Why Is God Keeping Me Single: How To Embrace The Season Of Waiting

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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Currently, a significant number of young adults are keen on establishing their own families, with the latest and most comprehensive surveys indicating that this desire exists in over 90% of them. However, unlike previous generations, they are postponing marriage for longer durations. This shift is driven by a variety of sociocultural factors, some of which are beneficial while others are not.

You strongly desire a marriage relationship and are on fire for love, and you are persuaded that God has not blessed you with the blessing of being single. You might be wondering, “Why is God keeping me single?” There are valid reasons God is keeping you single for the time being, even if waiting for His perfect plan can be difficult. Your singleness has a purpose in God’s plan.

Why Is God Keeping You Single?

If you are currently single despite knowing that God wants you to get married, you may ask yourself, “Why is God keeping me single?” This might be one of those occasions when God does things in our lives that we cannot comprehend. He is aware of your desire for marriage and the difficulty of remaining single in the presence of other couples.

1. You Must Cooperate With God’s Plan And Timetable For Your Life As His Child.

Your life is part of God’s plan. You should believe that things don’t just happen in your life by coincidence if you hold this belief and know that God is your life’s author.

God is the one who created you, and while your life is a result of the actions and choices you make, it is also a result of God’s design. Everything in your life must be in line with God’s plan for your life as a child of God who has submitted their will to Him. And occasionally, that entails remaining unmarried even when you don’t want to.

2. He Is Defending You From More Suffering And Harm.

It is difficult for us to trust again after being harmed. We can develop cynicism and a phobia of being close to other people. Also, we have the propensity to judge everyone we meet against the one who injured us, making it very challenging to evaluate someone objectively or realistically.

God is aware that if we get married too young, we may make the same errors that got us into problems in the past, either by marrying someone similar to the person who wounded us or by selecting someone unqualified to be our spouse.

3. God Said That You Shouldn’t Compromise.

Don’t accept anything less than the greatest; God doesn’t want you to. If He provides you with a relationship right now, He understands that you might get someone who isn’t the ideal fit for you. Therefore, resist the urge to give in, even if it can be enticing. God wants you to wait for the wonderful person He has chosen. Have faith in Him because He is in control.

sad lady wearing beret cap leaning on table with mug and book and why is god keeping me single

How Do You Know If God Wants You To Stay Single?

Many Christians are unsure how to discern whether God wants them to remain single or marry. Sometimes they are unsure of which will exalt God the most. But not all Christians are obligated to get married. Like the Catholic priests and the Apostle Paul, certain people are called to celibacy.

1. Your Attention Has Since Been On The Ministry.

Religious leaders do not recognize the necessity of marriage because their entire lives are devoted to their God-given ministries. They have a love for God and His mission. They see this as the reason they are here.

2. Serving God And His People Makes You Happy.

Your satisfaction when serving God and His people indicates that He wants you to remain single forever. If the love you experience as a servant of God is sufficient for you to get you through tough times, the call of singlehood might be the cause.

3. You’ve Never Had A Romantic Relationship.

Not everyone who has never been in a relationship will remain single their entire lives, though. Some people merely fall in love again years later. This may reveal something about the health of your heart, though.

13 Reasons Why God Is Keeping You Single

God may be keeping you single so you can learn to rely on Him. When we are single[1], it is easy to feel frustrated and believe that getting married would improve our lives. When we have them, it’s also simpler to rely on a loving partner than it is to rely on God.

1. You’re the one who prioritizes other things over having a married life. We did not consider the possibility of getting married to a godly partner, even if the likelihood of doing so was higher, since we had other priorities besides marriage.

2. God desires you to focus on His mission and spend time with Him rather than worldly things. The Lord frequently gives single people responsibilities that a married couple might find difficult to carry out because of their diminished availability and mobility.

3. Before starting a new relationship, God wants you to let the scars from your prior ones heal. A person may carry severe past wounds from previous relationships into every new relationship they start. You should make the most of your current solitude to receive God’s complete healing and enrich your next partnership.

4. God is still preparing your love life. Therefore, He asks that you be patient. Even if it takes some time for their faith to develop, have patience since God is still working with them. Galatians 6:7 refers to the principle of sowing and reaping, and you must pray for the conversion of your future husband or wife.

5. While you are still single, God is preparing you for a more significant and challenging task in your future relationships. A marriage between two godly people is a powerful tool in God’s kingdom, but when it is coupled with Jesus Christ, symbolized by a triple chord, it becomes even more powerful. Remember that the preparation you must undergo as a Christian living alone will benefit you in the Lord’s work.

6. Our Heavenly Father wants you first to learn to embrace Him since it is easy to become preoccupied with human relationships rather than with Him. Putting God first is more crucial than maintaining any human connection as an idol. You can love your future mate more deeply if you learn to love God and put Him first.

7. To serve the Lord, you have been blessed with celibacy and are exempt from the challenges of marriage. “If any of you don’t have your own understanding, let that person ask God, who freely gives to all without holding anyone accountable, and he will receive it. The person who doubts is like a wave of the sea pushed and tossed by the wind, so let him ask in faith, without any hesitation” (James 1:5–6).

8. God is attempting to teach you something about who you are as a single person. Singlehood is a beautiful time for introspection and personal development. If you question God’s decision to keep you single regularly, it may be because He wants to teach you something about yourself. You should practice being more patient or controlling your temper. You should practice being content with what you already have.

9. God wants to prevent you from choosing the incorrect spouse for marriage. God wants the best for you because He is aware of your potential. Hence, He will ensure that whoever you marry is a good fit for you.

10. God is keeping you single so you can faithfully serve Him in the church and your neighborhood. Because they don’t have many obligations except work and school, single people have more time and energy to devote to their community. Serve now so that you can serve once you are married.

11. You still need to prepare for your future spouse. You must first learn to love yourself to be a decent husband. Every one of us is exquisitely made in the image and likeness of God. God loves us, and He wants us to develop self-acceptance to be ready for our future relationship.

12. God wants to use you to support others throughout their solitary seasons. It could help them to see other single individuals who understand what they’re going through. You may reassure individuals dealing with being single that they are not in this battle alone and that there is still hope.

13. You possess a special gift or talent that will blossom if you live a solitary life in service. As they don’t have any dependents to hold them back, single people are free to take advantage of other possibilities that come their way. So, God may keep you single so you can develop your gifts and become established.

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You can honor God with your life, whether you marry or remain single. Both are beneficial as long as the Lord is emphasized. Of course, the best course of action is to trust God and seek His guidance to determine His plans for you. You can accomplish this by asking God for guidance and wisdom.

Generally, the best sign that remaining single is God’s will for you is feeling at peace with your choice. You are not at odds with yourself, even if others cannot comprehend it. It’s because your heart and mind are filled with God’s peace.

2 thoughts on “Why Is God Keeping Me Single: How To Embrace The Season Of Waiting”

  1. I’ve been praying constantly & have been actively been acquiring a better relationship with my ⛪️ church & those around me. I haven’t had a truly loving & meaningful romantic relationship with a woman since the birth of my daughter and since I was involved in an accident around the ☀️ of 2015 in which I tried to walk across the street when I got hit by a drunk driver. I’ve felt the presence of God & am deeply seeking to have a romantic relationship with a spiritually like-minded woman ,but as of yet,God hasn’t brought such a woman into my life. How much more patience do I need to endure before God finally answers my prayer!!!??? ❤️🥰🙏🙏🙏🤔🤔🤔


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