7 Inspiring Facts About Jesus’ Triumphal Entry And Its Symbolism

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem took place on the Sunday before His crucifixion. It is recorded in all four Gospels of the New Testament and marks a major event in Christian history.

At this moment, Jesus entered Jerusalem and received praises of “Hosanna!” from a crowd who laid down their cloaks and palm branches to make way for Him as He rode on a donkey into the city. This was seen as an act of homage and respect towards Jesus, proclaiming Him as the King of Israel.

Key Takeaways

  • Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem signifies His kingship, fulfills prophecy, and marks the beginning of His mission to offer redemption to humanity.
  • The event is deeply symbolic, demonstrating Jesus’ humility through His mode of entry, the political and spiritual implications of His arrival, and the hope and salvation He brings.
  • Palm Sunday commemorates this significant event, reminding Christians of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for sin and His victory over death, offering hope and grace to all believers.

What Is The Significance Of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry?

Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem [1] shortly before His death and resurrection is one of the most significant events in Christian history. It was a presage of both Jesus’ coming kingship and His ultimate redemption of mankind through His death on the cross. The event marked the beginning of Jesus’ mission to save humanity from its sins, symbolized by His procession into Jerusalem with great fanfare.

Father David was one of the many people who witnessed Jesus entering Jerusalem. He and his disciples cheered alongside the crowds, praising God for the Messiah and shouting Hosanna! as Jesus rode on a donkey into the city.

Father David recognized the importance of this momentous occasion and knew that it marked a new era in their faith. As he stood alongside his fellow believers and watched Jesus enter the holy city, Father David knew that through this act, God was proclaiming His kingship over all mankind and extending an offer of salvation to all who believed in Him.

The significance of this moment can be seen in many ways, both spiritually and politically. Spiritually, it showed that Jesus was indeed the Messiah as He fulfilled prophecy (Zechariah 9:9), demonstrating His authority over death, sin, and judgment. He entered Jerusalem in the same manner a humble king would enter his kingdom, proving Himself to be the King of Kings.

Politically, when it happened at the beginning of Passover week, this meant that it was the perfect time for a political demonstration, as Jerusalem was swarming with people from all over Israel who had come to celebrate. Jesus used this opportunity to proclaim His kingship and announce His arrival. Additionally, Jesus rode into town on a donkey, which symbolized humility rather than grandeur.

This served as an act of protest against Rome’s oppressive rule and also declared Jesus’ own authority as King over them all. In addition to being a powerful political statement, this momentous occasion also symbolizes hope and redemption.

This was the start of Jesus’ mission to save mankind from sin, and His entry into Jerusalem marked the beginning of a new era for all believers. By entering the city in such a way as to proclaim himself King, He was declaring that redemption through Him was possible—no matter how dire the circumstances seemed to be at the time.

Therefore, it is a very important event in the life of Jesus and for Christians. Politically, it was a protest against Rome’s oppression and offered hope to all who were suffering under its rule. Spiritually, it showed that redemption was possible through Jesus and marked the beginning of a new era for those who believed in him. No matter how dark our circumstances may be, there is always hope in the person of Jesus Christ.

jesus riding a donkey in the wilderness and jesus triumphal entry

Things Most Christians Don’t Understand About Jesus’ Triumphal Entry

The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is significant in the Bible, yet many Christians fail to fully grasp its importance and symbolism.

1. The Meaning Behind His Arrival

Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’

— Luke 19:30–31

Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on what has come to be known as Palm Sunday. He fulfilled a prophecy, which can be found in the Book of Zechariah in the Old Testament, that said that someone would enter Jerusalem one day riding on a young donkey or a colt—Jesus’ famous ride.

On the day of His entry to Jerusalem, Jesus rides a donkey, fulfilling the prophecy, which symbolizes peace as opposed to a war horse. By doing so, Jesus demonstrated His humility and willingness to fulfill God’s plan and present Himself as King of all Kings.

2. The Crowds’ Reception

As Jesus entered Jerusalem, He was met with great fanfare from a wave of excited crowds who had gathered to witness His arrival. These people were ready to greet their long-awaited king with shouts of “Hosanna!” and waving branches from palm trees. The significance behind this reception has been seen as an endorsement of Jesus by the crowd and a sign that He would soon be crowned king.

3. The Significance Of Palm Branches

In addition to being a symbol of peace, the palm branch also held religious significance in Jewish culture as it was used to celebrate important festivals like Sukkot. The waving of these branches was a way for the crowd to show their allegiance and devotion to Jesus, whom they saw as the promised Messiah.

4. Jesus’ Response

Rather than taking in the adoration and praise of the joyful crowds, Jesus chose instead to express sorrow and lament over what would soon come to pass in Jerusalem. He knew that despite this seemingly triumphant entry into the holy city, He would soon endure suffering, death, and ultimately resurrection, which are all part of God’s ultimate plan for salvation.

