Key Steps To Help You Have A Successful Quiet Time With God

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Published by Shannon Jacobs



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Spending silent moments with God involves deliberate prayer[1] and meditation on His Word, aiming to foster spiritual development and cultivate a bond with Him. It encompasses more than solely reading the scriptures; although, that remains a crucial component.

This intentional time allows us to spend quality time alone with God so we can get to know him better, be still before him, and appreciate his presence in our lives. Through this practice, we can learn to draw closer to him and understand what he has put into practice for us.

What Is A Quiet Time With God?

This is a personal spiritual discipline for Christians in which one sets aside intentional time to spend alone with God. It’s an opportunity for devoted followers of Jesus Christ to draw close to him through prayerful reflection on his words and presence. During this sacred time, we seek to hear from God by reading and studying Scripture, praying, and pondering how to apply it to our lives.

In the Bible, we find many examples of people who experienced growth with God. God called Moses to come up to Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights to receive instructions on how to lead the Israelites as they journeyed from Egypt into their promised land (Exodus 24:12–18). Jesus often withdrew from the crowds to be alone with his Father in prayer, and it’s clear that he found strength and solace during these times of solitude (Luke 5:16).

We believers also need evening or morning time with God. In his epistle, Peter wrote of the need to be “strengthened by God’s power in your inner being” (Ephesians 3:16). When we focus on Scripture and prayer, our spirits are lifted, and we gain strength through a deeper personal relationship with him. We can become more aware of his presence and develop greater faith in him.

God also wants us to spend time with him because he desires us to know him and his will for our lives. In Jeremiah, the Lord said, “Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom, or the strong man boast of his strength, or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord” (Jeremiah 9:23–24).

How To Have A Quiet Time With God?

Having spent time with God can be a significant and transformative experience. It is typically a time of prayer, reflection, Bible study, and meditation as we seek to draw closer to our Creator. While the specifics may vary from person to person, there are some key steps to help you have a successful time with God.

1. Prepare Your Heart

Before you even begin, take some moments to pause and set the stage. This can include praying, focusing your attention on God, or meditating on a Bible verse to get into the right frame of mind.

2. Read And Study The Scripture

Once you’re ready, start your time with God by reading a passage from the Bible. As you read, take note of any words or ideas that stand out to you—use them as prompts for further study and reflection.

3. Pray And Reflect

Once you’re done studying, spend some time praying and reflecting on what you’ve just read. Ask God to apply this truth to your life, and thank him for his Word. You can also use this time to ask him questions or share any concerns you may have.

4. Listen

Once you’ve finished praying, take some moments to sit in quiet anticipation of how God might be speaking to you through the words of the Bible or your own prayers. Hear God’s voice, and allow him to guide you in whatever direction he wishes.

5. Capture And Apply

Finally, take note of any lessons or insights God may have shared with you during your quiet time. Make sure to write them down so you can remember them later, and then apply these truths as you go through your day.

This moment can be an incredibly meaningful and transformative experience as we draw nearer to Jesus and his Word takes root in our hearts. By following these basic steps, you can experience the fullness of all that God has for you!

Why Is A Quiet Time With God Important?

This practice is important because it helps us draw closer to him and form an intimate relationship with him. It expresses our devotion, love, and surrender to God by taking the time to be still before him and listen to his voice. This allows us to receive personal guidance from him, granting us unique insight regarding our lives and how to live with purpose.

In Psalm 46:10, it says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” It reminds us that by taking the time to be with him, we become aware of God’s presence in our lives and understand who he is and his perfect plan for us. This can help us trust him more deeply, knowing that he will always be there with us no matter what we go through.

This time also allows us to draw closer to him by spending personal time in prayer, meditation, and reading Scripture. Praying helps us express our needs and desires to God, while meditating on Scripture gives us insight into His character, enabling us to gain a stronger understanding of who He is. Reading the Bible helps us apply God’s Word to our lives and act according to His will.

Taking time with God also brings power into our lives. James 4:8 (ESV) says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” When we take the time to draw closer to Him, His Spirit dwells within us. This fills us with strength, courage, peace, and joy, so we can boldly proclaim His love in every area of our lives.

man sitting on rock reading nd quiet time with god

What Do You Need For A Good Quiet Time With God?

A great starting point for having your quiet time bear fruit is understanding the purpose of spending time in this way. Quiet times with God should be about communion with him, listening to God’s word, and being still before him. It should not be about checking items off a list or trying to accomplish something. Keeping this in mind will help ensure that your time is meaningful and beneficial.

The next item to consider is making sure you have the right environment. Finding a place where you can be away from distractions and interruptions is important. This could be anywhere from your bedroom to a quiet corner of your house to a park or other outdoor space. Wherever you choose, make sure it is peaceful and conducive to spending time in prayer and Bible study.

In addition to the right environment, having the right tools available makes for a great time with God. This could include items like Bibles, devotionals, journals, and pens. Having these things available makes it easier to jump into God’s Word or record thoughts and revelations as they come.

Once you have the right environment and tools, the next step is to make sure that your heart is prepared. God should be your first love, so you must approach him with an attitude of worship and reverence. Take time to ask him for forgiveness and cleanse yourself of any unconfessed sin. This will help ensure that you can stay focused when you spend time with him and be fully present in your quiet time.

What Disciplines Should Be Part Of A Quiet Time With God?

Spending time with God should include a variety of disciplines that help us deepen our relationship with and understanding of him. While there is no single formula to follow, the Bible offers guidance in several key areas that can be adopted as part of regular practice.


The first discipline necessary for meaningful time with God is prayer. Prayer is the most direct way to communicate with God and can be used for both thanksgiving and requests. It is a powerful tool that demonstrates our trust in him and allows us to pour our hearts into him as we would with a close friend.


