Is The Bible The Word Of God? A Unique Explanation Of The Holy Book

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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The Bible pops up as the ultimate message from the big boss upstairs, spreading truths in both its parts. If it really comes straight from God’s desk, then we gotta cherish, dive deep, follow its lead, and trust it through and through. You’re in for a treat, finding out why this book isn’t just another read but a life-changer. Stick around, and you’ll see just why turning those holy pages could be the best move you make.

The Bible is the final authority regarding all questions of belief, conduct, and morality. If the Bible is the inspired word of God, then rejecting it will lead us into trouble and be the cause of our own destruction.

If he hadn’t informed us in the Bible through divine revelation, we would not have known these truths. Everything that a person needs to know about God to interact appropriately with him can be found in the Bible.

Is The Bible The Word Of God?

The Bible is “God’s breath,” which signifies that while the author put pen to paper, God breathed during the activity. God breathed, rather than speaking or dictating. We all must understand what it means to meditate on the Holy Scriptures. Such harmony has a divine origin and is not man-made[1].

The whole Bible is a source of relationships for us. The phrase Jesus speaks, which is taken directly from God’s words, provides salvation. The word of God is not his inspired written word but his spoken message. In other words, God spoke the Bible; he did not write it.

Internal Indicators

The unity of the Bible is one internal indicator that God breathed into it. The word that he speaks, which is taken directly from God’s mouth, provides life. The words he led men to record are united in a way that makes them distinct from all other books and shows their divine origin and divine inspiration.

Prophecy is another internal indicator that the Bible is God’s Word. Numerous precise prophecies about the future of particular countries, religious leaders, certain cities, and all of humanity are found in the Bible, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

External Indicators

There are more outside indications that the Bible is the inspired word of God. The Bible’s historicity is the first. Because the Bible contains information about historical events, its accuracy must be confirmed, just like that of any other historical text.

The Bible is the best-documented book from the ancient world due to the abundance of archaeological and manuscript evidence that supports it. The fact that the Bible accurately narrates historically verifiable events helps build faith in other topics the Bible discusses and in the Bible’s claim to be the literal Word of God.

The reliability of the Bible’s human authors provides additional outside proof that it is God’s Word. We discover the authors of Scripture to be honest and sincere people by looking into their lives.

The individuals who composed the Old Testament and New Testament knew their message’s integrity because they spent time with Jesus Christ after he had risen from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:6). The Old Testament contains several references to God speaking through all the prophets.

Their reaction to seeing the ascended Christ was mighty. They transitioned from running away in terror to being ready to die for the message that he had made known to them. Their existence and passing prove that the Bible is, in reality, God’s inspired word.

Holy Spirit Guiding Christians Through Jesus

Based on Christian faith, the Bible is God’s word. In other words, they think the Bible is different from all other books because it is a verbal revelation from God. Christians can conclude that he inspired the Bible and that it contains the true word of God. According to what he said in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice, and they follow while believing in me.”

The grandeur of the connection into which we have been brought is highlighted by the fact that the “Word of God” can be comprehended in three different, although intricately connected, ways. The second person of the Trinity, our salvation, and all of existence, including you and me, are all referred to as the word of God.

To Inspire People On Earth

Another way of relating to the Bible is to understand it. The purpose of the Bible is to inspire and direct us in our relationship with our Lord God, who inspired its original writing. The word of God has been entrusted to us so that it can be incarnated in us.

No Other Testimony Is Required

We should let the whole Bible speak for itself. By attempting to uphold the Bible, we are designating some other norm as the final arbiter. We are subjecting different Holy Scriptures to that standard, be it historical, scientific, or human will.

Scripture’s teachings, from the Old Testament and New Testament, should serve as our gold standard. The difficulty in presenting biblical proof is that people are sinful and limited. They must, however, evaluate any evidence presented for the Christian faith’s integrity.

Once more, it establishes some human norm as the supreme authority. Although evidence acquired from other sources may be helpful, it does not provide convincing arguments for Christianity’s veracity.

cross with red cloth

How Do We Know If The Bible Is The Word Of God?

The Bible’s divine inspiration is supported by more evidence than its accuracy or historicity (found in archaeological finds). The things you’re likely to read in the Bible aren’t always true; they are what modern people believe when it comes to the truth of the Bible.

He revealed and recorded all his letters through all the prophets, and he verified his messengers through miracles like fulfilled prophecy. For example, in Genesis 12:7 of the Old Testament, he promises that the country of Israel will belong to Abraham and his offspring.

Example From The Scriptures

Every verse of the Bible is the Word of God and, therefore, can be used for instruction, correction, and training in righteousness so that a man is prepared for every good deed and work. The four great kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome were accurately foretold in the Book of Daniel centuries before some of those kingdoms appeared on the scene, along with details on how they would rule and be destroyed.

If the Bible is not God’s Word, referring to the remaining options would appear challenging because it outshines every rival source as God’s revelation and point. We are left with no original documents to know what might be God’s word and teaching if the Bible is not that. However, the testimony of the Holy Spirit attests to the reliability of Scripture.

Evidence Supporting Jesus’ Claims

The Bible provides a case for God’s existence. Miracles, Bible claims, and Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the grave serve as proof. The conclusion that the Lord Jesus Christ is who he claimed to be is evident when the evidence is considered.

Emulating Jesus’ Followers

There’s one more crucial distinction to be made. We should debate in the same manner as Jesus’ disciples did because the assertions of Scripture or the Word of God do not amount to any compelling evidence. They provided the populace with convincing evidence that Jesus was Christ.

