Does God Forgive Abortion? Unveiling The Miracle Of Redemption And His Abounding Grace

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



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Abortion remains a divisive issue among various religious and political factions. Within the Christian community, it is widely regarded as sinful to participate in abortion practices. Yet, a few might find it permissible under certain justified circumstances. Conversely, this notion is vehemently contested by those who disapprove, particularly when the pregnancy is a consequence of willfully participating in premarital sexual relations or when individuals feel unprepared for parenthood.

Does God forgive abortion? Are you someone who has had an abortion in the past or has engaged in any manner of terminating the life of an unborn child? Whatever your motive for doing so, you might have been feeling the shame, guilt, and fear that come with ending a human life and wondering if God forgives abortion.

Key Takeaways

  • Abortion is not beyond God’s forgiveness in Christianity; blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin as per biblical teachings.
  • Forgiveness for abortion involves confession, repentance, and faith in Jesus, supported by biblical verses promising cleansing and forgiveness for those who confess their sins.
  • Healing after abortion includes self-forgiveness and, if applicable, reconciliation with the child’s other parent, emphasizing the importance of overcoming guilt and shame to restore one’s relationship with God and others.

Is Abortion An Unforgivable Sin?

The short answer is no. Abortion is a terrible sin; we shouldn’t forget that, but it is not unforgivable. According to the Bible, “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” is the only unpardonable sin[1]. Our Lord Jesus Christ said this in Mark 3:28–29: “Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness but is guilty of an eternal sin.”

In a dimly lit room, a mother sits on the edge of her bed, her face buried in her hands

Does God Forgive Abortion?

Yes, without a doubt. God loves us deeply and is always willing to listen and wait for us to come to Him. We received God’s grace when Jesus paid for all of our sins on the cross. He paid for our past and future mistakes, and we can still attain salvation and look forward to eternal life as long as we confess, repent, and have faith in Him. The Scripture attests to this numerous times.

  • “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” — 1 John 1:9
  • “I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,’ and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.” — Psalm 32:5
  • “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” — 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • “In Him, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace…” — Ephesians 1:7
  • “He will again have compassion on us; He will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” — Micah 7:19
  • “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” — Psalm 103:12

How Can Someone Be Forgiven For Their Abortion?

Often, sinners are discouraged from seeking God’s forgiveness due to guilt and fear. Can God still forgive them despite what happened? They feel as if they don’t deserve to be in God’s mercy and are ashamed even to call His name in their prayers. Maybe you have felt this way too. During these times of woe, it is important to remind yourself that our past choices cannot deprive us of God’s love. The Lord sacrificed His Son, Christ, so that we could receive His grace.

1. Confessing Your Sin Is The First Step

It can be challenging to confront your feelings, but this is a significant step toward achieving freedom from those feelings and thoughts that separate us from Him. Confessing in God deepens our relationship with Him, which leads us to be the righteous person we strive to be.

2. Know That We Are In God’s Grace

God had bestowed us with His grace and mercy even before we had committed a sin. Remember that our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us so we might receive salvation. The Scripture, particularly Romans 8:1, gives us hope and reassurance that there is no condemnation for those who walk with Christ.

3. Forgive Yourself

Learn to forgive yourself. Holding grudges and regrets against yourself will keep you from loving yourself and might also jeopardize your relationship with others. They say, “You can’t give what you don’t have.” We cannot truly love others without loving ourselves first. And we cannot learn to love ourselves if we constantly condemn ourselves for our misdeeds.

4. Reconcile With The Other Parent

Finally, if you fell out with the mother or father of your unborn child due to the abortion, if possible, pursue reconciliation with your partner. This is essential, especially for married couples. Pray for it and forgive each other.

A deeply emotional scene in a dimly lit room, where a mother has tears streaming down her face

How To Receive Forgiveness For Abortion?

Many women who have had past abortions, whether the pregnancy was consenting or a result of an assault, may have believed that, at that moment, it was their best option to continue living the life they desired, only to feel guilty, ashamed, unhappy, fearful, and frustrated afterward. The pain they carry throughout the years prevents them from receiving healing and forgiveness.

1. Be Accountable For Your Own Life And Seek Forgiveness From God

Repentance begins with acknowledging your wrongdoing and seeking forgiveness through prayer. Do not justify your wrongdoing. One cannot ask forgiveness without first accepting they were wrong in the first place.

2. Seek Forgiveness From Others

If it is appropriate, ask for forgiveness from those whom you might have hurt with your decision to abort your child, whether it is a family member, partner, or even someone who truly cares for you.

3. Forgive Others And Move Forward

The abortion decision may have been influenced or encouraged by those around you. Maybe you didn’t really want it but have been put under pressure to do so. It can be hard at first, but talking to God will definitely help open your heart to forgiveness. When you ask something from God, you must also be willing to do the same for others.

4. Don’t Let Past Decisions Define You

Yes, this sounds cliché, but we cannot move forward if we dwell on our past mistakes. Satan loves to torment us by reminding us of past mistakes. If there is unforgiveness in our hearts, the enemy will always try to take over our lives, preventing us from creating a new life with Jesus.

5. Believe That God Will Restore You

His grace is sufficient in receiving redemption for our sins. In times of trouble and weakness, we can trust that God can give us comfort and rest. He will lift and restore us so we can lead the life He wants for us even after we have sinned.

A Prayer For Healing After An Abortion

Lord God,

I see how my involvement in abortion has allowed the adversaries of anxiety, remorse, humiliation, and resentment to enter my life. I’m confessing my sin to You and seeking Your forgiveness today for my involvement in it. Please deliver me from the agony of fear and misery in this aspect of my life, and mend my wounded heart.

Please help me forgive myself and others for any remorse, resentment, and hatred toward them and myself. I did not fully comprehend what I agreed with at the moment of my life, but I want to go forward in peace. Thank You for healing me with Jesus’ blood and restoring me through Your Holy Spirit and unending love.

Please help me be free of the influence of a spirit of destruction and death that has entered me due to my abortion participation. If the tragedy of abortion has affected my physical health and body in any manner, I humbly ask for Your help in restoring it as well.

Please help me seek reconciliation with my child’s father or mother and determine how to proceed properly. As I receive Your grace and freedom, I pray and hope that You will also employ me to free those in the same predicament as I was. Thank You for Your compassion and graciousness toward me. In Jesus’ holy name, I pray.

Standing alone in a desolate field, a mother's silhouette is outlined against the vast expanse of a starry night sky

Closing Thoughts

The healing power of Christ Jesus does not only cover our past but also extends to our future. With this in mind, it can be tempting to relapse into our old ways when we are in a pickle and when it seems that the only way to escape is to do something against God’s law.

Whenever this happens, we can pray to God for wisdom and strength so we may not sin further and go astray after repenting. Sure, you will not be the same person you were before, but trust that God has forgiven you and will use your pain to strengthen you and inspire others.

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