Misplacing your things feels awful, particularly when you’re in a pinch to find them. Good news for Catholics: Saint Anthony is your undercover hero for locating lost belongings. He’s not limited to misplaced items; he also guards sailors, folks stranded at sea, pig farmers, the ill, the elderly, expectant mothers, and basically anyone who’s missing something.
Many Catholics believe that St. Anthony of Padua is a miracle worker. St. Anthony’s prayer for lost things has helped countless people find whatever they’ve lost, be it material possessions or even their souls. Jesus Christ granted him the gift of intercession so that the Father could hear our cries and requests.
- 1 Who Is Saint Anthony Of Padua?
- 2 Why Is St. Anthony Regarded As One Of The Best Preachers?
- 3 Why Does St. Anthony’s Statue Carry The Child Jesus?
- 4 Why Do People Pray To St. Anthony For Their Lost Items?
- 5 When And How Do You Use The Prayer?
- 6 What Are The Catholic Prayers To St. Anthony’s Prayer For Lost Things?
- 7 Other St. Anthony Prayers
- 8 Summary
Who Is Saint Anthony Of Padua?
Saint Anthony of Padua[1] was a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest who lived from 1195 to 1231. At the age of fifteen, Anthony joined the Augustinians in Lisbon. His patronal feast falls on June 13. The son of a wealthy family, he rose to prominence in Portugal and Italy as a powerful orator.
As a result, he was dubbed the “Hammer of Heretics” for his ability to convert heretics using the Holy Scriptures. Pope Gregory IX described Anthony as a “jewel case of the Bible” after hearing him speak and ordered him to compile his sermons into a book called Sermons for Feast Days. Pope Gregory XVI referred to him as “the Ark of the Covenant” when he canonized Anthony as a saint in 1232.
Saint Francis of Assisi entrusted St. Anthony with instructing young seminarians preparing to be ordained into the Franciscan Order. Many believe him to be one of the best medieval preachers. But his intercession is often cited when something is lost, much more than his brilliant preaching.
Why Is St. Anthony Regarded As One Of The Best Preachers?
In various ways, Anthony preached the idea and beauty of the natural world. The Franciscan preacher drew from nature to illustrate his points. For instance, he likened the Virgin Mary to an elephant in one of his analogies.
In the same way that an elephant is afraid of the tiniest mouse, Mary is virtuous and exhibits a fear of sin, even if it’s small. It shows how much Anthony cared about the good in the world. It helps those of the Catholic faith better understand God and the nature of His goodness.
Why Does St. Anthony’s Statue Carry The Child Jesus?
Anthony’s humility and an occurrence in the latter part of his life are the most apparent reasons his statue carries Baby Jesus. After a long day of presiding at Holy Mass in Padua, Italy, he needed a place to relax. For 40 days, he adhered to a regimented schedule that included daily prayer, the presidency of Mass from 6 to 9 a.m., and more prayer.
After mass, he immediately proceeded to the confessional, staying there until the wee hours of the morning. After that, he did little more than relax and eat a little bit of food.
Anthony’s brothers drove him to Camposanpiero from Padua, only a few miles away. When they arrived at Count Tiso’s residence, whose life had changed because of Anthony’s preaching, he welcomed them with open arms.
Out of appreciation, he constructed a little house for his brothers. Anthony received a sleeping quarter to avoid resting on the ground. One night, while going by Anthony’s house, he spotted a blinding light emanating from the home’s interior. In a panic, he rushed into the room, afraid it might catch fire.
However, he saw Anthony with the child Jesus instead of a fire. Anthony asked Tiso to keep his spiritual encounter with Baby Jesus a secret until the end since Anthony’s heart was filled with shame when Tiso saw him with Jesus in such an intimate way. Although Tiso fulfilled his word, word spread once he told Anthony.
Why Do People Pray To St. Anthony For Their Lost Items?
When something’s lost or stolen, people offer a prayer to St. Anthony to recover it. This practice may be traced back to an occurrence in Bologna. A book of Psalms (the Psalter) is said to have contained Anthony’s teaching notes and remarks for his seminary pupils. Books were very expensive and hard to come by for most people before the invention of printing presses.
By leaving the order, a novice stole Anthony’s Psalter, which he brought back to his own home. When Anthony realized his book was missing, he prayed that the one who found or stole it would return it. In the end, God granted Anthony’s prayers. The thief returned the book and went back to the seminary. The Franciscan Friary in Bologna, Italy, now houses that psalter.
When And How Do You Use The Prayer?
Many people claim St. Anthony, as a patron saint of finding lost things, has helped many individuals in their time of need over the ages. When someone prays to St. Anthony with sincere faith and an open heart, God always responds in some way. When God answers your prayers, rejoice and thank St. Anthony and the Lord Jesus.