Divine Qualities Of The Books Of The Bible

The fact that God’s spirit-filled people have known these books’ inspiration is from Him for countless years is another reason to accept the Bible as God’s word. Paul even cautions Timothy to keep in mind “from whom you acquired it” (2 Timothy 3:14) before explaining that Scripture’s inspiration is the Word of God.

The explicit declarations of the biblical authors, who consistently claim that their message is from God, demonstrate this work’s divine authorship. This understanding is supported by Hebrews 1:1, which states, “He spoke to our forebears through the prophets.”

God Breathed The Scriptures

The Bible was also written using human will and tools, which gave it a wide range of genres and styles and fully connected Scripture to the human experience. The Bible claims that it was created under God’s complete control to fulfill God’s intention of making himself known to men and women through Scripture.

It Is The Word That Makes Sense

The inspiration of the Holy Spirit, who oversaw the process by which the Bible was written, enabled humans to communicate God’s word, just as God sovereignly formed and fashioned the human instruments for this purpose.

The Bible’s authority is unmatched by any other piece of literature ever produced. This power can be witnessed in how it has supernaturally changed many lives. The guiding principle is that Scripture is God’s word. Thus, it must be treated with respect and obeyed, even though we acknowledge and benefit from its human nature.

Historical Origins Of The Bible’s Books

The Bible was confirmed through scientific and historical accuracy. Many centuries before Jesus Christ was born, the Jews regarded the Old Testament scriptures we have today as the inspired word of God. Jesus Christ confirmed these same texts to have a divine origin and historical events, and he even used prophecies from many of them in his lectures.

Teachings Of The Church

Jesus’ apostles started disseminating information about Christianity. “Everything that is recorded about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled,” he said to his disciples after his resurrection (Luke 24:44). The early Christian church had to choose which books to accept as being inspired by the Word of God as false religious leaders started upsetting things.

In a letter written by Athanasius, the bishop of Alexandria, in AD, we discover the first list of New Testament books corresponding to our current New Testament. These writings were also recognized as Scripture by three councils. From this period until now, there has been a consensus regarding the writings of the New Testament.

God’s Command In The Old Testament

In historical accounts, after arriving in the promised land of Canaan, people have a brief period of peace before they start worshiping the false gods of the pagans. God eventually sends his people into exile after patiently pleading with them to return to him for a long time. A sliver of hope emerges as a small group of people return to their homeland and start rebuilding their destroyed city.

The first five books of the Old Testament contain several references to God speaking through the prophets. The major and minor prophets’ concluding chapters keep urging the populace to turn back to God. They convey the promise and plan of God to deliver humanity through his Son, the prophesied Savior, with confidence and hope.

The New Testament Canon

Jesus of Nazareth is identified in the Gospels as the long-awaited and prophesied Savior, and the Bible is seen as God speaking to us through him. In written form, the Bible tells us about his suffering on the cross and eventual victory over death through his resurrection. It became a strong foundation in the early church.

The early church’s beginnings and the gospel’s dissemination to many lands are chronicled in the Book of Acts. The remaining writings in this other book were written to instruct, encourage, and rectify false ideas and actions. It ends by outlining events and words that will take place after Jesus’ return.

Received By God’s People

The Holy Scripture has the most copies that have survived of any ancient text, making it possible to check for errors or corruption. Christ not only understood and applied the Bible but also categorically declared its divine authority: “Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). In 2 Timothy 3:16–17, the Bible is called “divinely inspired.”

The Word of God, the Bible’s life, includes its capacity to enter readers’ hearts and minds and their spirits, souls, thoughts, and intentions. It may seem like human words written by human beings, but we must remember first and foremost that they only bore witness to God’s greatness.

The Holy Scripture Since The Beginning

The religious books’ teachings are timeless in history. We continue to be in awe as we read about Solomon’s wisdom in 1 Kings 3:16–28 and Jesus in Mark 12:13–17. The Bible is replete with an understanding of the special revelation that still exists today. “The words of the Lord endure forever. This is the testimony the gospel brings upon us” (Peter 1:25).

The Bible’s message is unmistakable. Humanity has long sought to understand its purpose and meaning and not believe in the wrong word. The original design of God, how it was tainted, and how God gave and has provided for man’s restoration in heaven through his Son Jesus are all explained in the Bible. The call to have confidence in God in various ways has not altered.

The Holy Spirit’s Witness Proves Its Veracity

The Bible does more than only assert that it is God’s letter formed by the human word. By the Spirit’s witness, the reader can see that the Bible is God’s inspired word. The reliability of the Bible is shown when its principles are personally applied. Paul stated in 2 Corinthians 3:2 that “you are our letter, written on our hearts, to be recognized and read by all.”

According to Paul, people would be able to observe and have more clarity about how believers lived out the teachings of the Bible. Anyone who studies the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit confirms that it is indeed God’s Word. As a result, we now have the Holy Spirit’s testimony that the things recorded in Scripture are true.

person on a sweater holding bible in a field


The Bible is the Word of God—everything a person needs to know about the Word of God to have the right relationship with him can be found in the Bible. Others may be able to determine this by examining the consensus of God’s people throughout history. In the same way, by taking into account the human authors’ identities, others may know.

There are no theological, doctrinal, scientific, historical, or other inconsistencies in the Holy Scripture; it is one lovely temple of truth. We have a means by which we may verify that these books are from our Lord and Father, God, lending credibility to the Bible’s authority.

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