Do Catholics Believe In Jesus? Exploring Catholicism’s Relationship With Christ

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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Catholics represent one of the biggest Christian groups globally. Their faith draws from both the Old and New Testaments, affirming the existence of Jesus Christ as a factual historical personality[1]. The core of Catholicism places great importance on honoring Jesus as the Son of God and the redeemer. Therefore, questioning if Catholics have faith in Jesus is a reasonable inquiry.

The answer to this question is yes—Catholics firmly believe in Jesus. They accept his life, death, and resurrection as fundamental aspects of their faith, believing that Jesus died for humanity’s sins before rising again three days later. Through these acts, Catholics have held on to hope for salvation for more than two thousand years since Jesus’ time on Earth.

What Do Catholics Believe?

Catholics believe in Jesus, and it is the foundation of their faith. The Bible gives us an understanding of who Jesus is and his purpose for coming to earth. Catholics believe that Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin, Mary. He lived a sinless life and was crucified on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Jesus rose from the dead after three days to give victory over death, hell, and the devil’s power over mankind.

Major Beliefs Of Roman Catholics

The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Jesus’ death and resurrection are at the center of Catholic beliefs. Catholics believe that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of mankind, taking upon himself the punishment for sin so that we could be freed from condemnation and able to live a life with God. They also believe in his physical resurrection, which is seen as a sign of his power over death.

The Virgin Birth

Catholics also hold to a belief in the virgin birth of Jesus, which is not only taught in Scripture but also an important tenet of their faith. The virgin birth signifies Jesus’ divinity; it implies that he was more than just a man but instead had divine origins from only God himself. This belief underscores the importance of Jesus and his unique place in human history.

The Nature of God

Catholics believe that only one God is an infinite and eternal being, existing in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This Trinitarian understanding of God implies that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each fully divine yet equal in power and authority.

The Importance of Good Works

A key part of Catholic beliefs is that good works are essential for salvation; faith alone does not suffice, as faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Doing good works does not earn salvation but instead demonstrates a person’s faith in action. These works can include acts such as prayer, fasting, visiting the sick, giving to the poor, and other charitable acts.

The Sacraments

Catholics recognize seven sacraments in a Catholic mass that were instituted by Jesus himself and are visible signs of grace from God. These sacraments include baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, penance and reconciliation, anointing of the sick, holy orders, and matrimony. The purpose of these sacraments is to help believers grow in their faith journey with God while also strengthening their connection with him.

inside a cathedral with jesus on the cross

Do Catholics Believe In Jesus?

Yes, Catholics believe in Jesus and consider him the Son of God and part of the Holy Trinity. According to Catholic belief, he is the Messiah sent by God for humanity’s salvation. Through his death and resurrection, all people have the possibility of redemption and eternal life with him in heaven.

The basis of the Catholic faith comes from the teachings handed down directly from Jesus Christ himself to his apostles (the twelve), who were tasked with spreading his message throughout the world. Catholics accept that these teachings are infallible and can be found in scripture and tradition. As such, Catholics view Jesus as central to their faith, both historically and today.

What Do Catholics Believe About Jesus?

The Divinity Of Jesus

The Roman Catholic Church believes that Jesus is the Son of God and part of the Holy Trinity, comprised of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. This belief is rooted in scripture from the Bible and tradition handed down by Christ himself to his apostles.

It is believed that he was born into this world as a man but also had a divine nature due to his relationship with God. As such, he is seen both as fully human and fully divine at once, meaning that he could understand the struggles of mankind while still having access to all the power and knowledge given to him by his Father.

The Mission Of Jesus

Jesus came to earth with a mission of redemption and forgiveness for humanity. Through his sacrificial death on the cross, he paid the price for mankind’s sins and opened the doorway to eternal life in heaven. Catholics believe that by accepting his gift, they can live their lives according to God’s will and be saved from the consequences of their past mistakes.

Moreover, this act of selflessness allows believers to connect more deeply with God through Christ’s example of total dedication. Catholics believe that God sent Jesus to bring redemption and salvation to humanity.

As such, his mission was to preach the gospel of love and forgiveness to all mankind. He taught that everyone is worthy of a life of grace and mercy from God, no matter who they are or what they have done. This teaching serves as the cornerstone of Catholic belief today.

The Death And Resurrection

According to the Catholic faith, Jesus died on the cross in order to pay for the sins of mankind and provide a way for them to be redeemed in God’s eyes. It is believed that through his death and resurrection, Jesus conquered sin and death, making it possible for people to experience eternal life with him in heaven after their earthly lives had ended.

Catholics regard this momentous event as the greatest act of divine redemption in history, as it ushered in the possibility of salvation for all people.

The Teachings Of Jesus

Through his earthly ministry, Jesus taught many lessons that have been passed down through scripture and tradition to the Catholic Church today. The Catholic Church teaches the love of God and neighbor, humility before authority figures, obedience to God’s laws and commandments, and charity towards those less fortunate than oneself.

Additionally, he spoke about trusting in miracles and using one’s faith to overcome hard times. Taken together, these teachings serve as a guide for how Catholics should live their lives on earth in order to better prepare themselves for life with him in heaven after death.

Jesus As The Central Figure

Catholics consider Jesus the central figure in their faith, historically and today. They look to him for guidance and strength in times of difficulty, believing that he is always with them in spirit, even if he is not physically present. Additionally, Catholics strive to emulate his life and teachings as closely as possible so as to better understand what it means to be a follower of Christ.

What Should Christians Know About How To Approach This Subject?

The Christian Church should approach the subject of Jesus with deep respect and reverence for his role in our lives and salvation. We must remember that he is the Son of God, sent by him to bring us forgiveness and eternal life. As such, we must have faith in his teachings, trusting that they are infallible and true.

As the original Christian Church, we must also strive to emulate his example of humility, obedience, love, and charity as closely as possible in our own lives. At the same time, it is important to understand that Jesus’ mission was not just about salvation but also about transformation.

He came to transform us from within, changing our hearts so that we might live as Christ-like people on earth. This means living according to his teachings, walking in the newness of life that he offers us, and seeking to bring glory to God through our words and deeds.

Finally, as Christians, we must always remember that Jesus is more than just a historical figure; He is alive in our hearts today and working through us for the salvation of all mankind. We should approach this subject with an openness to the work that Jesus is doing in our lives, trusting that through him, anything is possible. By allowing him into our lives, we can find peace and joy on Earth while preparing for eternity with him in heaven after death.

empty pews inside a church


Christian churches believe that God sent Jesus to bring redemption and salvation to mankind. Through his death and resurrection, he paid the price for sin and opened the pathway to eternal life in heaven. As such, he is considered the central figure of the Catholic faith, both historically and today.

Catholics strive to emulate his teachings of humility, obedience, love, and charity as closely as possible so that they may understand what it means to be a follower of Christ. In embracing this understanding of Jesus’ mission and importance, we can find peace on earth while preparing for eternity with him in heaven after death.

1 thought on “Do Catholics Believe In Jesus? Exploring Catholicism’s Relationship With Christ”

  1. Thankyou it was very interesting to read about our saviour jesus Christ birth and resurrection,l am a catholic,myself thanyou


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