Warning Dreams From God: Powerful Ways He Speaks To Us

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



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It’s essential to be vigilant and heed various signs and alerts. Almost everywhere we look, we’re bound to come across some form of warning, be it through digits, signals, verbal alerts, and more. Overlooking these alerts can lead to serious consequences. This principle also applies to warnings from the Bible. Unfortunately, the warnings from God are often the ones most disregarded.

God Almighty uses our dreams to communicate with us and alert us in this day and age. “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; your old men shall dream dreams; and your young men shall see visions,” the Bible says in Joel 2:28. God constantly communicates with us through them, which may also have biblical significance.

Can God Give Warning Signs Through Dreams?

God can indeed use dreams to deliver warning messages. God gives visions[1] to humans as guidance, assurance, and warning. For many years, this medium has been in operation. The Bible has accounts of how the Lord utilized dreams to forewarn individuals and keep them alive.

King Abimelech

Genesis 20:1–18 is the passage where King Abimelech is mentioned. In a dream, God forewarned Abimelech regarding Sarah. Fortunately, he was saved and spared because the king heeded God’s instructions.

The Egyptian Famine

God warned the Egyptian populace about an impending famine and drought in the Genesis narrative. Joseph’s insight enabled a clear and accurate understanding of the situation. This prevented the severe effects of the famine on the entire country.

Mary And Joseph Received Warnings From An Angel

After discovering that a ruler considerably better than himself had been born, King Herod felt enraged. Because of this, he was determined to kill the young king, who is Jesus. The passage Matthew 2:13 reads that after they had left, Joseph saw a dream in which an angel of God told him, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.”

God had to use a dream to warn Mary and Joseph of Herod’s plans to harm baby Jesus. If both Mary and Joseph had ignored this message, it is without a doubt that the Son of God, Jesus, would not have lived to complete His earthly mission.

What Does The Bible Say About Warning Dreams From God?

The Scripture has accounts of how the Lord utilized dreams to forewarn different people. According to the passage Job 33:15–18, “When deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds, then he opens the ears of men and terrifies them with warnings, that he may turn man aside from his deed and conceal pride from a man; he keeps back his soul from the pit and his life from perishing by the sword.” Indeed, God saves us by giving warnings in our dreams.

Furthermore, Acts 2:17 reads, “And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” God speaks to us through our dreams. We must not ignore or reject these dreams, for warning dreams from God speak about our important life events, which are God’s plan for us.

How Does God Send Us Warnings Through Dreams?

God will send forth His Spirit on all humanity in the end days, allowing and empowering many people to have dreams and visions, according to a promise provided by the Lord and verbalized through the Prophet Joel. We are currently facing those times that Joel anticipated. As Joel 2:28 proclaims, “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy; your old men will dream dreams; your young men will see visions.”

This prophecy describes dreams that are not just our typical dreams. These are prophetic visions that come from God. God enjoys speaking with people and has long desired to connect with them in every way. But sin stood in the way and made it impossible for this to occur.

God is unceasingly ready to interact with us through visions and dreams. The majority of us who seek God’s guidance and direction should be aware that one method He may use to do so is with biblical visions and dreams. We ought to want and demand it. God commands us to ask Him. As stated in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

How Do I Know If My Dream Is A Warning Sign?

God may use dreams to deliver warning signs and messages. God gives visions to humans as guidance, assurance, and warning. They are not just people’s typical dreams. They are dreams with spiritual meaning and importance.

When you realize that dreams might be a warning indication, the next question is how they can be a cautionary sign for you. There are a few things to be on the lookout for in your dreams. There are some traits of dreams that serve as divine warnings.

  • God’s warning dreams are always definite and precise.
  • God often speaks with authority in dream warnings.
  • God’s warnings are always clear. God constantly makes sure to give visions that are as straightforward and understandable as possible.
  • God usually includes instructions in his warning dreams, telling us how to take the best action in our circumstances.
woman lying and sleeping and warning dreams from god

3 Warning Dreams From God

1. Having Dreams Of Falling Or Slipping Down The Stairs

Warning dreams from God serve as a warning against impulsive decision-making. Whenever we have this dream, consider it a warning symbol. Slow down when making judgments. Keep an eye out for emotional judgments as well. Look deeply within our inner soul while rising above our emotions. This dream also has a symbolic meaning that encourages people to have more faith in their instincts.

