The teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad are frequently linked to the Islamic faith. However, many people are interested in how Islam and Christianity relate to one another, especially in light of their divergent perspectives on Jesus Christ.
Muslims acknowledge Jesus as a powerful prophet and God’s messenger, even though the two religions have different views of Him. Muslims and Christians share most of the fundamental elements of Jesus’ story. However, there are undoubtedly some variances. In Islam, Jesus was a messenger of the Almighty God who brought a message to His people.
Do Muslims Believe In Jesus Christ?
Interestingly, in the Qur’an, Jesus is the only one of God’s prophets and messengers to have been given the title of al-Masih, or Messiah[1]. The Anointed One is a translation of the phrase. “Mash” has a touch-related origin because it signifies “to touch.”
We also hold many similar beliefs, including the virgin birth of Jesus and Mary, a deep reverence for the mystery of God, love for Jesus, and a readiness to draw wisdom from His example as we seek fulfillment in God.
This is connected to the healing touch of Jesus as He would treat those suffering from various illnesses. Al-Masih also discusses the eschatological significance of Jesus’ second arrival. But rather than in the Qur’an itself, a lot of the literature on the Hadiths discusses the eschatological importance of Jesus.
Who Is Jesus For Muslims?
One of the five greatest prophets of God, known collectively as the “Ul al-Azm,” or the Possessors of Steadfastness in Islam, is Jesus; peace and blessings be upon Him. Additionally, Jesus was a historical person who existed in the first century AD in Roman Judea.
When Angel Gabriel showed up to Mary, He responded, “This is how God creates what He wills: When He has ordained something, He only says, “Be,” and it is” (Quran 3:47). Jesus was fatherless when He was born to the Virgin Mary in Islam and Christianity. But Jesus is neither God nor the Son of God in the eyes of Muslims.
The gospel, or the Injil, is the name of Jesus’ message. He performs miracles and heals people, as is customary in the Christian tradition. He restored life to the dead and provided sight to the blind. Jesus is credited with other miracles in the Qur’an. Jesus, for instance, uses clay to create a bird that He breathes life into before speaking from His cradle.
What Implications Do These Additional Miracles Have?
Each of these miracles happened for a reason. Let’s use Jesus’ proclamation from His crib as an illustration. When Mary brought the newborn Jesus to her folks after His miraculous birth, they accused her of adultery. Mary remained silent and pointed to the infant as if to say, “Do not ask me; ask the baby.” They exclaimed, “Mary, you have committed a terrible thing.” When the crowds questioned how they could address a baby, Jesus began to speak.
Muslims also think that Jesus is one of the five special messengers of God and that He will come back to establish justice in the world. This is referred to as “the descent of Jesus” by Muslim theology. Jesus’ eschatological return is distinct from that of the other prophets of God.
How Is Jesus Perceived In Islam?
The Quran mentions Jesus, or Isa, 25 times, yet each mention differs. The Quran calls Him Isa ibn Maryam, or Jesus, son of Mary; it also calls Him ruh min Allah, “Spirit from God,” mushia bi’l baraka, “the Messiah—someone blessed by God,” kalimah min Allah, and rasul, “Prophet-Messenger of God.” The Quran explains that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary and is “highly honored in this and the next world.”
Jesus Is A Significant Character In Islamic Society
First, Jesus is regarded as a significant character in the Quran. The Quran’s fifteen Surahs have ninety separate verses that use His name. As a result, He is highlighted in Islam’s holy book. He is given more honorific titles in the Qur’an. He receives more titles than any other historical character. For instance, the Quran refers to Jesus as a sign, a witness, a mercy, an example, and a righteous person.
Infant Jesus Was A Being Who Was Created
Although Islam maintains that Jesus was of virgin birth, they also hold that He is a created creature rather than God the Son. According to the Qur’an, Jesus is like Adam in the eyes of Allah. He was made from dust, and after being told to “be,” he appeared (Surah 3:59). There is significant ambiguity in this verse. Muslims interpret this to mean that Allah created Jesus. However, “he” might be Adam, whom the Bible claims to have made from dust.
