Embracing The ABCs Of Salvation For A New Beginning

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Published by Kimberly Wall


Co-Founder, Disciple Group Leader, Author

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The “ABCs of Salvation” represent an easy-to-understand and widely utilized guide for explaining the fundamental steps toward embracing and receiving salvation according to Christian beliefs.

Salvation[1], an age-old idea that transcends cultural boundaries and religious restrictions, encapsulates the longing for freedom from the bonds of imperfection and the search for ultimate significance among believers.

The significance of the ABCs of salvation lies in their collective power to bring about spiritual transformation. These simple yet profound principles shift the believer’s perspective, leading to a renewed sense of purpose, hope, and inner peace.

What Are The ABCs Of Salvation?

The ABCs of salvation stand for admitting, believing, and confessing. It is a straightforward method for leaders and churches to train parents and volunteers to share the gospel with children. Many Christian websites, books, videos, and boards use this simple structure to teach kids the gospel.

A Is For Acknowledgement

The first step in the ABCs of Salvation is to acknowledge (or admit) one’s need for Christ. This involves recognizing one’s sinful nature and understanding the separation it creates between humanity and God. We must also accept that we have flaws and understand why forgiveness forms the foundation for a life-altering journey.

What truly counts is our readiness to acknowledge our deeds and seek to make things right when we go astray. Seek inspiration from Romans 3:23, where the echo of our human imperfection and shortfall is met with the resounding truth that salvation is a divine offering from God. Within the same book, Romans 6:23 acts as a poignant reminder that while the shadow of death lingers as a consequence of sin, the radiant promise of eternal life awaits us through our Lord Jesus Christ.

B Is For Belief

Believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose again. God’s affection for you shone so brilliantly that He dispatched His own son, Jesus Christ, to Earth, a celestial architect crafting your path to salvation. As you firmly anchor your trust in Him, the key to everlasting life unlocks before you, a radiant promise waiting to be claimed. Take heart, for in the realm of forgiveness, there are no boundaries, no matter the weight of your transgressions.

Moreover, there is no pit so deep that God’s love cannot go deeper: “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him will never die but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Jesus himself demonstrates his love for us in this passage: “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:6).

C Is For Confession

Confession serves as a public acknowledgment of the internal transformation that has taken place through faith. It symbolizes a commitment to follow Christ and live according to his teachings. This entails openly declaring one’s faith in Jesus Christ before others.

Declare your faith and make the decision to entrust your life to God. Embrace, through belief, the fact that Jesus perished on your behalf, was laid to rest, and experienced resurrection on the third day, precisely as the Scriptures proclaim. Follow the guidance of the Bible, which asserts: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your soul that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

little girl helping a boy with homework and abcs of salvation

Are The ABCs Of Salvation The Gospel?

The gospel is, at its heart, a story about good news. Stories interest children, yet it might be easy to condense gospel presentations into a formula where A+B+C = Salvation.

In its most basic form, the gospel is not the ABCs of salvation; instead, admitting, believing, and confessing are all biblical responses to the gospel. As important as it is for children to learn how to praise God in their reactions to the gospel, they cannot do so unless they first hear the message that should motivate a response.

While the ABCs of Salvation offer a concise framework for accepting Christ, the gospel itself is a multifaceted message that extends beyond these steps. The gospel encompasses a broader narrative of God’s love, his plan of redemption, and the restoration of all creation.

How Can We Be Saved Through The ABCs Of Salvation?

The ABCs of Salvation are three basic, easy-to-remember steps that illustrate the route of salvation employing trust in Jesus Christ, as he clearly stated, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one approaches the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

Admit That You Have Sinned

On occasion, acknowledging our errors can prove to be a challenging endeavor. The reality is that each of us is a sinner, incapable of achieving our own passage to heaven. Additionally, it’s worth noting that both John the Baptist and Jesus initiated their teachings with the call to “repent.”

How do we come to repentance? The first step toward repentance is genuine regret for our wrongdoings, admitting that we have sinned and fallen short. “For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, which is not to be regretted; but worldly sorrow produces death” (2 Corinthians 7:10).

Believe In Jesus Christ

Salvation is relatively easy. Jesus remarked, “Certainly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it” (Mark 10:15). A child places their complete confidence and faith in the strong arms of their Father. Similarly, we are called to submit our lives to Jesus Christ, trusting him and his accomplished work on the cross.

Jesus Christ, God’s flawless, innocent lamb, laid down his life and accepted the penalty destined for us, dying in our place. He paid for our debts and redeemed us from the power of sin and death.

Publicly Confess Your Faith In Christ

God played his part by sending his only Son to die in our place. He has given us salvation, the forgiveness of sin, and eternal life with Him in paradise as a gift. And we must accept this gift. We must confess our sins and have faith in God’s son, Jesus Christ, and his death, burial, and resurrection. Confessing with our mouths necessitates an open, visible activity rather than a secret, hidden, and hesitant faith. Everyone is free to accept God’s plan of salvation.

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While the ABCs of Salvation—Admit, Believe, and Confess—serve as initial steps towards embracing the gospel, they are not exhaustive in capturing its profound depth. The gospel encompasses the Kingdom of God, grace, transformation, and a call to live out its principles in our lives.

Today, you can accept God’s gift of salvation by professing your faith in Jesus’ accomplished work on the cross. As believers, we are called to go beyond the basics and explore the richness of the gospel, allowing its transformative power to impact every facet of our existence.

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