Does Jesus Have A Last Name? Unraveling The Mystery

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Published by Kenneth Garcia


Co-Founder of Biblekeeper, Author & Theologian

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Jesus has emerged as an iconic figure whose legacy spans across ages and cultures, driven by his life, teachings, and enduring impact on human history. Amidst the numerous discussions surrounding Jesus’ divine nature, teachings, and significance, a basic question often remains unaddressed. What is Jesus’ last name?

The lack of a surname encourages us to look more into the historical and cultural quirks, naming trends, and linguistic complexities that have influenced our perception of this important religious figure. To better understand Jesus’ identity, we should remove the layers of time and cultural development.

What Are Jesus’ Most Common Names?

Biblical nomenclature serves as more than mere identifiers; it embodies a profound narrative and carries significant messages. Jesus, in keeping with this tradition, possesses names of exceptional meaning, each providing a window into His life and character.

The Christ

Christ is not always considered to be Jesus’ surname. The name most frequently added after his name is Christ. The word’s origins can be found in the lengthy tradition of anointing kings to prepare them for their regal duties.

It is easier to recognize Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures when written in Greek since it frequently includes the definite article (“the Christ”).

Almighty God

The word “God” (theos) is most frequently used in the New Testament to refer to the Father. However, the Bible refers to Jesus as “God” nine separate times. The letters of the New Testament also refer to Jesus as God several times, and John’s Gospel[1] even refers to Jesus, the Word of God, as the “only begotten God.”


The Greek term “kurios,” denoting “Lord,” is a linguistic gem with diverse facets of meaning. Remarkably, the translators of the Septuagint, responsible for rendering the Old Testament into Greek, selected “kurios” to encapsulate the Hebrew word, YHWH.

Beyond a mere title, the Greek word “kurios” can encompass various connotations, from conveying respect to signifying “lord,” “master,” or even “sir.”

Son, Son Of God, Only Begotten Son

This context is taken into consideration when the New Testament refers to Christ as the Son of God: Christ is the more excellent David and the genuine Israel. Jesus is the eternal Son of the everlasting Father and the Davidic Son. Jesus is aware of being the Son of God, especially.

The Bible’s use of “Jesus Christ” encapsulates a compelling message, portraying Jesus as the Chosen One, the Messiah—an embodiment of divine selection and fulfillment.

Son Of Man

The title “Son of Man” was Jesus’ preferred one for himself, which implies Christ’s humanity during His time here on earth. The Son of Man figure is revealed to be both divine and human in the completeness of revelation in Christ.

The Gate

We also often see Jesus referred to as the gate. Consider the passage, “Truly I say to you, I am the gate for the sheep. The sheep have not paid attention to the thieves and robbers who have gone before me. Whoever comes in through me will be rescued. I am the gate. They will enter and exit the building and find pasture” (John 10:7-9).

High Priest

Such a high priest, spotless, faultless, pure, set apart from sinners, and raised above the skies, fills our need. He does not have to continually make sacrifices, first for his sins and then for the people’s sins, like the other high priests do. He sacrificed himself to atone for their crimes once and for all (Hebrews 7:26–27).

dirty hello my name is mug on the ground

Does Jesus Have A Last Name?

Acts 18:5 contrasts the title Christ with the name Jesus: “Paul was occupied with the word, testifying to the Jews that the Christ was Jesus.” In other words, Paul’s teaching at the time was focused on demonstrating that the Messiah (the Christ) was Jesus. The person known as “Jesus” carried out the predicted role of Christ in the Law and the Prophets.

Jesus does not go by the name Christ. In those days, nobody had last names. Instead, they were recognized in other ways if they had a common name. The hometowns of other people allowed for identification. This was a common way to describe Jesus. He was often referred to as “Jesus of Nazareth” in conversation.

Why Didn’t Jesus Have A Last Name?

Jews did not traditionally use official family names to identify individuals from one another during the time of Jesus. Few people in the area or culture used last names because they were uncommon. Instead, until the first name was widely used, Jews would address one another by their first names.

Most likely, a distinguisher would have referred to Jesus, since His first name was common at the time. For how Peter was referred to as “Simon, son of Jonah” in Matthew 16:17 and “James, son of Zebedee” in Mark 3:17, many people would point to his parentage and most likely call him “Jesus, son of Joseph” or “Jesus, son of Mary.

When Did Jesus Become Jesus Christ?

The journey of the title “Christ” about Jesus is a fascinating one. It wasn’t frequently used during His earthly ministry, but it gained remarkable prominence after His triumphant resurrection and ascension to heaven.

Post-ascension scriptures, such as 2 Peter 1:1, Ephesians 1:1, Jude 1:1, and Revelation 1:1, substantiate this shift and provide significant insight into this development.

The term “Christ” is a treasure trove of theological depth, signifying the “Anointed One” or the “Chosen One.” When biblical authors invoke “Jesus Christ,” they artistically construct a narrative that powerfully accentuates His role as the Savior and God’s chosen servant, leaving no ambiguity about His identity as the Messiah.

hello my name is stickers in blue and markers on a table


The investigation into the issue of whether Christ Jesus has a last name has, in the end, taken us on a fantastic journey through history, language, and faith.

Our understanding has evolved as we delved deeper into the complex web of ancient naming customs, language shifts, and external cultural influences in Jesus’ era, highlighting the need for a last name to harmonize with that context.

However, one thing that always remains the same is the significance of Jesus’ teachings and the principles he upholds. The absence of a traditional last name reminds us that some realities go beyond categories, and words alone cannot adequately capture a person’s essence.

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