Wait and continue to pray until God grants your request. They may not happen simultaneously or on the day you asked for their fulfillment. God created everything, including what’s in store for your life, so be patient and wait on Him!
Make sure you recite St. Anthony’s Prayer with trust and sincerity, as well as the specifics of your needs and requests. Some individuals believe that saying the prayer in the evening increases their chances of discovering their misplaced belongings. Others believe that praying while kneeling on the consecrated ground beside a statue or portrait of St. Anthony is helpful.
What Are The Catholic Prayers To St. Anthony’s Prayer For Lost Things?
Over the ages, several prayers for St. Anthony have been composed. There are several variations of the prayer, but they all implore St. Anthony to assist them in locating the thing they seek. However, this is the most popular:
O blessed St. Anthony,
The grace of God has made you a powerful advocate for all our needs and a patron for the restoration of things lost or stolen.
I turn to you today with childlike love and deep confidence.
You have helped countless children of God find the things they have lost, material things, and, more importantly, the things of the spirit: faith, hope, and love.
I come to you with confidence.
Help me in my present need.
I recommend what I have lost to your care, in the hope that God will restore it to me if it is His holy will.
You may also state your prayers however you want them, such as the ones we created below. There is nothing to lose. God listens to a faithful servant.
Version 1
St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things,
Your devotion and compassion for God’s creatures made you worthy of eternal life in heaven and miraculous abilities while on earth.
I beseech you to acquire for me: (state your request).
O gentle and loving Saint Anthony, whose heart was always filled with human compassion, speak my desire before the Baby Jesus you hold in your arms, and my heart will always be grateful to you.
Version 2
Oh, St. Anthony, a perfect imitator of Jesus,
Please allow me to find (name your petition) that has been lost.
Thank you.
Restore at the very least my mental tranquility, which has harmed me more than any of my worldly losses.
I beg of you to always remain in God’s genuine goodness.
Let me give up everything to keep my ultimate goal, God, in my life.
Let me never lose my most prized possession, everlasting life, in God’s presence.
Other St. Anthony Prayers
Saint Anthony’s intercession goes beyond restoring lost objects. Hence, you may also pray when you feel lost and have no peace of mind. Ask St. Anthony for God’s providence and eternal glory to lead you to a more spiritual path and receive eternal life with the Lord.
Prayer For The Lost Soul
Wondrous Saint Anthony,
Glorious for the fame of your miracles, you had the happiness of receiving in your arms our blessed Lord as a little child.
Obtain for me from His mercy this favor that I desire from the bottom of my heart: (state your petition).
Since you were so gracious to poor sinners, do not regard the lack of merit on the part of him who calls upon you, but consider the glory of God, which will be exalted once more through you, by the salvation of my soul and the granting of the petition that I now earnestly present to you.
As a pledge of my gratitude, I beg you to accept my promise to live henceforth more faithfully
according to the teaching of the gospel and to be devoted to the service of the poor whom you ever loved and still love so much.Bless this, my resolution, and obtain for me the grace to be faithful to it till death.
Unfailing Prayer To St. Anthony
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints,
Your love for God and charity for His creatures made you worthy when on earth to possess miraculous powers.
With this thought giving me courage, I ask you to get it for me (state your petition).
O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms.
The gratitude of my heart will be yours.
Shorter Saint Anthony Prayers
You may also recite the prayers created for him when encountering different circumstances in life. They are shorter and easier to memorize. Do note that, like any other prayer, you should recite it with the utmost intent and sincerity.
Prayer 1
St. Anthony, great wonder-worker,
Please intercede for us so that God may grant us our request if it is for the good of our souls.
Prayer 2
St. Anthony,
Please be our patron, our protector, and our advocate in life and death.
Prayer 3
St. Anthony,
Please be attentive to those who invoke thee; grant us the aid of thy powerful intercession for the grace of holy purity, meekness, humility, obedience, the spirit of poverty, and perfect abandonment to the will of God.
Prayer 4
St. Anthony, servant of Mary,
Please obtain for us greater devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
The life of Saint Antony is God’s sign that asking for what you’ve lost in your life must come with humility and sincerity. Those passionate about giving back can take a cue from this selfless Christian servant. Remember, you can ask for St. Anthony’s help at any time, even though St. Anthony’s patronal feast falls on June 13.
Most importantly, we should be thankful and reflect on what God is trying to teach us rather than focusing on the loss. When we ask God for something, we should also be ready to offer ourselves to Him. Obey Christ’s plan for our lives and put our trust in Him and others instead of ourselves.
Hi, after reading i shall like to download and have this prayer for my daily worship but i always ran into some problems. Downloads do not come out well. Can u help me. sincerely