God Is The Truth: Why We Should Submit And Let Him Prevail

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



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The ultimate reality is God, whose truth stands apart from specific situations. No matter the governing system one resides in, the unchanging truth of the gospel is universally applicable to all, at every moment. In John 14:6, Jesus Christ revealed to John that He embodies and is aware of every journey, the truth, and the existence, emphasizing that the only way to the Father is through Him.

When we claim that God is the truth, we are saying more than just that He is truthful; we are saying that He is the source of all truth and knowledge. While other things may be true, only God is truth. Truth is a natural byproduct of His being.

What Does It Mean That God Is The Truth?

Every statement that starts with the words “God is” is ontological, meaning it relates to a quality of God’s existence. The characteristics of God are often divided into two sections, the first of which includes nonmoral features and the second of which has moral attributes and provides for moral traits, among which is truth. God’s morality is referenced in the remark that God is truth and can’t be altered by our own subjective standards.

Saying that God is truth acknowledges that reality derives from God’s character. While many things may contain the facts, only one thing—God—can have the truth. Emet, the Hebrew word for “truth,” means “steady” and “loyal,” while aletheia, the Greek word for “truth,” means “truthful” or “upright,” from which we learn that God Himself is absolute truth. The truth is unchanging.

woman in white dress holding bible

Does The Bible Say That God Is The Truth?

Is the God of the Bible a trustworthy source at all times? Without hesitation, the response is yes. God is faithful in whatever He accomplishes. He stays true to Himself in all His ways. Everything about Himself that He has shown is accurate. God is described in the Bible as truth.

Jesus answered that the Triune God was truth in John 14:6 when He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the eternal life.” He then explained how He and the Father are one (John 14:7–11) and called the Holy Spirit “the Spirit of truth.” To further support this idea, Hebrews 6:18 says, “God can’t lie.”

In Romans 2:8, Paul speaks of those who “do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness and falsehood only.” Romans 1:25 emphasizes, “They rejected the reality of God in favor of a lie, and they adored and worshipped the created being as opposed to their Creator, who is blessed forever.” This teaches us that God’s morality is connected to His quality of holiness.

The Ten Commandments[1] are the best example of this. You may find a complete list of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1–17. Every command is valid for everyone at all times and in all places. For instance, robbing your neighbor is wrong at all times and in all circumstances.

The expression “written in stone” alludes to God, who wrote the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets, and refers to any notion that contains the highest truth.

Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow brought about by change. This is another quality of God that He possesses (James 1:17).

We may be sure of God’s enduring faithfulness, truthfulness, and other attributes because He never changes. According to Numbers 23:19, “Has He said and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not fulfill it?” The true God is not a man to lie, nor is He a son of man to alter His mind.

7 Bible Verses About God Is The God Of Truth

Psalm 43:3–5 

Send out your truth and light, and let them guide me. Let them take me to your holy hill, holy temple, and holy mountain. Therefore, I will go to God’s altar to express my utter gladness. I will praise you with the lyre, my God, my God!

Psalm 57:2–3

I’ll pray to the highest God forever, who does everything for me. He will send help from above to save me and chastise the person who wants to tear me up. Selah, God will send out His truth and mercy.

Psalm 145:18–20

All those who call on the Lord in truth will find He is nearby. Those who revere and praise Him will have their wishes granted; He will also hear their cries and deliver them. All those who love the Lord are preserved, but He will destroy the wicked.

John 16:13

When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will lead you into all the truth because he will not speak on his authority but express what he hears and inform you of future events in your life.

Isaiah 65:16

So that whoever blesses himself in the earth will do so in the name of the God of truth. Whoever swears in the world will do so in the word of the God of fact, for the old worries are forgotten and hidden from my sight.

Zechariah 8:19

According to the Lord of Hosts, “The fourth month’s fast, the fifth month’s fast, the seventh month’s fast, and the tenth month’s fast, will be joy and gladness and happy feasts for the house of Judah. Thus, cherish the way and the truth, and the tranquility.”

John 8:39–40

Jesus responded to their claim that Abraham was their father by saying, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham. But now that I’ve told you the truth that I received from God, you want to kill me. This was not done by Abraham.”

woman under the sun freedom


As humans, we fall short in consistency and faithfulness, but God never will. We can find truth in God because God is truth. Lies and unrighteousness go together just as truth and righteousness do. If we observe unrighteousness or sin in our lives, we should interpret this as a sign that we might be holding to or practicing a lie.

The result of this submission is freedom for virtuous living: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32).” When we are in Christ, we submit to His truth and allow it prevail in us—over our own opinions or wants. Remember also that the love of the Lord endures forever.

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