10 Important Lessons All Women Can Learn From Elizabeth In The Bible 

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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Many of us are familiar with Jesus and His mother, Mary. However, few are aware of Elizabeth and her importance in the life of our Savior.

Elizabeth and her spouse, Zechariah, endured many years of pain and humiliation from not being able to bear a child. But, in the perfect plan of God, she experienced a godly miracle. The birth of John the Baptist was an outcome of this divine event. He prepared the path for the arrival of Jesus Christ[1].

Elizabeth’s account in the Bible reveals the remarkable resilience of women in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds and challenges. It further exemplifies the profound strength of God and emphasizes the purpose intricately woven into their lives.

Who Is Elizabeth In The Bible?

In the time of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron.

— Luke 1:5

Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist. Her lineage could be traced back to Aaron, which meant she had a noble priestly heritage. She was united in matrimony with Zechariah, a priest in the sacred precincts of the Jerusalem Temple. Both were characterized as righteous and devout, yet despite her virtuous life, Elizabeth faced the heart-wrenching struggle of infertility.

One intriguing aspect of Elizabeth’s story centers around her familial connection to Mary. Eventually, Mary became the mother of Jesus. As Elizabeth’s relative, Mary received a divine announcement about her role in giving birth to Jesus, the Son of God. Following that, she embarked on a journey to visit Elizabeth during her sixth month of pregnancy.

pregnant woman in blue holding toy blocks spelling boy

The Story Of Elizabeth In The Bible

Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly. But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both very old.

— Luke 1:6–7

Elizabeth and her husband, Zechariah, both held reputations of devout righteousness in the eyes of the Lord. However, a painful struggle burdened their marriage—Elizabeth’s inability to conceive. This barrenness brought them immense sadness and societal reproach as they yearned for children.

During Zechariah’s performance of his priestly duties in the Temple, a remarkable event took place. The angel Gabriel appeared, delivering a divine message. Gabriel proclaimed their prayers answered, as they were promised a son named John.

This remarkable child, later known as John the Baptist, had an extraordinary destiny. He would pave the way for the arrival of the Messiah. Given their advanced age, Zechariah struggled to believe this message, leading Gabriel to strike him mute until the child’s birth.

Upon Zechariah’s return from the Temple, his inability to speak left the people outside bewildered. Meanwhile, Elizabeth, who had remained faithful throughout her childlessness, rejoiced at the angel’s message. She conceived as foretold and believed this pregnancy to be a sign of God’s mercy that would remove her reproach among the people.

At six months pregnant, her young cousin, Mary, arrived at the home of Elizabeth. Mary, too, received a heavenly visit. The angel announced that she would be blessed to carry Jesus, the Son of God. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, a miraculous event unfolded as Elizabeth’s unborn baby leaped into her womb, and Elizabeth herself was filled with the Holy Spirit.

She recognized Mary as the mother of the Lord and praised her faith, knowing that Mary carried the Savior of the world. Elizabeth and Mary likely shared their stories and experiences as they prepared for their miraculous births. Their faith played a pivotal role in God’s divine plan.

When Elizabeth gave birth to her son, the neighbors and relatives rejoiced. During the circumcision on the eighth day, the gathered people suggested naming the child after his father, Zechariah. Elizabeth, guided by a divine message, declared, “John will be his name.”

This announcement surprised the crowd, as no one in their family bore that name. Zechariah confirmed the name in writing, and his speech was immediately restored. He praised God for all that had transpired.

The birth of John the Baptist signaled the fulfillment of God’s promise and announced the imminent arrival of the Messiah. John’s parents, Elizabeth and Zechariah, played a significant role in this divine plan.

Their stories exemplify how God can work through unlikely circumstances and individuals to achieve His intentions. In particular, Elizabeth’s narrative is filled with hope, faith, and joy that stem from trusting in God’s promises.

In the intertwining stories of Elizabeth and Zechariah, Mary and Jesus, we witness the power of faith and divine intervention. This narrative beautifully captures the unfolding of God’s plan through human lives. It highlights how individuals of faith can profoundly influence history and contribute to God’s regenerative purpose.

Characteristics Of Elizabeth In The Bible

These are the key characteristics and events associated with Elizabeth in the Bible:

  • Righteousness: She was described as “righteous before God” (Luke 1:6).
  • Faithful: She believed in God’s promises despite her old age and barrenness.
  • Barrenness: She experienced infertility, a source of sorrow and shame.
  • Miraculous Conception: She conceived John the Baptist through a divine miracle.
  • Family Connection: She was related to Mary, the mother of Jesus.
  • Thanksgiving and Praise: She expressed gratitude and praise to God (Luke 1:42–45).
  • Humility: She acknowledged Mary’s significance and referred to her as “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:43).
  • Community Respect: Her neighbors and relatives celebrated and respected her.

What Does Elizabeth Represent In The Bible?

When it was time for Elizabeth to have her baby, she gave birth to a son.