5. Its Relevance Today

The triumphal entry of Jesus is a reminder that God’s plans are always bigger than our own and that we should be willing to submit ourselves to His will, even if it means facing pain and sacrifice in the process.

6. Triumphal Entry In Prophecy

Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem fulfills the prophecy given by Isaiah: “Say unto Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh” (Isaiah 62:11). This prophecy foretells the coming of a King who will bring peace and redemption to all mankind.

7. A Pre-Easter Event

Jesus entering Jerusalem was one of the last events that happened before Easter when Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again three days later. It can thus be seen as a prelude to the greatest story ever told—the Gospel—and an important reminder that Jesus is always in control and has already overcome death and defeat.

Interesting Facts About Jesus’ Triumphal Entry

Jesus’ triumphal entry is one of the most well-known events in the Bible. It marks Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem during His final journey and serves as an important reminder of God’s power and grace.

1. Jesus’ Entry Fulfilled A Prophecy

In the Old Testament, Zechariah 9:9 states: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he…” This prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a colt.

2. Crowds Recognized Him As King

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, people welcomed him with palm branches and shouted praises, recognizing Him as their king. They believed God had sent them a savior and were filled with joy at His presence. The crowd’s reaction was so enthusiastic that it caused the religious leaders to become hostile and question Jesus’ authority.

3. Temple Cleansing

After entering Jerusalem, Jesus went directly to the temple and disrupted business by cleansing it of those who were taking advantage of His people by charging them for services. This incident showed His righteous indignation at what He experienced in the temple and foreshadowed God’s judgment on all who would reject Him.

4. He Predicted His Death And Resurrection

During this time, Jesus also predicted his own death and resurrection. He told his disciples that he would be betrayed, crucified, and then rise again three days later. This prophecy was fulfilled after Jesus’ crucifixion when he was resurrected and ascended into heaven.

5. The Triumphal Entry Is A Reminder

Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem is a reminder of His sacrifice and victory over death. It exemplifies God’s grace, mercy, and power to save us from sin.

6. Celebration And Memorial

In the Church, Jesus’ triumphal entry is celebrated and memorialized as Palm Sunday or Passion Week. It marks the beginning of Holy Week and serves as an important reminder of God’s faithfulness to His people.

7. A Sign Of Hope

Lastly, the triumphal entry is a sign of hope for all believers struggling in life. Just as Jesus entered Jerusalem, bringing salvation, He also brings hope and peace to our lives today. All the miracles and blessings we receive and experience are because of His grace and our faith in Him.

jesus riding a donkey holding a palm branch with people around him and jesus triumphal entry


The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is a momentous event in the history of Christianity. It symbolizes the authority of the anointed king, serves as a protest against Rome’s oppressive rule, and marks the beginning of His mission to save mankind from sin.

The significance of this occasion cannot be overstated—it provides us with the hope that redemption is possible through Jesus regardless of our nature and circumstances. This event is an important reminder to always trust in God’s plans. Today, we can honor Jesus’ triumphal entry by celebrating Palm Sunday and always reflecting on His love, mercy, and grace for all mankind.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Significance Of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem?

The significance of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem lies in its symbolism of His proclamation as king, the fulfillment of prophecy, and the initiation of His mission to redeem humanity from sin.

Why Did Jesus Choose To Ride A Donkey Into Jerusalem?

Jesus chose to ride a donkey into Jerusalem to fulfill the Old Testament prophecy in Zechariah 9:9, symbolizing His humility and peaceful kingship, contrasting with a warlike ruler who would ride a horse.

What Do The Palm Branches Symbolize In Jesus’ Triumphal Entry?

In Jesus’ triumphal entry, the palm branches symbolize victory, peace, and eternal life, reflecting the Jewish tradition of using palms during celebrations and hinting at Jesus’ ultimate victory over death.

Why Is Jesus’ Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem Celebrated On Palm Sunday?

Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem is celebrated on Palm Sunday because it marks the beginning of Holy Week, commemorating the final week of Jesus’ life, culminating in His crucifixion and resurrection.

What Was The Crowd’s Reaction To Jesus Entering Jerusalem?

The crowd’s reaction to Jesus entering Jerusalem was one of joy and celebration, as they laid down palm branches and cloaks in His path and shouted “Hosanna,” recognizing Him as their expected Messiah and king.

How Does Jesus’ Triumphal Entry Relate To His Mission Of Salvation?

Jesus’ triumphal entry relates to His mission of salvation by symbolizing the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s plan to redeem humanity from sin, as Jesus enters Jerusalem to complete His earthly ministry leading to His crucifixion and resurrection.

What Prophecy Does Jesus’ Entry Into Jerusalem Fulfill?

Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem fulfills the prophecy found in Zechariah 9:9, which predicts the coming of a just and humble king, riding on a donkey, symbolizing peace and salvation for Zion.

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