Another important discipline during a time with God is Scripture reading. We must first understand the Word of God in order to apply it to our lives. The Bible is filled with powerful and life-changing truths, so reading it regularly is essential to growing closer to God.


Meditation is also an important tool during your quiet moments. It involves focusing on Scripture, reflecting on its meaning, and seeing how it applies to our lives. As we meditate, we can ask God to speak to us and open our hearts to his will.

The Benefits Of Quiet Time With God

Having quiet time with God is an invaluable part of a life of faith. It helps us to slow down and spend time in the presence of God, where we can be still and know that he is God (Psalm 46:10). Quiet time allows us to reflect on what truly matters, draw closer to our heavenly Father, and receive the guidance, strength, and peace that only he can provide.

Having regular morning quiet time with God isn’t just about being still for a few minutes every day (although this is important), but it’s also about actively engaging in prayerful conversations with him. We express our needs and desires to God through prayer, but we also listen to God’s Word. As we listen, God reveals his heart and his will for us. We must be willing to sit in the silence of God’s presence and wait for him to reveal himself to us (Isaiah 30:15).

Having a quiet time with God helps us develop our relationship with him. It is an opportunity to express our love for God and receive his love in return. It is a way for us to discover more about who we are in Christ and an opportunity to deepen our knowledge of Him (Ephesians 3:17–19). We can also use this time to meditate on the Word of God and review any guidance he has given us.

Spending quiet time with God also helps us become more aware of the Spirit’s prompting in our lives (John 16:8–15). The Holy Spirit reveals God’s will to us and gives us wisdom, comfort, encouragement, and strength as we pursue it. As we spend more time with him, we become increasingly sensitive to his voice and how he leads our lives.

Bible journaling also holds great benefits when it comes to being in God’s presence. Through this practice, we can read a particular story or verse and jot down ways it applies to our daily lives. It also helps, as we can easily go back to our favorite Bible verses in times when we need inspiration.

Great Tips For Creating An Effective Quiet Time Routine

Creating an effective quiet time routine can be a great way to draw closer to the Lord while also creating a regular space in your life for spiritual renewal. To create an effective quiet time routine, several components should be present.

Create An Effective Quiet Time Routine

Do you feel like your relationship with God has been lacking lately? If so, creating a regular morning routine with quiet time can be a great way to draw closer to him and infuse spiritual renewal into your own life. Through carving out intentional space for spending time with him, you will find the peace and joy that come from a deepening relationship with him.

Not a morning person? That’s ok. As long as you’re intentional about spending quiet time, your entire day (regardless of what time it starts) will be filled with grace.

Plan Your Quiet Time

The first step in creating an effective quiet-time routine is to plan it out. Taking the time to plan ahead can help ensure that your routine is manageable, accessible, and purposeful. When planning your quiet time, consider the following:

  • How much time can you reasonably commit to spending in powerful quiet time?
  • What are the resources you will need or want to use, such as the Bible, journal, or devotional book?
  • What are the best times of day that work for your schedule and energy levels?
  • Would it be helpful to plan out specific activities for daily quiet times or just explore them as you go?
  • Do you need worship music playing in the background to help you praise God and create meaningful quiet time?

Create A Space

The next step in creating an effective quiet time routine is to create a space for it. Having a specific solitary space where you can retreat and spend time with the Lord can provide additional motivation to engage in regular quiet times. Consider the following when deciding on the best location for a quiet place:

  • Where is the most comfortable and peaceful spot in your home?
  • What kind of environment do you need to feel connected to God during quiet time (i.e., worship music or candles)?
  • Do you prefer being alone or having someone nearby while engaging in quiet time?
  • Do you need privacy for your quiet time, or would it be helpful to have others around?

Focus On The Word

A key component of an effective quiet time routine is focusing on the Word and having self-discipline. Reading and meditating on Scripture can help bring you closer to God and deepen your understanding of his truth. Consider doing the following during your quiet time:

  • Reading a passage or section of Scripture slowly and intentionally
  • Write down any keywords, phrases, or verses that stand out to you in the text
  • Jotting down insights, questions, and reflections that come to mind while reading the passage
  • Taking time to pray through the passage and its implications in your life

Be Intentional In Your Time

The final component of creating an effective quiet time routine is to be intentional in your time spent with God. This can look different for everyone, but some helpful practices include:

  • Taking time to listen to God’s voice and being open to what he is saying
  • Journaling about your prayers, thoughts, and reflections during quiet time
  • Taking pauses for silence or prayer in between activities
  • Being intentional with how you spend your time by carving out specific blocks for different activities (i.e., reading the Word, journaling, and prayer time)

Ultimately, your quiet time is all about you and how you want to communicate with God. If sitting still is not helpful, try spending time with the Lord by going on a daily walk. You can find peace and listen to God while relaxing by quiet waters or green pastures, or even when enjoying your favorite things. The most important thing is that you have daily quiet time.

bible and coffee on bed sheet and quiet time with god


Creating an effective quiet time routine can be a great way to draw closer to God while also creating a regular space in your life for spiritual renewal. By planning ahead, creating a space, and focusing on the Word during quiet time, you are well on your way to deepening your relationship with him.

With intentionality and practice, you will find yourself growing closer to God. You will experience the peace and joy that come from a deepening relationship with him.

1 thought on “Key Steps To Help You Have A Successful Quiet Time With God”

  1. Dear Shannon Jacobs,

    To me, this article is very useful as I want to be closer to God and want to totally surrender to Him. But I am still wondering how to discern the voice of God. Would you kindly tell me about this?

    Thank you.
    Best regards,
    Sudibyo M. Wiradji


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