subject to evil. God gave us the promise of Christ’s second coming, so we can be confident that He is using all things for good in the interim. Our world contains evil, but Christ spoke kindly and His salvation offered us hope.
God Is Using Someone Else’s Sin To Train You
When we allowed God to empower us to use these evil attacks as occasions where we can share the love of Christ, He may have used evil and meant it for good in our life. For instance, when someone has wronged you or meant evil towards you, you demonstrate God’s kindness to them by showing them forgiveness.
God Is Making Other People’s Sins Known
God may ultimately reveal anything against you that has been done covertly. Still, He is saving you from worse anguish that might have resulted from the evil going unreported. When He reveals the truth to us so we might make amends with someone if they turn from their sin, He transforms what was meant evil into good. And that is a blessing.
In Philippians 1:12–14, Paul writes, “I want you to know, brothers, that what has occurred to me has genuinely served to advance the gospel so that it has become known throughout the entire imperial guard and to all the rest that my incarceration is for Christ. And most brothers are much more courageous to share the word fearlessly now that they have more faith in the Lord due to my imprisonment.”
As long as we are alive, let us continue to give God the honor and glory for who He is as we bear the various forms of suffering on this earth, knowing that all will ultimately work out for the best. God is still at work in ways that we may or may not ever be able to perceive in this life.
People alive today must believe, “Since they succeeded, we can do it too.” We gain knowledge and a fresh appreciation and empathy for others once we have overcome our challenges. Then it is our turn to stand by someone, love and care for them, and be the support they need.
This Couldn’t have come at a more perfect time but you know how God is always on time so he knows exactly what you’re going through exactly what you needed that moment and I really needed to read this and hear this word from God so that I know that everything that has happened that was meant for evil will be turned around for good and I trust and believe and have faith in God that he will make all things right
This is such an encouraging and faith building article!
It has given me a clearer understanding of how God works through my(our) circumstances to bring about good!
I was thoroughly encouraged by all of it!
Thank you!