— Luke 1:57

In the Bible, Elizabeth represents several essential themes and concepts that hold spiritual and symbolic significance:

Faith And Perseverance

Elizabeth’s remarkable story is a testament to her unwavering faith and resilience. Despite facing the challenges of advanced age and infertility, Elizabeth and her husband, Zechariah, remained steadfast in their devotion to God and observed all the commandments.

Barrenness was considered a social stigma in her culture, but it did not diminish Elizabeth’s commitment to her religious beliefs.

Eventually, Elizabeth’s unwavering faith is rewarded with the miraculous conception of her son, John the Baptist—an undeniable sign that faithful dedication receives divine recognition. This narrative showcases how God honors those who remain resolute and unyielding in their convictions.

God’s Grace And Miracles

Elizabeth’s pregnancy with John the Baptist exemplifies God’s boundless grace and ability to perform extraordinary miracles.

Despite her age and infertility, which rendered conception seemingly impossible, divine intervention made the unimaginable possible. Elizabeth’s story is a timeless reminder that God’s grace and miraculous interventions transcend human limitations.

Preparation For The Messiah

Elizabeth played a significant role in the life of John the Baptist as his mother. She aimed to prepare and clear the path for Jesus Christ’s ministry to unfold. John’s mission was to open people’s hearts and baptize Jesus at the right time. Elizabeth’s story represents a crucial part of the narrative leading up to Jesus’ arrival, emphasizing how prophetic promises were fulfilled.

Humility And Gratitude

When Elizabeth discovered she was pregnant, her response was humble and grateful. She recognized the grace and mercy of God in this miraculous event.

Expressing her praise and thanksgiving through the “Benedictus,” Elizabeth exemplified her humble nature and acknowledged God’s significant role in shaping her life. Her attitude sets an example for believers, demonstrating the importance of approaching God’s blessings with humility and gratitude.

Family And Community

Elizabeth’s story beautifully showcases the biblical narrative’s significance of family and community. Her profound connections with her husband Zechariah and her relative Mary, Jesus’ mother, play pivotal roles in the narrative. When Mary visited Elizabeth during her pregnancy, the visitation symbolized the unbreakable bonds between families and faith communities.

10 Lessons From The Life Of Elizabeth In The Bible

The story of Elizabeth in the Bible, particularly her role in the birth of John the Baptist, offers several valuable lessons that remain relevant in contemporary times:

1. Faith And Patience

Both Elizabeth and her husband, Zechariah, displayed unwavering faith and patience despite being well beyond childbearing age. Their journey is a powerful reminder to maintain trust and patience in our own lives. This notion becomes especially crucial when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges.

2. Prayer

Elizabeth and Zechariah prayed for a child for many years. Their persistence in prayer demonstrates the power of fervent and consistent prayer, reminding us to turn to God in times of need.

3. God’s Timing

Elizabeth’s pregnancy was a miracle that happened in God’s perfect timing. This lesson emphasizes that we may not always understand God’s timing, but it is always right.

4. Barrenness And Infertility

Elizabeth’s story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for individuals grappling with infertility or feeling inadequate due to physical limitations. It eloquently portrays how divine intervention can manifest miracles even in the most unlikely circumstances.

5. Rejoicing With Others

When Mary, the mother of Jesus, visited Elizabeth, she rejoiced in Mary’s blessedness rather than being envious or bitter. This incident teaches us to celebrate the successes and blessings of others rather than compare or be resentful.

6. Prophetic Witness

Elizabeth’s prophecy upon seeing Mary is a reminder that even those who are seemingly ordinary can bear powerful witness. They also bear testimony to the work of God in their lives and the world.

7. Community And Support

Elizabeth’s role as a relative and confidant to Mary showcases the importance of a robust support system during life’s trials and blessings. It’s crucial to have people who share in your joys and sorrows.

8. Serving Others

Following God’s instructions, Elizabeth and Zechariah named their child John. This notion demonstrates the importance of obedience to God’s call and serving Him with a willing heart.

9. Sacrifice

Elizabeth’s son, John the Baptist, played a pivotal role in heralding the coming of Jesus and preparing the way for His ministry. The sacrifices and challenges Elizabeth faced in bringing John into the world and raising him contributed to the larger biblical narrative of salvation.

10. The Miraculous Power Of God

Above all, Elizabeth’s story emphasizes the miraculous power of God. This narrative sentence recounts how trusting God’s power can lead to remarkable transformations and blessings, even in seemingly impossible circumstances.

older woman tutoring a younger woman


Elizabeth, an aging woman, defied societal expectations in Israel, where a woman’s worth hinged on bearing children. Her childlessness could have brought shame, but she clung to her faith in God.

The Lord orchestrated her destiny as John the Baptist’s mother in a divine twist, defying her age and barrenness. This incident highlights the question of trusting God with life’s circumstances and timing.

Through Elizabeth’s story, God’s boundless love shines, showing that miracles can happen even when hope seems lost. This narrative underscores the mysterious nature of God’s plans, far beyond human comprehension, and the perfection of His timing. It remains a source of inspiration for women, emphasizing their unique, predestined roles in the world, even in modern times.

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