2. Having Dreams Of Getting Snake Bites

This cautions you against being deceived. A snake’s symbolic meaning is one of deceit and betrayal. It has a biblical origin. The serpent persuaded man to eat from the tree, which provides the wisdom of good and evil in the story of Adam and Eve. In a similar sense, having a snake in your dream could trick you.

When God sends us a vision of being bitten by a snake, it warns us not to put too much trust in everyone in our lives. We must have greater personal awareness and intuition. Otherwise, those you trust will trick you into making a mistake.

3. Having Dreams That Include A Red Flag

This serves as a warning against making poor choices. God is always keeping an eye on us, and he will warn us in our dreams if we are making mistakes so that we can avoid them. Dreams of this nature are a “no” warning symbol. It advises us not to carry out our decision and action. Having a red flag in our dream is actually clarity in concealment. It informs you what you should and should not do.

Should I Be Careful If I Had A Warning Dream?

Whenever we experience a dream, we must take care to avoid making poor choices. Moreover, it alerts us against bitterness and negativity.

The purpose of these dreams, which are from God, is to protect us from errors, bad circumstances, and other things. We ought to ask God for safety, support, assistance, understanding, solace, and discernment. But we must not blame God if what was shown in the vision did not happen in our waking life.

3 Tips About Warning Dreams

1. Read The Bible’s Teaching On Sleep

Our perspective is that we wouldn’t tolerate anything less than God’s finest for our friends, family, and ourselves. A troubling dream can be saved and transformed into something positive through awareness, the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and the application of our divine power. The first step is to build a solid foundation by understanding what the Bible teaches about the divine plan of God for our daily sleep and napping hours.

2. Determine The Dream’s Origin

Typical Dream Processing

Something we experience throughout the day may cause us to have troubled dreams. By being vigilant with what we watch, we are defending the blessings and inheritance that the Lord wishes to bestow upon us when we are asleep. As Psalm 101:2b-3 says, “I shall administer the operations of my household with a pure heart. I will not give my approval to anything horrible.”

Innermost Dreams

Dreams can also show how we’ve been feeling emotionally lately. A dream’s emotions may be connected to the past, the present, or worries about the future. A dream may reveal, for instance, underlying worry, anxiety, or jealousy over a specific person or circumstance. Responding appropriately to these dreams entails enabling the divine Holy Spirit to operate in that specific area.

Dreams That Foretell The Future

In the Bible, warning dreams were a way for God to safeguard His followers, and the Holy Spirit supplied them with specific guidance through those warnings. Prophetic dreams given by the Holy Spirit should not cause constant anxiety. It should lead to a definite plan of action, such as praying or making a request to God. Any sensation of heaviness that has arrived with the dream should vanish when that deed is accomplished.

Dreams Of Spiritual Warfare

Dreams about spiritual combat might vary from a typically unpleasant experience to actual demonic conflict or nightmares. When the Holy Spirit reveals that we are engaged in the spiritual battle because we have let the enemy enter our lives, we must confess our sins and surrender to God in order to restore control (Ephesians 4:27).

When praying, use our authority. “Binding” is the term used in spiritual warfare to describe preventing, forbidding, and demanding the evil to discontinue what they’re doing in the name of Jesus.

3. Always Keep The Dream In Our Prayers

No matter where a horrible dream comes from, our first course of action should always be prayer. Prayers are our best tool to maintain peace of mind after having nightmares. However, how we ask God will depend on where the dream came from.

This procedure should not be difficult, time-consuming, or tedious. We are capable of having true and courageous faith. Our heavenly Father is wonderful, His plan is great, and we have unquestionable authority because of Jesus. We may be confident that praying and consulting the Bible’s teachings will help us find our way back to a peaceful and restful state.

person reaching out to full moon in mountains and warning dreams from god


God will communicate with us concerning our lives and advise us of any danger coming our way through these dreams and visions. These may be able to direct us in the correct direction. If we reflect on these dreams, we’ll be kept out of unpleasant circumstances.

To make sure we are safe, God not only sends His angels to watch over and lead us (Psalm 91:11), but He also forewarns us about potential threats and issues so that we might prevent and escape from them. These warning dreams will keep us from making mistakes or bad decisions.

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