It’s not uncommon for us to experience bouts of discouragement and concerns that can escalate into fear or anxiety. Considering the worldwide crisis, challenges in health, financial issues, politics, and emotional as well as relational stress, it’s understandable why there’s a significant amount of uncertainty and strife among people today.
Even among us, the followers of God[1], pessimism and despondence are not uncommon. Our hope feels incredibly insufficient and meager during such trying times.
Sometimes, it feels like hope is simply vanishing. The beautiful thing is that God does have a solution. Jesus is our hope, and his Holy Spirit desires to infuse hope and joy into our lives.
What Does It Mean That Jesus Is Our Hope?
In John 16:33, we are told: “In this world, ye shall have tribulation; but be of good courage; I have overcome the world.” Although suffering may be a part of this life, Christians believe that Jesus provides us the chance for an eternity devoid of pain.
Our hope must, therefore, go far beyond the difficulties we experience and focus instead on God’s love and compassion for us every day. Let’s face it: despite our propensity to assume responsibility for overcoming obstacles in our way, we frequently lack the knowledge, willpower, or skills necessary to achieve triumph.
However, in Jesus, we have blessed hope. He is our anchor, and just as an anchor stabilizes a ship in turbulent waters, the hope we have in our Savior Jesus Christ provides us stability and assurance in life.
What Does The Bible Say About Jesus As Our Hope?
To them, God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
— Colossians 1:27
The Bible contains numerous passages that point to Jesus as the source of hope for believers (Colossians 1:27; 1 Timothy 1:1; Hebrews 6:19–20; 1 Peter 1:3; Titus 2:13). In Christ, we can have hope for a new life.
1 Peter 1:3 reads: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy, he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” Here, Peter speaks about the living hope that we have because of Jesus. This hope isn’t just wishful thinking but is vibrant and alive because of what Jesus has accomplished.
Because Jesus took away the sin that would have otherwise led us to hell, everyone who embraces this message will enter heaven when we pass from this earth. We are saved if we have faith in Him. As Romans 10:9 states, you will be saved if you publicly profess that Jesus is Lord and firmly believe that God resurrected him from the dead.
The Bible claims that God has built a particular space in heaven just for you and me. He said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have informed you. I’m leaving to get ready for you. I will come again after I have prepared a place for you, and you shall be with me where I am” (John 14:2–3).
We hold that when Jesus returns to claim us, He will take us to heaven to live forever with Him there. Heaven with the Lord is where we truly belong. If we are unable to place our whole trust in Him for the duration of our lives, we lose the will to live for Jesus in this world and revert to our former selves, fighting and failing in the face of difficulties.
Why Is Jesus Called Our Hope?
Because of His role as a Savior, Redeemer, and personification of compassion and love, Christians see Jesus as the source of their only hope. His teachings, the assurance of eternal life, and the direction and fortitude he offers give believers hope.
5 Reasons Why Jesus Is Our Hope
1. Life Is In Jesus
Jesus is life; he does not merely preach or give life. He came to defeat death, which is the ultimate penalty for sin. As a result of grace, His Spirit would provide a new life to everyone who would trust him. He came alive to overthrow the power of death and inspire eternal life in the hearts of his rescued offspring.
2. Jesus Is Our Only Path To God’s Power And Great Mercy
Because of sin, there is now a dreadfully unnatural distance between God and His creation. God created individuals to have a constant, loving relationship with him.
Closing the gap between humans and God has been a fundamental concern in biblical history. Jesus was the only one who was fit for this role, being God’s only begotten son. He served as the consummate lamb of sacrifice, bearing the whole cost of our sins.
3. Jesus Is The Source Of All Truth
The claim that Jesus is God’s ultimate and final discourse is not an exaggeration. He was God’s living truth. Jesus’ arrival preached the reality of our situation. God sent Jesus as the ultimate tangible reminder of the extent of our need to be saved since we were in imminent disaster and lacked the power to save ourselves.
4. Jesus Is Present Within Us
Their confidence influences the progress of Christ’s work among the people around him. When we believe in him, the Holy Spirit surrounds us and gives birth to new life inside us, according to Jesus, who explained that we must go through a fresh birth experience. Jesus fulfills his promise to live within us.
5. Jesus Leads Us To Transformation
As Christians, we believe that anyone can transform and develop through faith in Christ Jesus. This change is a sign of hope for improving personally and positively. Jesus cleanses us of our sins and changes us into his image. Knowing Jesus offers joy amid adversity and satisfaction, regardless of our difficult circumstances in life.
Our only living hope is Jesus, who gave his life to save us. He is our hope because he died and rose again to make us holy. In him, we can find hope in leading a meaningful life, cultivating good relationships, and making a positive impact. Jesus can serve as our dependable source of joy and our firm basis for hope.
We are aware that there is a life after this one that will be glorious beyond our wildest thoughts because Christ lives in our hearts. This hope is not a wishful notion; instead, it is the sure, hopeful, and happy knowledge that God is changing us and that we will one day personally encounter Christ after we have been transformed into His image.
Thank you so much for the great article. Yes, Jesus our source of hope, the only path to salvation. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you so much for the article. Yes, Jesus is our source of hope, the only path to salvation. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.