Jesus’ Miracles With Allah’s Permission
According to Islamic belief, Jesus performed miracles while He was on earth. The Qur’an claims that because Allah permitted it, He could do miracles. Jesus is distinct from Muhammad, who was not said to have performed any miracles. But for Jesus to perform these miracles, Allah had to approve.
Although A Prophet, Jesus Was Not The Son Of God
Muslims believe that Jesus was a divine prophet but not the Son of God. In actuality, Islam regarded Him as a lesser prophet than Muhammad. Islam regards Muhammad as the final and most important prophet. Islam and the Quran make it very apparent that Jesus was not God’s Son but a prophet of Allah. He is the “seal of the prophets.”
Jesus Was A Prophet Of Islam
Muslims consider Jesus to be an Islamic prophet. He was an obedient Muslim or adherent to Allah. He belongs to a long line of prophets that the Bible mentions. Abraham, Moses, and David are examples of this. All of them are regarded as prophets of Islam. Jesus is merely a prophet, though. He is not, in fact, the Son of the Almighty God, according to Islamic teachings. Their stance is evident.
Why Is It Important For Christians To Understand Who Jesus Is In Islam?
The belief that God raised all living beings, the existence of God or gods, the purpose of human life, the issue of evil, and the ultimate fate of humans are all things that various religions claim to have “truth” in. All of these stand in stark contrast to the Christian faith, which asserts that it holds the truth and provides proof.
Despite being the most recent, Islam is the second-most popular religion after Christianity. One-fifth of the world’s population, or over one billion individuals, identify as Muslims. This fact alone should motivate Christians to have a basic understanding of the Muslim faith. Islam is here to stay, so it’s a good idea to understand some of its core principles.
There are many non-Christian religions around the globe, including Islam. However, there are several reasons why Christians should research this particular faith. Although it is the newest of the world’s major religions, it is the second most prevalent after Christianity. We should have some knowledge of this faith just for this reason. Additionally, conversions to Islam are constantly sought after.
Muslims are actively participating in society. It is constantly expanding in both size and influence. The Bible claims that we are engaged in a spiritual conflict. Islam would fall under the group of non-Christian religions that we are combating. Therefore, in our battle to win over adherents of Islam, we must employ the spiritual tools that the Lord has given us.
The Qur’an makes numerous references to the Holy Spirit. For instance, according to the second chapter of the Qur’an, God backed Jesus by sending the Holy Spirit. Islamic commentators disagree on the definition of the Holy Spirit. Some claim that it alludes to Gabriel.
Early Muslim scholars believed that the word “gospel” was meant when the Holy Spirit was mentioned in the Qur’an. The Almighty God provided Jesus with the gospel’s power in this reading. Thus, “ruh Allah,” or the spirit of God, is what the Qur’an and the gospel are.
Another group of ancient academics perceived it as the most potent holy name by which Jesus was able to raise the dead. According to some readings, it is “the pure spirit of God,” while others believe it is a sense of God’s presence. The divergent views on the subject are evidence of its significance as one of the Qur’anic text’s most potent ideas.
The Bible encourages believers to be aware of their beliefs and their reasons. We can more clearly comprehend what we think and respond to Muslim concerns by contrasting our views with those of Islam. Therefore, Christians who believe in the Bible must grasp the Islamic faith for various reasons.
Last but not least, Jesus does not speak in an Islamic way. The Quran’s interpretation of Jesus and the New Testament’s account of Him cannot coincide. The description of Jesus provided by the eyewitnesses is accurate. This is not found in the Quran, but only in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
In conclusion, Muslims highly regard Jesus Christ as a prophet and God’s messenger, even though their view of Him may differ from that of Christians. Jesus is a central figure in Muslim religious heritage, and followers worldwide continue to be motivated and guided by His teachings and example.
While Christians and Muslims may hold different views and opinions regarding the nature of Jesus and His role in salvation, there is much that unites these two religions in their mutual love and respect for this remarkable individual. Despite our religious beliefs, we should still worship God.