Simple Steps To Recognize The Signs God Is Working On Your Marriage

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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Marriage is among the most treasured and lovely blessings that God has provided us with. Even before the creation of the earth and the skies, God had already determined the individual you are going to marry.

Unfortunately, marriages frequently experience difficulties, and some Christian couples may have considered divorce due to misunderstandings that arose from small things and issues. But God is always with us and working for our good. He desires to bring healing and restoration to our marriages, and there are signs God is working on your marriage.

How Do You Know If God Is Working On Your Marriage?

Getting married is a big step[1]; God created it to create a relationship where we can experience His love and grace, becoming one flesh, but sometimes it can get off track. When you’re married, it’s critical for you and your spouse to recognize the signs God is working on your marriage.

First, look for signs of healing from former mistakes. If your marriage has been through a tough time, God is working to restore it and is working in healing your heart, forgiving those mistakes, and bringing you closer together.

Second, look for signs of the Holy Spirit in your journey. You have been praying and seeking God’s guidance, and the Holy Spirit will start to work in your union. You will start to experience peace, joy, and love in your relationship.

Third, look for signs of a healthy relationship. If you and your husband or wife are communicating more and are working together to solve problems, this is an obvious sign that His will is restoring your relationship.

Will You Be Able To See The Signs That God Is Working On Your Marriage?

When we’re going through a difficult time in our marriage, it’s easy to lose hope. We think about all the ways we’ve failed each other, and the reasons why this relationship just isn’t working out. But there are signs God is working on your marriage.

If you look closely enough, there are signs God is working on your marriage. And when you start looking for them, you’ll find that they’re everywhere! It’s important to be observant and look for the signs God is working on your marriage, and never forget that God fixes broken and bend unions. If you’re able to recognize these signs that are happening and make note of them, then you’ll be able to experience the life-changing effects of it.

happy couple laughing sitting on field signs god is working on your marriage

15 Incredible Signs God Is Working On Your Marriage

1. You And Your Spouse Are Forgiving Each Other For Past Mistakes.

One of the most powerful signs God is working on your marriage is when both you and your other half are willing and has the desire to forgive each other for past mistakes. We are all aware that human beings are flawed and do the wrong things, but don’t let anger consume you.

There are numerous instances in the Bible where the Lord Almighty never forgets to forgive us. As Christian couples, we must constantly remind ourselves to forgive our spouses. This is a good sign that He is at work, prompting both of you to forgive and move forward.

2. You’re Able To Communicate Better With Each Other.

Good communication is essential for a healthy relationship, and when the Lord is at work in your relationship, you’ll be able to communicate more effectively with each other.

You and your partner will be able to express your true feelings and concerns without being rejected. You’ll be able to spend time putting in the effort that you and your spouse should have. Decide to spend more quality time; it doesn’t matter if it is at your house or by the beach and start listening to seek each point and realize your current situation.

3. You’re Able To Show Affection For Each Other.

Affection is an important part of a healthy and godly marriage, and when He is working on it, you and your spouse will be able to show affection. You may start to find yourself hugging, holding hands, or even giving your spouse a kiss more often and being able to rest in each other arms. You will be happily doing household chores together.

4. You’re Able To Discuss Difficult Topics Without Fighting.

Talking about difficult topics can often lead to arguments and fights in a marriage, but when He is working to save your marriage, you’ll be able to deal with these topics without fighting, or saying a hurtful word, but rather with more respect, patience, and understanding. This is one of the signs God is working on your marriage.

5. You’re Able To Converse About The Future With Each Other.

When He is at work in your relationship, you and your spouse will be able to talk and listen about tomorrow with each other without fear or anxiety. You’ll be able to look forward with hope and optimism, knowing that He is with you every step of the way.

6. You’re Able To Talk Openly And Honestly With Each Other.

When the Lord is working on your marriage, you’ll be able to talk openly and honestly with your spouse without fear of judgment or rejection. This is a sign that you and your spouse are comfortable with each other and that the relationship is growing, and also one of the signs God is working on your marriage.

“God’s love never fails.” Well, it’s true—God has never failed at loving you. And when He loves you, He wants to bless you in ways that are beyond what we could ever imagine on our own.

7. You’re Able To Accept Each Other’s Personality Differences.

Personality differences can be a major source of friction in a relationship, but when He is at work, you’ll be able to accept each other’s differences, grow closer and find a way to make it work.

8. You’re Able To Make Time For Physical Intimacy.

Physical intimacy is an important part of a good marriage, and when He is at work in your relationship, you’ll be able to make time for it. Spending quality time with your spouse is one of the signs that He is working and that the relationship is growing.

9. You’re Able To Share Your Faith With Each Other.

Sharing your faith with your spouse is an important part of any union, and when He is at work in your marriage, you’ll be able to do this more easily. You and your spouse will be able to talk about your faith and share in each other’s united spiritual life journey.

10. You’re Able To Share Your Struggles With Each Other.

When He is at work, you’ll be able to share your struggles in life with your partner. You’ll be able to talk about your struggles and find a way to help each other through them as an honest spouse.

11. You’re Able To Pray Together.

Praying together is an important part of Christian marriage, and when He is at work in your marriage, you’ll be able to do this more easily. When you love God, you also love your husband or wife, and you’ll be able to pray for each other and for your marriage.

You know He is at work when you started spending time praying and going to Church together. God-centered relationships will ask for the right direction for their lives as faithful own husbands and wives, in order to feel closer to each other through prayers.

12. You’re Able To Forgive Each Other For Former Faults.

Forgiveness is an essential part of a healthy marriage, and when He is at work in your marriage, you’ll be able to forgive each other’s past wrongs. This is a sign that God is working on your marriage. Forgiveness frees us from the bondage of bitterness and resentment, which can destroy a marriage. It frees us to love our spouse with genuine, unselfish love.

13. You’re Able To Show Love And Kindness To Each Other.

God is a God of restoration. He wants to help you and your spouse grow in your marriage so that it can be a source of joy for you and your family. When He works in your marriage, you’ll be able to show love, kindness, and good deeds to your spouse. This is a sign that the relationship is growing and that He is working on your marriage.

14. You’re Able To Fight Without Resorting To Name-Calling Or Insults.

Fighting is an inevitable part of any marriage, it can also destroy your family, but when God is at work in your marriage, you’ll be able to fight without resorting to name-calling or insults. You will notice that when you started listening to your spouse to avoid fighting.

15. You’re Able To Trust Each Other Even After Cheating.

Cheating can be a free will major source of pain and heartache in a lifelong union that will result in divorce, but when our Savior Christ is at work in your marriage, you’ll be able to trust your spouse and still respect the person you love after what happened, or what will happen. Remember that all these things could’ve happened for a reason. This is one of the signs God is restoring your marriage and that the relationship is growing.

couple holding hands while walking on field signs god is working on your marriage


He is working on your marriage to restore it and make it better than ever. Pay attention to the signs and experience the life-changing signs that He is working on in your marriage. We would be able to find peace with God working in your union with your spouses, and all of this will help us as we learn our lesson for your marriage restoration and also for your family members, especially the kids.

We know that this journey will be difficult, but we also know that He will carry us through it. We have seen so many signs of His presence in our lives—signs that remind us that He has a plan for us.

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